Why so much evil in the world... not fair

why so much evil in the world... not fair

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survival of the fittest


Because the truth is that life is often incredibly painful, and we as humans depend on each other for love and security in order to endure, and so giving love to other people is the most important thing you can do.

We sail through life trying to stay afloat, being changed by our experiences until we all eventually die, and the world keeps going.

Is that why my parents and a "medical professional" brutally mutilated my penis before I could even open my eyes?

How about you be thankful you were born at all, and they didn't poison you in the womb while they were at it?

FFS, I know people who are missing whole limbs and have less angst about it.

This. I wanna know how a uncut peepee feels like.

>le someone has it worse than you so you should be happy anyway maymay

And what's the alternative? Being depressed all the time? Go ahead. Or become a regenerative neurosurgeon, if it's that important to you. But don't just sit there and bitch.

The alternative is to realize that a great evil was done to you, accept it, and fight against it.

Diminishing someone else's suffering only serves to perpetuate a grotesque institution. Sad that mutilation is justified in such ways.

Thank u user. Texted my mommy I love her

Okay, cool.

So what are you doing on Veeky Forums about it, besides shitposting?

If nobody ever hurt each other, being pushed would be an unforgivable transgression. People's perceptions of good and evil depend on the times; in times of war, being simply raped instead of raped and murdered would be a favor. In times of peace, calling a man a woman on the internet is grounds for execution.

As the pendulum swings towards peace, less and less becomes acceptible. To many, you are the evil in the world.

For context:

You have a girlfriend. She has slept with 50 guys before you. You love her but wish she didn't sleep around. You would be satisfied knowing she only had a few dedicated relationships.

Change circumstances. Same girl. Has only slept with 4 guys in her life, somehow still managed to get with you. Why didnt you have her when she was younger and purer? if you met her before you could have had her as a virgin.

Change girl. She's a virgin. Somehow ends up with you. Except she had a boyfriend before you and sucked his dick. Oh the horror! Someone defiled my delicate flower! she was so close to perfect, but has had another man's dick in her mouth, and swallowed for him, and that changes my perception of her completely!

Basically, no matter how bad or good the situation, there will always be reasons to be upset about it. You need to learn to accept that as long as you can be happy and feel you will continue to be able to be happy, to spend less time thinking about specifics before you end up killing yourself thinking about how life is pointless and 7 year old girls will always be sold into sex slavery and men will beat their wives and people will abuse their dogs and those dogs will attack kids who get mind broken and end up medicated and have drug problems as an adult and think about how everything could have gone if it weren't for that one thing.

The answer, like everything else in life, is try not to think about it. However, don't let anyone try and tell you you're a horrible person for protecting your own mind by not thinking about it. "Like and share if you think setting animals on fire in dumpsters is wrong and do nothing and it means you literally flayed a cat alive yesterday", for instance

Sadists however should probably be killed, and unfortunately when a zero sum game means "profit at others expense", it's hard to tell who's who.


What? No, just drop that slut and find an actual virgin who hasn't sucked a dick

Then you find the same chick, completely a virgin, who has never had a dick in her mouth, dated a dude once in a long term and said she was waiting til she found the right guy to actually give it up. You are perfect. You are everything she is looking for! Except suddenly, she grew up not thinking about sex. realistically, it wasn't really a part of her life. Suddenly she still would consider having sex with you, but she has a very low sex drive and only really would actually be interested once a week tops and you would have to engage it with her every time

Still want her? You can't have JUST GOOD. It doesn't exist because good and bad are just human assortments of desirable and undesirable traits, except as people are so complex and nuanced, each bad trait definitely contributes to who that person actually is, their good traits, and why they are who they are. There's no such thing as winning, you just say "I am happy enough" and stop looking. If you'd be happy enough with a chick who slept with 20 guys in her teen years but falls madly in love with you because her exes all treated her like shit when she was just looking for validation and didn't know how, and wants to fuck you three times a day because she appreciates sex and doesn't have any STDs, well shit. If you're happy, I'm happy.

I'll take the virgin, thanks.

For what? Hope you weren't planning on having sex with her. Mindbreak porn isn't real, you won't turn her into your little sex doll that becomes obsessed with your cock.

Oops, she doesn't like how focused you are on sex and dumps you for a beta who actually has a low sex drive but loves her for her and would still love her if she had sucked a hundred dicks before she met him. World keeps turning. Your perfect virgin doesn't exist.

A lot of hypotheticals here, bud

Feels good desu. Sex and masturbation both feel warmer and more inviting, like your penis is getting a big hug. And you don't even need lube. And also your peepee head is protected from the cold winter ina big skin blanket. I hope that helps

>tfw going to partitipate in Foregen clinical trials

Any "evil" that has ever been discussed is a hypothetical "true" evil. If you don't want to discuss hypotheticals you're in the wrong discussion.

>tfw found virgin gf with high sex drive

Only problem is she cheated on me. user's right, there's always a downside

>How about you be thankful you were born at all

>forced into the world and immediately forced into excruciating pain from the mutilation

Yeah fuck you.

And that's just it; being her first only means anything to you. The next guy is just happy enough to fuck her. You can carry it to your grave and jerk off to popping her cherry as many times as you want but that doesn't change that the next guy she slept with didn't give a fuck that last guy she slept with took her virginity and he got your sloppy seconds. He was happy enough to fuck her and it was enough to piss you off anyways even though you were still her first.

So how much was it *really* worth?

>know multiple fat/ugly chicks who were virgins
>refuse to slay
>meet fantastic girl, loves games, loves sex, loves my dick, has drinks and goes wild with lust for me
>would never have been able to meet someone like that as a virgin anyways

I know it sounds like sour grapes but the reality is that a lot of dudes want the sex drive of an experienced woman with the purity of a virgin and it usually doesn't happen that way, because then you're spoiling your pure virgin and taint the idea of her yourself. Madonna-whore complex. Worth reading about

virgin gfs have the lowest cheating rates. You must have a micro penis user or you must suck bigtime

>meet fantastic girl, loves games, loves sex, loves my dick, has drinks and goes wild with lust for me

I met her but she cheated on me a year ago, told me last month on my birthday, and first saying she got raped then finally admitted she consented. Honestly just want to kms

The worst thing a woman can take from you is your time. Honestly, just be glad she revealed who she was before you were married with a kid and you realize she took a quarter of your entire lifespan away.

Honestly we went through so much together and she does so much for me that I can't doubt her love. I want to truly believe that she made a silly drunk mistake; the other times I've been cheated on I dumped them instantly but I wanted to marry this girl. I still do, and I'm still with her, but if there's anything I've learned it's that the human heart is truly fickle. Every girl tells you they aren't like the rest, until they are.. :(

>she cheated on me
Literally why does it even matter? Just be happy with her.

Good luck

>why does that matter?
Because cheating almost never happens just once