Which do girls mire the most?

Which do girls mire the most?

Ottermode means you are Veeky Forums but you also have a life, athletic looks best but that also means you live in the gym.

Ottermode wins.

the one with the most money

If monies were being equal, Skinny and Otter would score the most tail.

Athletic, built and bodybuilder obviously spend too much on gym and supplements, whereas builtfat, chubbyfat, fatass waste too much on their genetics. bear on both.
and what skinnyfat does, nobody knows

What is this anti motivation bullshit? Girls love muscles, dyel?


MFW otter mode (and skinny and athletic kinda)

What's demotivating about it? Otter is hardest to achieve. Girls love otter. The hardest mode to achieve is the one girls love the most. Are you retarded?

girls love ottermode

girls worship athletic

i am going for the bear mode
fuck aesthetics

Somewhere in between otter mode and athletic

Chubbyfat working on bear mode reporting in

Bodybuilder is best

>Otter is hardest to achieve

>ottermode, the one with one of the least amount of muscle
>hardest to achieve

where can i purchase the drugs that you are smoking

Currently approaching ottermode. One day hoping to be athletic.

>hardest to achieve

surely bait

Definitely athletic

>Otter is hardest to achieve

9/10 made me reply

Inbetween athletic and built fat. That durr soft and strong look.

It's the personality that makes someone really look good . There are so many things in the world that are objectively great looking buy their reputation drags them down .

I am already otter mode, but since I am not a teenager any more, am ready to move on with my life, and already have a loving QT, I decide that I am gonna build muscle this year so that people don't look at me as though I am an adolescent.

This is bait. Many people (including myself) reach otter mode by accident while trying to get swole because of high metabolism.

>Ottermode means you are Veeky Forums but you also have a life
No, ottermode means you just have low bodyfat and sometimes get up and move a little bit. Any DYEL can be ottermode by just eating less.