What is your opinion of Crossfit?

What is your opinion of Crossfit?

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Programming quality totally depends on the individual gym. Equipment is pretty dope across the board. Community is a shithole no matter where you go.

I think it's encouraging to get potatoes to become active.

Great but horrifically overrated for exercise
Useless for training (no vif management, no model for progressive overload, just random WODs)

It is basically anaerobic cardio. It is an expensive alternative to burpees

Whatever gets people off their couches is a good thing.

I love it. It gets me in peak physical condition. Kipping pullups activates so many more muscles and two person deadlifts just make more sense.

>Kipping pullups activates so many more muscles


This. I used to go to a crossfit gym because it was the only place with the necessary equipment to properly do olympic lifts. Unfortunately you were confined to classes, which included a warmup(which was a cardio workout on its own), "technique training"(which basically just allowed you to do the lifts you wanted at your own pace) and the WOD(which was another cardio workout. Sadly I didn't get what I wanted from the middle portion since I was winded from the warmup and had to conserve energy for the WOD, which I would just do with baby weights since I'm not looking to visit snap city. My buddy who's a former long distance runner was able to get a lot out of the program since the warmup and WOD wouldn't gas him at all, but for me all the cardio was immensely counter productive to the weight training.

You can hate all you want but did you see how epic the CrossFit games were? I've never seen so many people doing burpees on a field.

So overall, could crossfit train you better for military service than any other training avalabile?

Why didn't they just have open gym hours? That's so fucking gay. I'm trying to find a crossfit gym to practice Oly lifting at right now, and NONE of them have open hours. And of course, I'm an american, so there's nowhere I could find an actual fucking oly gym with an actual fucking coach.

Does it activate almonds too?

No. Do pushups, pullups, and run. They'll do the rest.

If you do more running on the side. Most gyms won't program much actual cardio like running. So do the WOD in the morning then go run in the evening, or alternate days. But yeah, crossfit is pretty decent for military prep.

I'm not hating.
I'm genuinely confused why you think you should activate your legs during pullups.

>activates muscles
Yeah I hate it when my legs aren't activated

Well is having a refined clean and jerk technique important for military service

Are people really taking this bait lol?

Because you can do more pullups that way

Oh, and I also never learned to do kipping pull ups and muscle ups which made some WODs pretty much impossible for me to complete. Anyway, the gym I went to was not nearly as bad as the horror stories you see online, there were legit coaches there who would go over the snatch and clean and jerk technique every single day if you cared to listen, and would also advise you to use low effort weights for the WODs to prevent injury.
I don'ty know since I've never been in the military, but as far as I'm aware you'll mostly want to do calisthenics and running for that.
>Why didn't they just have open gym hours?
Crossfit is a franchise, like McDonald's or Hampton hotels. They all have to adhere to roughly the same model, although from what I hear the quality of the instructors can vary pretty wildly.

Yeah fuck quality, amirite?

>refined lifting ability
Pick uno

Your workout is my warm-up bro.

If the goal of sport is to do a set amount of pull ups in as short as possible time kipping them is the most efficent technique or do you also say powerlifters should squat deeper than parallel in competition because "quality"

They already have potato strength, they don't need more.

But your average crossfitter isn't competing. Ostensibly they're trying to get fitter and stronger. So kipping is expressly counterproductive to that goal.

Good for conditioning, but not much else. Since there's no actual long term programming, it's unlikely that you're going to gain any muscle from it. Also, a lot of the things they do are just retarded and asking for injury (kipping pull ups, high rep deadlifts with a rounded back, high rep olympic lifts, high rep box jumps...)

Google the CrossFit games. You're welcome.

Dude I said the average crossfitter. Obviously in competition it's different. But those guys don't even do crossfit programming so they're bad examples for anything related to recreational interest in crossfit.

You're bringing too much logic into this argument, user.

>Google the CrossFit games

That's their only defense, this shit.

>Has never tried kipping

There's a reason gymnasts do it

What does hammering a tire actually do that other routines can't do?

I'm curious because it both looks stupid, and I saw Batman vs Superman recently, and Bruce Wayne was doing this.

If the average crossfiter wants to get better at crossfit why should they not do kipping pull ups?

It's chopping wood for faggots with no wood to chop.

Crossfit has the same injury rate as other strength based sports


Dude cut the bait.

I mean if that's their goal, okay. It's just pretty silly to say you want to get stronger and then do kipping pullups. But if you just want fast WODs then do whatever, I don't care.

The only reason for a man to have a crossfit box membership is because hes trying to get a crossfit chick.

I pay mine just to stroll in their "open gym" hours every so often

numbers errytime...
because Im probably the only one there above 200lbs and can diddly more than 600

>An injury rate of 3.1 per 1000 hours trained was calculated. No incidences of rhabdomyolysis were reported. Injury rates with CrossFit training are similar to that reported in the literature for sports such as Olympic weight-lifting, power-lifting and gymnastics and lower than competitive contact sports such as rugby union and rugby league. Shoulder and spine injuries

Well isnt the goal of any sport to get better at the sport?

>same injury rate
>lower average weight

Trip on boardie :^3

If you're interested in a throughout discussion of the topic I'm down. Just not gonna write a wall of text with zero (or bait) replies to it.

>create a meme routine
>create a meme "sport" for your meme routine
>hey guys, it's valid, look at the sport!

