Entire family thinks I am gay because I've been lifting for years, tan naked in the backyard, autistic with nutrition...

>entire family thinks I am gay because I've been lifting for years, tan naked in the backyard, autistic with nutrition, trim all body hair, and have never had a GF

Reality is that I am just extremely insecure about that fact I am 28 years old and have still yet to ever have a GF. I don't even know what I am supposed to do, I cannot even connect with other people anymore. I feel like I am too far gone now.

Also, what do you guys think about Sumo-Deadlifts for hypertrophy?

You tan nAked when there's possibility that your mom would walk in?

Sumo's are alright you can really feel that shit in your legs but I don't think it's the best when you could just do a squat variation instead.

>would get mad when Mom asked when I'll get a gf
>she stopped asking years ago

Can I do pull-ups and curls on the same workout or is it too much for bis?

R u sure you're not gay? maybe you should let me fuck you to be sure

I do weighted chins and curls in the same workout

I keep chins in the mid-rep range (5-6 reps) for dat dat back strength, and do curls high rep range (8-12) for dat hypertrophy.

I mean cmon, it's not like anyone cares about bi strength anyways. Only reason to do curls is hypertrophy

Pullups and curls are fine on the same day, just don't go do 10 sets of curls, keep it to a normal amount.

But yeah, you know you're too far gone when your own mother stops asking if you're going to get a GF.

Think of it like this, she was once a young woman herself at your age, and she has most likely put herself in that position and realized you're incapable of getting one due to your personality, mannerisms, interests, looks etc.

24 yo and also single all my life. I'm at the point that I can't even fake that I don't cara that i've never had a gf. I'm also somewhat just like you. OP. I'm full of love but I keep sabotating myself and the rare opportunittes present. It gets easier? I'm lucky I have a loving family and do activities. But I just want a gf to talk stuff I othereide would never say.

Post a pic of yourself

>tfw /twinkface/
>tfw life would be easier if I was gay

Get on plentyofish, Eharmony or whatever the fuck else. Plenty of autistic females that will make more autistic children with you.

First though get the fuck out of your family's house, jesus

>tan naked in the backyard
>trim bodyhair

Sounds very gay to me

>walk in
>into a backyard

Spotted the fungus from Yuggoth

family knows best user.

Even if you're buttugly it's much easier being gay. I was a hated outcast but I would still get unrequested shoulder rubs and nap-cuddles from some tennis boys and track studs in couple classes. One time a shoulder rub went into a full on real strangle out of nowhere though. That freaked me the fuck out especially when I kept pleading and barking yet he gripped harder. Had to use the only martial arts move I ever learned to flip him over my back into the ground. No one including us ever acknowledged that day. The creepy jock went back to pleasuring me. Wish I had eyes in the back of my head so I could see how close to Patrick Bateman he looked in that fucked up moment.

Fuck you you fucking sad cunt

Just watch and study real social dynamics shits easy

>Just buy into some PUA scam, then you can pretend it helped and deny buyer's remorse like me!

what the fuck is wrong with you piece of shit

Your asexual then? Don't worry user. I'm getting there to.

What the fuck kind of story is that.

>buyers remorse
>implying you've got to pay for shit

If you spend hours watching their shit on youtube you're giving them money by wasting your time. That's enough payment to trigger a sunk cost fallacy and make you think all that time you lost must have been worth for something.

maybe endeavor to live by your self?

Its never to late, dont feel bad, game is rigged in favor of girls so dont beat yourself up.

Just relax, try to start some convos. Decide what you want from a gal and go for it.