Has anyone here successfully gotten with a fat/chubby gf and turned her fit/thicc?

Has anyone here successfully gotten with a fat/chubby gf and turned her fit/thicc?

I have a girl I can go serious with at the moment, but I want to know if it'll be worth the effort to lead her into fitness.

In every other way she's satisfactory to me, even the sex. My parents like her, her parents like me. She has absolutely no issue with me being completely masculine and dominant in the relationship.

We've been together about 7 months, and I want to get her healthy, especially since we both want to have kids down the line.

I don't have a problem leaving her, I've been through worse, but I would rather go through the effort of molding her into a healthy wife. I just want to know if it's been done before.

For the record, before I got with her I had just recently hit normie/acceptable bf% myself after living a life as a fatty, so I know that it can be done.

Take it from me, if a woman isn't capable of taking care of herself in her early 20's it only goes downhill. Most women don't have any sort of determination to takecare of themselves. They'll try for a few weeks then give up, and complain, and you'll grow to resent her. And that will be that.

I'm in a similar situation bro. IDK if she can muster the willpower to make it. We've been trying, but she hasn't got the fitness mentality yet.

If it helps paint a better picture, she's been doing a small amount of cardio regularly and consistently.

It's negligible in comparison to her eating, but she's at least built a habit of going to the gym.

We don't work out together due to work schedules, and she tells me often about how other girls stare at me when I'm with her.

I'm not talking about her doing this on her own, my intention is to effectively control her meals and influence directly what she cooks for herself. I'm leaving very little room for her agency, not because I don't think she can do it, but because I think me controlling her for a solid 2-3 months will set in the correct habits for her to be autonomous down afterwards.

The real question is if it'll actually work that way. I know studies on developing habits say that all it takes is 2-3 months time of consistency, but I'm unsure if that applies to directed/guided activities.

When I first started dating my ex she went to the gym for 4 months. She was pretty normal physique wise maybe a little chubby. For the next 4 months she just lied about going to the gym, and whenever I asked her to come with me she would refuse and claim I was "forcing her" and "pushing her into it" I only asked, and she had started working out when we first started dating so I assumed she enjoyed it. We moved in together a few months later and it all went down hill from there. Once a woman has a catch, she can then let herself go. It was misery, she literally ate hotdogs and chocolate for almost every meal. I think by the end of our relationship she was heavier than me. I couldn't anymore. I pretty much got catfished, don't get too attached or else you too my man will get catfished when she knows your'e invested.

Also, it seems as though you are trying to train an animal rather than finding a partner. I know women are easily influential, however in the long term it may fuck you.

Some can change. I'm actually dating a girl in her early-20s now, she had already dropped 40 pounds when we started dating. She's pretty thin now, I'm actually trying to get her to bulk. I think she's borderline anorexic after being so focused on losing weight, she's trying to lose even more weight when she really needs to gain some muscle

But yes, some can change. I wouldn't count on it though. There's like a 90% chance she'll want to continue being fat. Has she shown any interest in changing her diet and being healthy?

>Has she shown any interest in changing her diet and being healthy?
Aside from what I already mentioned, she avoids most candy, allergic to chocolate, and she strictly avoids gluten.

The problem is she cooks a lot, and bakes a lot too. I get nice gains from the meals, but it's too much for her on top of not lifting and only doing less than an hour of cardio every day.

One of my goals is to get with a big woman(not huge) just big and have massive amounts of high energy like sex until she becomes chubby. Then when shes chubby we can up the game to aerobic like sex. Then when she is at a normal size we can realllly up the game and do acrobatic like sex.

this thread is misogynistic af


No but ive always wanted to get a grill from below avg weight, get her on my diet, and as ahe puts on piunds i make fun of her for it while upping the ante on her until she accepts shes chubby and loves it.

You can't change people. Stop trying.

It sounds like she's open to the idea of going to the gym with you.

Just ask her to do it, and help her work out her meals and stuff. You don't need to be "controlling" or whatever, just guide her to the right things.

Bernie would say "let a black guy cuck you while your girlfriend stays as fat as she wants because you are a white cis male scum"

My girly friend started bodybuilding when she was in her early thirties and within 3 years she is an IFBB. you never really know tho. But yeah most cases if someone isn't taking care of themselves in their early twenties, it's most of the time down hill.

I've been the fat girl that lost weight. I'm now just chubby. I was always "muh curves", with a normal upper half and a massive lower half like fucking squidward when he ate all the krabby patties. When I met my boyfriend I was part way through losing weight. We were friends for a year and he encouraged me to keep at the gym, then we started dating when I got to my smallest and now he's trying to bloody feed me to keep me a little soft. 3 years later tho brehs

I'm Only actually 35lbs down from where I was but that's -50lbs of fat and +15lbs muscle because I didn't like being a flabby skeletor. Feels good man

Recently i noticed my gf gained a few kg and she's never been the sporty type but damn I am not gonna be with some skinnyfat. So I implied she's too fat a few times the past few weeks and now she's suddenly started exercising. We'll see how long she keeps it up, I kinda believe once she gets past the first few weeks she might start to like it and make it a routinely thing.

And that's why Veeky Forums girls are the most attractive women on earth.

My girl was thicc to begin with, but she's lost an amazing 10 lbs already we're getting real fit together.

she's not fit but she used to be a little chubby she used to be 135lbs and I told her if it's okay for her to lose weight but she didn't know what to do

I told her that she could just do bodyweight squats and lessen the sugar and she actually did I didn't even give her guidance or have to watch over her she just does it on her own now she's 115 at 5'5 now and her legs are pretty shapely compared to before and she just adds more bodyweight exercises on her own and she's stop eating fast food and grew to resent them

mine was a special case though since she used to be a coach potato who only plays vidya, draw and write fanfics she still does all of those except she makes her own food and exercises when she has too she's actually interested in lifting it's just that she has crippling anxiety so I'm saving for a homegym

My wife is overweight and since I started working out and cutting I took the responsibility for cooking and meal prep for work. She already lost around 15 lb by doing some "drink-protein-and-eat-less" kind of diet and got more attractive but I'm leading her towards losing more weight.

The stupidity emanating from both of you is overwhelming