Losing weight

So, Veeky Forums I'm tired to be a fat f*ck what to do?
I went already in different gyms but since I'm lazy I never progress. I will to lose weight pretty quick, so again, what to do?

*my will to lose weight

*I lose my will to lose weight


>I'm lazy I never progress


I'm not talking about how to lose weight but a good motivation to continually doing it

Too lazy for that

Don't worry, the eventual health scare will give you plenty of motivation.

Health scare?

>Tired of being a fat fuck
>Tired of trying not to be a fat fuck
So what you're saying is, you're out of breath from wallowing in your own mass because you're mentally exhausted with who you are, but you're letting the physical changes push you away from the mental stability?

You're cucking yourself out of your own self respect. You've hit a new level of low. At least the fatties we weep over in /FPH/ threads make an excuse for being lazy, your excuse doesn't exist in the slightest.

So, gain your self respect and the respect of other human beings that know you're doing this shit, or go back to gaining weight, take your pick. At the end of the day, the only way some of us motivate ourselves is through people like you, because you're a walking "What if?" case.

That's actually a good motivation, listen having a low blood pressure(and i mean really low) might be an obstacle?

diabeetus, fatty liver syndrome, high blood pressure, or worse

pretty solid

>not reading the FUCKING STICKY

My blood pressure is really low,60-100


I was in a spot kind of like you OP
>always dropped my diets after 2 weeks
>lied to myself that it will be diffrent this time
I'm not sure OP if you want it bad
If you truly want to take back your life the first thing you should do is read the sticky
Then learn you don't need to follow a gimmick diet and don't really need to track shit like carbs at first
Just go under your calorie limit which you can find by looking up a tdee calculator
I hope you want to honestly see change user and not just lying to yourself. Everytime you want or think about stopping remember the piece of shit you are :)

Low BP can be helped with exercise in the legs. If it is due to general heart problems, less strenuous exercise goes a long way, but no exercise will only make matters worse.

If it's not a heart issue, then it will almost definitely be helped by a graduating exercise plan. Start low, build it up. Sure, it's boring, sure, you won't see shit immediately, maybe not even for six months, but if your blood can't pump effectively, strenuous exercise can do quite a bit of damage.

That isn't a leave to bitch out on exercise. This shit could earn you a few extra decades.


Just dont think about it much OP just do it stop being just a lazy faggot nigger

read the sticky you fat fuck

this is why you will fail, you are too dumb and lazy to make even the tiniest effort at actually improving yourself, instead you expect everything to be handed and spoonfed to you. You will go on a 'diet' for less than a week, cheat on it, skip exercises, then complain when you don't see amazing results and go back to your McDonald's filled lifestyle.

Pic related, your future

I was like you up until a month ago OP. It just all clicked for me that I was a dumb fat fuck and needed to lose weight. So I forced myself to work out and eat less. If you really want it, you just do it. You know you have to, so you do.

Once you lose it though, youll want to keep losing. Its been a month out and ive lost dropped from 300 to 280. So quit being a bitch, and take control of your life man.

Yeah, I already read it but I'm really asking myself why I'm so lazy it is not just my nature, and if you a sec to read my story maybe you'll understand. So:
>be me
>be a shy guy, really shy
>I went in elementary school
>bullied for being shy
>The only why i can feel good is through food
>then i went to middle school
>eat to feel good
>then high school
>I had bad thoughts, and by bad I mean suicidal, but I always found stupid to kill myself just because someone is mean to me
>I really wanted to kill my bullies but I'm genetically a good person and I discarded this idea too, I just ended up pushing my rage inside
>I have friends but somehow i keep losing them, I'm really scared to lose people that I consider friends but at the same time I don't really show myself to them.
>I'm really scared to delude people too, this started when my professors didn't want to give me the grades I deserve, my surname is a problem because all the professors are commies here and one of my far relatives was a great fighter against communist, when i had an average of 9/10 those professors reduce it to 6/10 or less I ended up not believing in myself, I didn't want to study anymore but i keep going not for me but for my parents.
>And I keep eating, because it was a relief for my sadness, even if deep inside of me I knew that it wasn't.
Now I'm here, trying to have a motivation to continue even if have plenty of motivation, but I feel worthless

It might surprise you but I don't like mcdonald

Change your habits then. If you feel depressed go for a walk or run instead of eating. The more you force yourself to do something the easier it will become. Right now, you are making excuses. I made them too. I used foo to deal with my father beating me. And then the abuse i got at school. But if you dont change now, You will always be in this cycle of depression, then eating, then getting more depressed. Break the cycle man, and become a better you.( also im the poster who just started losing weight, from 300-280)

Work out, like go to the gym or just cardio?

I run 3 days a week and lift 3 days.

