Why is burying the dead something that transcends cultural boundaries, politics, religion, etc...

Why is burying the dead something that transcends cultural boundaries, politics, religion, etc. in almost every human culture?
What is it about burying a dead person that causes even the worst people to do so, even if it's in mass graves such as gulags/concentration camps.

Is it something that's core in human nature? Sanitary reasons?

Also can we just have a general discussion of burial culture around the world, or stories of people working together simply because of death?
I remember one story, of some battle in Italy in WW2. Where the British and Germans had a form of truce just so they could gather their respective dead.
How common is stuff like this in history?

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>Sanitary reasons

Because there is only so many things you can do to depose a rotting corps, especially when you are emotionally highly attached to it. Burning or burying are the top choices.

>almost every human culture
pajeets dump their dead into rivers
that's 1/5th of humanity out of the door

Pajeets aren’t human.

user not even 1/5 of Pajeets deposit their deceased in the Ganges. I think you'd be shocked at how few actually do.

Why would you post something so fucking stupid? Veeky Forums is not a brainlet board, /pol/ is that way --->

some burn them, but it's simply easier to bury the dead

Zoroastrians don't.

And Tibetans


What the fuck else are you going to do with a rotting carcass lying around? This is a serious question, not even insulting or trolling - do you have some sort of mental disability?

Eat them. From a purely practical standpoint, it is the most efficient use of resources.

enjoy your kuru lmao

>have tribe of around 75 people
>someone dies
>can't just leave him wherever because he stinks and he'll probably make us sick
>moving the body far enough into the woodlands takes too much work and brings unnecessary danger
>burning him uses up too many valuable resources (wood for the fire)
>plus it stinks
>can't just seal him in a box and leave him around because we'll eventually use up too much space
>can't eat him cause it's gross and the gods will punish us with disease
>I know! Let's bury everyone at an area not that far from the village so they won't stink up the place

Or something like that, probably.

Elephants bury their dead and revisit their gravesites, even for Elephants they never knew.

They don't really do that. It's a legend.

Do they actually BURY them though?
I mean, you need a big fucking hole to fit an adult Elephant...

yeah but elephants use big fucking shovels because they're big fucking animals

Their decaying body parts makes good bait if you are hunting carnivorous mammals.

Additionally like said, people are emotionally attached to them and humans don't really like getting rid of things they're attached to. Burying someone and marking the gravesite makes them feel like they're still around in some capacity. Stuff like Viking funerals make them feel like they're sending the body on a metaphorical journey instead of what they're really doing which is letting a burnt corpse fall into the sea.

Plus I think humans have always been very worried about what happens to you after you die, and destroying your body gives a sense of finality. When you bury it it's "out of sight, out of mind" and you don't really think about the fact that the body is rotting to shit under there.

Kuru only happens if you eat the brain, brainlet.

Cremation and Sky Burial is a true patrician way of going down. Too bad kike religions enforce burial. Not as bad as Pajeets at least.


t. medic school

Kuru only happens if you eat the brain infected with prion that causes it. It's not some divine punishment for cannibalism that just magically happens whenever you dare to eat your own species.
It's a mutation that happens to spread if you consume someone who carries it and it's just a coincidence that it happened to born in society that ate their own dead. If it happened anywhere else, it would have died off with the patient zero, and if it did not happen there they would keep eating their dead without any problems at all.