If I teach punching trees as exercise, and then create the Tree Punching Games, it's still a bad routine. Making a sport out of your shit workout isn't validation of credibility, it's confirmation of bein desperate.

Obligatory Crossfitkino


Another idiot brings up this study without any form of reading comprehension.

What do Olympic weight-lifting, power-lifting, gymnastics, and rugby have in common? They are competitive and considered sports. Crossfit is an exercise program. This form of exercise is as dangerous as Olympic weight lifting and more dangerous than rugby. Think about that. Why not compare it to other forms of exercise, say running or weight training? Because the numbers would show Crossfit injuries way outpace them.

Crossfit should be banned at all gyms.

Those are continental clean and jerks, that's how they're supposed to look


>endangers everyone else in the gym
>damages the gym
>smiles about getting guys fired for enforcing the rules
douchimus maximus

It's like wanting so bad to do a chin up and then giving up half way there.

>two person deadlift

i know you're baiting but the imagination of a 3m long bar with 20kg weight on each side getting lifted by 2 persons symmetrical gave me a smile.

>Crossfit not competitive
This year there were 324,307 registered participants in the game opens tell my how that is not competitive

Rofl, of those only rugby is a sport.

Comparing yourself to someone else who's performing as an entirely seperate event is not "competitive"

>High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) works, and Crossfit incorporates it well into the programming
>Equipment is bretty gud.
>Gets people off machines and onto barbells (this is why Rippetoe partnered with them originally).
>Group workouts encourage a competitive atmosphere. No one wants to be the guy who stops to rest first, so you push yourself more.
>One of the best ways to improve muscle endurance. A nice middle ground between cardio and traditional lifting.

>Community *can* be cultish
>Can easily be 5 times as much as a regular gym membership ($150/month)
>Crossfit certification can be achieved far too easily. Coaches can be unqualified.
>Competitive atmosphere is double-edge sword; can push yourself too hard and injure yourself.

Your experience will depend primarily on gym and coach
>Do they give you a good value for your money?
>Do they encourage good form?
>Do they drive you hard without sacrificing safety?

I’ve had a great experience because my coach is phenomenal, and it’s only $20 a month.
Your mileage may vary.

Though a lot of the criticism I see on Veeky Forums is valid, I think the biggest part of why we hate CF is because it is so social. We’re not looking for community at the gym.

There were 20,000,000 registered grass eaters, tell me how it's not competitive?

You literally COMPETE against 324,306 other people you mong

And you compete because it's competitive, right mr. Potato head?

First of all, most competitors at Crossfit Games don't do Crossfit.

Second, and more importantly, the injury rates in the aforementioned study wren't determined based solely on those entering the games. They were extrapolated from Crossfit gyms. Again, you are more likely to be injured doing Crossfit than playing American football or weightlifting, and the difference is quite significant.

Refering to your first point:

What exactly defines CrossFit?

>The purpose of this study was to determine the injury rates and profiles of CrossFit athletes sustained during routine CrossFit training
>routine CrossFit training

WODs aren't the core of crossfit, only gimmicky wannabe boxes.
Those are butterflies
Yes, being able to move large amounts of weight with endurance is a core strength in military capabilities, mostly for combat MOSs
Crossfit utilizes butterflies and weighted pullups. Kipping pullups are something retards do.
Other than box jumps in some retardedly made WOD, none of that is true.
Crossfit is literally just cross platform training. Sports (agility/endurance) training mixed with weightlifting.

What's bait about stating the fact that gynmasts use kipping pullups?

you may laugh

>Pic doesn't include cheerleading
>Cheerleading is the most dagerous sport by far


Stop using common sense

Exercise is usually better than not exercising, and since crossfit is often a group thing, a lot of people feel motivated by working out with others.
Usually expensive, higher risk of injury in general.

Like any other fitness plan, if you like the pros and are willing to deal with the cons, go for it, it's your life.

A cancerous cult.



You have to be over 18 to post on Veeky Forums

Are you legally retarded? "Activating" your legs doesn't have to mean kipping pull-ups. Mark my words, young friend: The strength always comes from the legs. No matter what exercise, you need tension in your whole body including of course your biggest and strongest muscle group. Think about the difference between Press and Seated Press. It's like nyte an day, bruv

Source your claim that cheerleading is the most dangerous sport by far.

>He can't use google


Without a doubt, cheerleading is the most dangerous female sport when we look at the number of catastrophic injuries.

Shit cult like community, shit programming, relying on stupid WODs and doing oly lifts for high reps as cardio.
I guess it can be good if you wanna drop some fat and improve endurance, but don't expect to get much stronger/bigger. And prepare yourself to get injured

I was a lifter for the uni cheerleaders for about 6 months
I can definitely see how that's the case, we got the girls up really fucking high. That said, assuming your back isn't an absolute mong you won't get anything serious happening
I've had to make a couple of catches almost behind my back when the throw was off

Women were a mistake.

His head is tilted but his face is straight. If he were standing upright then his face would be...
This nigga is FUCKED up

>do a set amount of pull ups
>kipping them is the most efficent technique
It's not a pull up though. It just isn't. It's a pull up in the same way that flopping around on the ground can be called jogging.

WOD will not consistently work out any muscle groups except abs.

Might as well just run.


Not even hiding the hook.

Kek'd and saved.

|disagreement box|

You better believe it.