Usually mon-Wed-Fri are my lifting days and Tues-Thurs-Sat are running days

It seems a good idea
I always start with this idea but then I don't feel to do it anymore, I'm scared of something but I don't really know what

You are probably scared of faliure. It hurts to see yourself fail, especially when youve seen yourself do it so much. But i know now if i fail, i can rebound and keep up my progress. you can come back from failure, and you can always change yourself man.

It seems a good idea too, but as I said I don't really bother if it is boring when I'm starting to lose weight and I do it repeatedly(once I lose 10 Kg) but half way I just stop, I'm scared of something but I don't know what it is

Maybe this is cause, failure is something that I can't handle, delude myself is what keeps me down, but tomorrow(here is night now) I will start no matter what

Listen to this man I too am a fat guy. I probably weighed in close to 315 when I started, and always told myself I was *just* 240. I only realized it a month ago when I stepped on the scale and it read 300 lbs. I just got back to the gym and weighed in at 275. You have to do it, even if you make excuses all the way. There are times when I tell myself "user, you're tired. You just worked all day. You don't have to go to the gym." Throw that bullshit away.

Once you start getting into it, it'll become your quick fix to stopping depression.

And remember user, even if you fail a thousand times at something, you can say you've done more than the guy who never tried it once. Failure is something that happens on your journey, and makes the success much sweeter.

Boys, we are going to make it. I believe in this, and i know we can do this shit. Lets go sweat our asses off at the gym and become better than we ever were

I'll try, but not just that i'll do it, I don't want to hide anymore

user, I know it sounds sappy, but look at how many people, on an anonymous image board, where nobody knows who or what you look like, want you to succeed. When you have a bad day, just remember that we're here, rooting you on. We're gonna make it, man. You're gonna make it.

All of you guys

it will most likely suck ass the first few weeks honestly. I know i hated every minute of it. I had to get motivation(luckily i had my qt 3.14 to help) but after those two weeks ive been doing it just fine, even when im sick and feel horrible.

those were both me XD

What country are you from?

Lifting is fun dude. Find enjoyment in it. I love seeing my muscles and numbers grow. There is almost no better feeling to see your self getting stronger and stronger.

Also what keeps me going is the upcoming right wing revolutions across the US and EU. 1488

Yeah I know I'm really melodramatic sometimes, but I really mean it.
I appreciate what you said
Yeah, I know the first days are a pain in the ass but after that i will feel better this was my problem but now I want to do finish this thing

I'll just say that i'm in Southern Europe and our diet consists normally in carbs

You better make it twice then senpai.

I'm trying, i work my damn ass off. I'm just glad ive had support from my friends and my grill

(Still OP here) Yeah, I mean is kinda fun, but I exercise too much my legs and not to much my arms and abdominal, I'm not like pear shaped but my legs are definitely too strong even if my legs look normal, my muscles are covered by my fat, i used the leg press(I guess it's the right name, pic related) and when I was in the gym I used to lift 440 lbs(200kg) 100 times.

holy shit i know what you mean. my arms were weak as fuck when i started. I started able to do 300 on leg press, 350 on ab machines, and 430 on back machines. but arms were like 80 at most

My arms are even weaker, I only could manage to lift 22 lbs, still a hundred times but i was devastated after that, and I'm still talking about when I was in the gym, now i guess it will be even less

Yeah it's the only thing good being fat can give you after you lose the weight
It's the reason why I like training legs so much because it's something I can do pretty good in (down to 170 from being 230)
Killer legs coming soon when we make it

Well, thanks to everyone, tomorrow is a big day and i want to achieve something, and take something else back. Good night

Your heart will pop before you hit 40 you fat fuck.

>I'll start tomorrow
No you won't.

It's 5:00 am here now, this was my first time in Veeky Forums and I spent 3 hours talking here, I need to sleep or I will never not have the energy if don't, read the whole thread

it worked for me at least

OP as someone who has never been interested in fitness and always mocked gymheads I started doing cardio and some ab workouts and push-ups and shit like 2 weeks ago along with correcting my diet and I have to say both physically and mentally I feel 100 times better. there comes a point where the feeling of hating how you look will become your motivation, wanting to be confident will be your motivation. literally just from losing a few pounds and feeling stronger and healthier even my social anxiety isn't as bad as it was. it's worth it OP, I wasn't "fat" to begin with but I promise you it's worth it

Eat less fatty

How is over eating even a thing? Lmao, like close your mouth and stop eating so much. Smh

Follow a legitimate program. I honestly recommend starting strength by Mark rippetoe. A lot of people like to treat it as a meme but it's a legit strength training program. Focus on the main lifts. Squats, deadlifts, bench press, and overhead press. Leg press is largely a may may.

read the fucking sticky
>a good motivation to continually doing it
hmm how about NOT BEING A FAT FUCK t. a fat fuck who's already doing it