Well, I'm absolutely positive I won't be around here much longer

Well, I'm absolutely positive I won't be around here much longer.

Just a simple question.
Should faith be founded or forgotten?

Here as in on earth, or here as in Veeky Forums?

Just Veeky Forums. I've been given a lot of guidance from this place, it's hard to leave but it's a must.

I just wonder what's the proper approach with people when it comes to religion.

Faith shouldn't be forgotten. I don't know what it means for faith to be founded.

Whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Rom 14:23

Well, I just mean, since I'm transitioning into a more responsible position with immediate concerns of income, status, etc. - I just wonder how ideas of God should fit into that and how to deal with others that have serious influence from ideas of God.

If I had to subscribe to a belief system, I'd fall within the transcendentalists & deists. I'm not sure how to handle peoples attachments to Churches, or actual conceptions of God because of that.

I guess I just want my views challenged here. Some days I feel as if I've been far too long distracted from the essential questions religions try to answer. Far too often I see either complete disregard or a vague subscription to some religion.

You literally can't.
>muh problem of evil, muh omniscience
Consider for a second how calling the universe a 'good maximizing machine' and a 'playing movie' both sound absolutely disgusting.

>I just wonder how ideas of God should fit into that and how to deal with others that have serious influence from ideas of God.
To me, God actualizes your joys and justifies your tribulation.

>Well, I just mean, since I'm transitioning into a more responsible position... I just wonder how ideas of God should fit into that
It's good to be thinking about that. Most people hit an age where they begin to seriously reckon with the transcendent. How you handle it will seriously impact the rest of your life.
>transcendentalists & deists
What are your specific beliefs that you think these labels describe?

I am not deist because I expect the world to be all good. I am a deist because there is too much unknown to conceptualize God. I suppose I falsely advertised in that regard, since the main appearance of deism is still a belief in a God. I only say God under the terms of others. God, to me, is something that cannot be marginalized within our narrow world views. It seems pretentious as a fore front, I don't mean to come off this way.I just don't see how we could ever have any sort of relationship or understanding of something so immense, so abstract and so distant from our meager perceptions. I do not see how a belief or disbelief in something so detached would influence our destiny.

That's a crisp way to put it.
There are many beneficial ways to incorporate God within a practical way of living. I'm just curious, how do these beliefs you hold impact your interactions?

I do both the terms a disservice due to my lack of investigation. Through a bit more research I am not so sure I fully subscribe to deism.
I just think the idea of God is too detached from our immediacy of living. I wil not deny the possibility of influence from whatever God may be.
I just don't think we have the tools nor mindset to conclude the influences of God and our attachments to it.
I am transcendentalist in that meaning must be derived from our own endeavors due to the insurmountable difference between that which holds power over us, and us ourselves. The world we find ourselves in is mostly due to our influences.
I can't find the answer in how God could fit into our world view and define things so rigidly in these religious factions. I find it a false importance in the ideas of sin or modes of living or morality.
I just don't see how such a power has any attachments to us. There is too much missing within the bigger picture to find morality or a way to live from these conclusions. I just think these are spawned from others.

>I'm just curious, how do these beliefs you hold impact your interactions?
In the same way that Aristotle believed all would be created by a prime mover, I believe that all morality or reason for purpose would be created by or at least originating from this same prime mover, and since meaning is understood through consciousness this Prime mover would also be conscious. Because of this I believe all of my actions should fit into this idea of God-given morality simply because it's the state of natural law, and when I'm working under this natural law it feels like this higher purpose gives meaning to any suffering I may incur by continuing. It's like the eternal mark that can never and I can point to no matter how bad things get so I can prove to myself and all who will hear why I put myself in such a "miserable" position. Also with my idea of this ever present God he and his projected morality extending into and past eternity it acts as a frame work that will give meaning to what I desire. In this situation God acts as a sort of scorekeeper that promises my own desires were for something and do matter simply because with God they rest of The Universe matters.

You'll definitely find the answers to your spiritual question on a messageboard frequented by anime fans and memesters.

Take it back

If God created us then I imagine He would always be interested in what we do, since we are His most complex and important creation.

what's the best version of christianity for networking?

Social networking? Maybe Mormonism? I don't know since I only have experience within my church, but I imagine it differs from church to church more than between denominations. Some initiative to get to know people would help in any situation tho

>He would always be interested in what we do, since we are His most complex and important creation.
how do you know that
>you don't need to answer, it's rhetorical

What's more interesting, a universe running on laws God created or beings with free will making choices between good and evil? If you believe in God, like OP in some way seems to believe, then I don't see why he would think God is disconnected from us if we're the most complicated and interesting things in the universe.

>he took guidance from Veeky Forums

>Should faith be founded or forgotten?
Should is a term reliant on quite a few beliefs and an unquestionable faith in those beliefs - in so far as it remains a 'should'.

Yes, how do you know we're the most important and interesting thing there is? The universe is pretty big, maybe infinite; how do you know what's beyond our reach? Even if there's nothing else out there, how do you know we're what God is most interested in? Can you guess what He thinks, pick His brains? Maybe he's interested in whatever bacteria grow in our guts. Maybe we're one of the first, basic steps towards something bigger and more "interesting". Maybe we're just soil for His houseplants; live bait for His weekend fishing trip.