Brandon Carter says I shouldn't bulk until I'm on my desired bodyfat percentage due to new fat cells never dissapearing...

Brandon Carter says I shouldn't bulk until I'm on my desired bodyfat percentage due to new fat cells never dissapearing, but my body isn't strong or lean, but this is the result of my cut for about 4-5 months and I've read alot about not cutting for too long for hormones, health etc.

I'm not big, im not very small but in the middle at the moment so I though I should do a lean bulk, 200-400 calorie surplus, for 8-9 months. This was my first real cut and I don't expect 1 cut to make me ripped.

Opinions on this?

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Here's his video btw:

you should bulk ASAP

not that you look bad but that midsection is bread

"Bread"? ^^

a thug would have ripped your tummy open if you started beef bro

Don't think so, wanna know my max crunch?

no one crunches in the jungle bro
why dont you tell me about you DL which is not even LMAO3pl8 bro

that was the joke... ._.

oh, was to good man, went over my head

brandon is correct, small and lean before fat and muscular, you can do it both ways but I think the most effective is small and lean first.
Alot of faggots on this site bulk/ encourage bulking to early beacuse they themselves get bored of cutting (because its harder) and quit early. If you cut correct you can still gain strength and muscle size.

You spend the entire time looking ripped if you do it this way, small and lean looks way better than fat and strong, and once you are small and lean if u bulk correct you never have to lose ur 6 pack.

>Alot of faggots on this site bulk/ encourage bulking to early beacuse they themselves get bored of cutting
yes, that why we advise building a base first, because its easier to cut AFTER you have built a base
>If you cut correct
nobody does this everybody fucks up all the time when they cut

You make great points, I would argue newbie gains counteract the building a base part, as long as ur form isnt full herp derp and you use compound movments that shouldnt be a issue.

>nobody does this everybody fucks up all the time when they cut

I did.... Its not that complicated just count your macros on a app I recommend My Fitnesspal OP

I speak from experiance, im not saying mine is the only way im just saying the drawbacks you mentioned didnt effect me to my knowledge

you look like shit in a shirt when your lean and still a novice

You will still look better than average, and you will look way better with ur shirt off than if you go the other way.

how often have people seen you without a shirt this year?

I see myself with out a shirt everyday and it makes me feel like a bad ass does that count?

Also when was the last time you saw people admireing a fatman with big arms?

Alot of great info here guys, thanks, but I think I agree more with building a solid base first without getting fat that is. This bulk will focus alot on strength, doing full body workouts which I don't like that much, actually prefer brosplits (yeah I know protein synthesis 48 hours blah blah, I just enjoy them alot)

easy way out bro and means more work later but good luck as I said before both work.

I'll do my best, thanks!

I'll also confess that I am the "bulk during winter cut during spring" type because I want to look good for summer of course so I "feel like it's time" to bulk now aswell.

Let's play with the idea that I put on more fat than I want, do "micro-cuts" really work, like doing a 3-4 week cut with a pretty big deficit to get rid of some fat? It sounds like it could work for already really big guys, "apparently" cutting for that short amount of time won't cause almost any muscle loss. I'm skeptical about this, is it just a meme?