It says here on your CV that you can squat 405; very impressive...

It says here on your CV that you can squat 405; very impressive, but it looks like you didn't even take real analysis and abstract algebra in college. Care to explain why you spent so much time improving your body without devoting any time to your mind?

why does Wendy's care? why are you in a suit, I just need some easy money man.

College is a spook, sir.

Why devote entire units to learning about t tests and anovas


>single variable calculus
>multivariable calculus
>linear algebra and geometry
>differential equations
>numerical methods 101
>probability theory and statistics
>markov processes 101
>financial mathematics 101
>regression analysis
>optimization theory
>geometric control theory
>systems engineering
>probability theory
>portfolio theory and risk management
>risk management
>time series analysis
>financial derivatives
>mathematical systems theory
>martingales and stochastic integrals
>modern methods in statistical learning
>computer intensive methods in mathematical statistics
>game theory
>financial mathematics, business and management

Get on my level

I don't even have a third of of those (computer science) and i still make twice of what you do lel.

>tfw high school diploma 2 year working experience landed me a job making $25/h
Anyone else get lucky?

>I took all of these basic math courses, be impressed
Everyone is laughing at you desu

I make $1m a week.

>pretty much only first year calculus courses
Did you even use the Ito integral after your single lecture about it?

>implying real analysis and abstract algebra requires thought
Any retard could get through introductory courses like those.

B-but I h-have a math minor

> Not using the Statonovich integral and working on manifolds

Post bank statement faggot

>linear algebra and geometry
Watch out guys, this hardass knows what a "variable" is.

> tfw his models are driven by Brownian motion, not Levy processes

I have an MSc in mathematics though.

> No PDE

>applied math
Sure, I'm doing a PhD in pure math.

> believing pure math is harder than applied math

it is though

you can't do proofs so you picked the easier discipline

any pure mathematician can do applied, doesn't work the other way around

this is the best bait I have ever seen bravo to you sir

Necessarily harder? No. Better sure.

literally everything i want to take in college.

what did you major in ?

>putting the individual papers you took on your cv

>not including your transcript in your CV

Whats it fucking matter? Im a bouncer, not a mathematician.

> portfolio theory

no way that's real.

because I'm already a genius, if you can't see that then you don't deserve me to be working for you, you need a man with balls and I have balls, you need a man with an intuitive brain and guess what? I have that too, let me go and you'll regret it, while I'll just go get a job for another company and improve theirs

:^) xo

okay Veeky Forums, would you rather be in good shape but work a low level job, or be suit with a prestigious career but fat and weak as fuck? We're talking post-college

I'm finishing up my engineering degree; fuck right off.

I took both those classes as well as complex analysis and differential geometry. I'm surrounded by the "too smart to lift" meme.

> More difficult
> Less money
What an intelligent choice. You must be very smart.

the Veeky Forums pseudointellectual math major memes are unbearable

>Everything is about money
Your life sounds like shit

you know that actually might be the most useful one out of all that. personal finance is one of the most important aspects of adult life

> Pure math: work very hard to find problems you know how to solve
> Applied math: work very hard to solve a problem dictated by circumstance

Who ends up solving harder problems, on average?

I'm not a goddamn nerd sir oh by the way look down

wow it's literally nothing

what are you, an industrial engineer or something? that's a joke of a course list, so i'm going to assume so

All this baby math baka senpai

But I did? I also did topology and algebraic geometry that wasn't required for my major.
Also why the fuck am I here? I'm a grad student I don't need to take your shit.

>real analysis and abstract algebra

spoken like a true idiot who only knows babbys first introduction to maths.

grad school for what, math?

N-no. Condensed matter theory.

>abstract algebra
We have fucking college algebra, is statistics called "real world analysis" where you're from?

gee i wonder which is easier to fix

everyone knows the hardest classes are the ones in your major that no one's ever heard of
(if they've never heard of it, they can't argue with you)

>it's a "retard tries to cover up his ignorance by pretending that there's something to be mad about" episode

>the iq level of this post
>'college algebra'

I have trained my mind though. I know more about the universe and astronomy than anyone else I know. I know my way around the human body well enough that I can diagnose my friends' issues and have them tell me later their doctor came to the same conclusion. I'm involved in national and global politics. I read and write often. Just because I don't have a degree doesn't mean I'm an idiot.

College algebra, abstract algebra, statistic and real analysis are all different things

Can anyone here beat a Stanford math PhD and a Harvard applied math postdoc?

> Molecular Cell Bio I/II
> Anat/Phys
> Advanced Anat
> Advanced Phys
> Cadaver Dissection
> Kinesiology
> Exercise Phys
> Genetics
> Proteomics
> Microbiology
> Biochem/Adv Biochem
> General Chem I/II
> Organic Chem I/II
> Quantitative Analysis
> Physics I/II

What should I do with my life? Next May I graduate with a degree in biotechnology with minors in Chemistry and Human Physiology. GPA 3.7, outstanding resume. Initially wanted to be a PT, then doctor, then PT and now I don't have much motivation for any field.

