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Veeky Forums related: wrist curls are apparently bad for me. What will help me build forearms?

Sydney Pls

Also shakeweight

Shakeweight is good for forearms?

Anchorage, AK

I look like I don't even lift, but at least I'm not fat.

Also, try the farmers' walk. It really helps for forearms.

Anybody want to come workout with me in my garage gym? We can spot each other and maybe jerk off a bit together after. Nothing gay of course.



I'm around all these gyms every week hmu il spot you with my dick in your face


l-london, hertfordshire

I do 3 x 45 second Farmer's Walks x 2 days a week. Doesn't seem to help.

I also do 3 x 12 80 kilo grippers.

What else helps?

deadlift you fucktard, on your last rep of your last set hold the weight in the air for as long as you can until your grip gives out

south west IL

37°14′06″N 115°48′40″W


shit I meant east
anyway going to bed now

why is everybody amerigan

panama lol

Tere hommikust. Kust Sa pärit oled?

Homer, Ohio?

If there are any traps in Finland, I can be your gymbud

Vancouver BC


Verona, WI. Teach me how to squat deeper and love freer~

Farmer's walk and strict hammer curls

hammer curls will help. Definately helped me.

Auburn WA where's my rain niggers at

Ayy , Renton Here .

Nice mang. Renton is a little far for me tho haha

Fuck Where We Live Dude

24 Hour Fitness

I'm the gigantic faggot

You don't like it here?

I'm Sure It's Because I've Been Here For 17 Years But It's Also A Fucking Gutter . Mostly Just My Perspective Though , How Do You Feel About It ?

you people are mentally ill...

I know it's a long shot but any Veeky Forumsizens living in Mozambique?

I've lived here for 19 since I was 2 years old. I don't really want to live anywhere else. The weather is perfect imo and there are lots of things to do. I'm a hiker so pnw is good for that sort of thing.

Vancouver, BC?

I've met one guy from Mozambique in my entire life and he was the most based individual I will ever know

As Long As You're Able To Make Something Of It Then It's Fine , I Also Don't Live In The Best Neighborhood So That Bothers The Hell Out Of Me . I Suppose It Could Be Worse , It's Good To Know There Is Someone That Enjoys Life Here . Still Have Yet To Meet Anyone That Does .