Debating a PhD program but there are so many fields I could go into. I have always liked space, was thinking astrobiology? Also like lifting so was debating a generic Kines PhD as well. I also find viruses and human pathology to be interesting af. Any ideas?

Get a job at Black Mesa

>proving things that have already been proved

>he didn't take invariable calculus

high quality bait

>college algebra



find some shit that interests you

I've done research on colony collapse disorder in bees for the past 2 years. Not my ideal topic but it got me research in the publication process. I am really good at research, just don't know which way I might go if I pursue a PhD.

> Now listen to me very carefully.jpg
If there is any indecision about which field to choose for a PhD, your next step should not be to get a PhD.

This is the best advice you have ever received. You're welcome.

Yeah, anyone that studied engineering and is thus employed. Pretty sure there are a lot of engineers on Veeky Forums

I agree completely with this, but I don't really know what job to get without an advanced degree in this field.

this guy wrote all of this out on a homosexual tibetan admiration forum

Job market is pretty good for applied mathematicians. Also:
> implying postdoc means unemployed

You asked if anyone can beat. Engineers do a 4 year course and will progress solidly with high job security for their entire careers. They will crack 6 figures within 5 years of graduation and should be on 250k by 40 years old.

Accountants (chartered) too.

Some of my *pure* math classmates were hired immediately by Google and Apple, designated engineers, six figures to start. (Yes, six figures in the bay area is not hot shit.)


lmaoooo the top programs are a joke to get in for applied versus pure too

Which admitted you?

>Some of my
All engineers are pretty much good to go. Every class has a few people who do well.

got like 4 or 5 of those m8

>he thinks linear algebra is just algebra

A = [
a 6 6
a -5 1
5 -4 a ]
calculate a so that A becomes non-invertible

got math out of the way in highschool

brushed up by worshiping math while on acid

it's not a problem

>dude determinants lmao
>thinks linear algebra is about grunt work that computers can do faster than his retarded brain
Prove that a matrix is non-singular iff it is invertible.

nigger you think i cant recognize Putnam?

>literally the first thing that's proved in an actual linear algebra course
>thinks it's fit to be on Putnam
Here's a Putnam-tier question for you:
Prove that for any vector space, there exists a unique decomposition into a direct sum of invariant subspaces.

I cant prove shit.
What do you think I am someone smarter than a codemonkey who got a shit grade in discrete math?

I'd start with A^-1 = 1/det * A and dividing by zero though.

>take real analysis and abstract algebra in college

but i have though you big fat homomorphism

literally gives me nothing unless im actually interested in it beyond the point of getting passing grades.


I uh... studied.....
"Sorry, could you repeat that?"
M-music theory

I didn't start lifting until my employer started posting for my gym membership. They give insurance discounts based on your body fat.

employer started paying*

75% of those courses are meme courses or non-rigorous since there's no real analysis/lebesgue/fourier/measure theory which is FOUNDATIONAL for stochastic calc/probability/optimization, fuck off m8 your undergrad quant program is a meme

Most of your actual math courses seem like lower division babby-tier stuff, and the other courses seem like upper division finance fluff coursework with a few upper division engineering courses that you likely passed.

>Here's a Putnam-tier question for you
stop it you fuck, that might be a non-trivial question but that's only because it requires a lot of was proved in my linear algebra 2 class; putnam questions are usually harder

>music theory
>not musical set theory

Prove the same for modules.

Good stuff.

>implying invariant subspaces can be defined in the absence of a group action

I already am, and I'm a second-year physics undergraduate lol so I don't get why you're bragging. Also you can add complex analysis to my repertoire.

Those are all math courses. It's not the full program, I've only listed those of the courses that were held by the mathematics institution.

>what are endomorphisms in Vect
Retake lin alg, engineer.

Since we're already in this area

>single and multivariable real calculus
>complex calculus
>linear algebra
>numerical analysis
>higher level mechanical and EM physics (Lagrangian/Hamilton mechanics, EM radiation theory etc.)
>Quantum physics I, II and III
>Thermal physics
>Statistical physics
>condensed matter physics
>particle physics
>nuclear physics
>plasma physics

can't squat 405 tho

>Do the absolute minimum math for my major
>Get a C in it
>Make connections with friends & family
>Not be retard
>Get good job

>"complex calculus"
>"EM radiation theory"
>"Statistical physics"
You're not fooling anyone, underaged tard.

I'm gonna double down and call you the retard because complex calculus and statistical physics are both standard courses during a physics undergraduate, and EM radiation theory was used as an example of higher level EM stuff, just as I used Lagrangian/Hamilton mechanics as an example of higher level mechanics. I really don't understand why you got triggered

Because no one calls complex analysis "complex calculus", no one calls statistical mechanics "statistical physics" and no one calls electrodynamics "EM radiation theory".
Damn retard can't even look up the right terms before bullshitting straight out of his ass.

>3 levels of QM in undergrad
Tell me what texts were used in those courses.

>not being a sports coach and putting your stats on your buisness card