QTDTTOT Questions that don't deserve their own thread

So my 3 month ban from the local gym ended yesterday. I was 80/110/130 b/s/d and haven't worket out since. What sort of muscle a loss are we talking about here? Do I basically need to start from 0?

In kilograms

Bump pls

Do you guys think I will look better at 15% bodyfat? Trying to lose my bitch tits and lower belly fat.

Weight and height?

Deload to 4kg dumbells, all your muscles have atrophied and you probably won't even be able to Deadlift the bar.

When does someone start to fail first on SL5x5

The first weigths I wasnt able to succesfully lift the first time are 80kg on squat(deloaded to 70 bs bad form) and 50kg on bench. Is that bad?

Been doing SL for like about 2 months, and inconsistent gym before that

Bodyweight: 70kg
Length: 170cm

170, 5'11

What's the proper way to go running?

For the past two months I've been running, mostly to lose fat and build stamina. Interval jogging has been the regular up until now, but according to a friend of mine running with low bodyfat is bad because your body will cannibalize your muscles. Is this true or is he bullshitting out the ass? I've been eating plenty, and almost completely eliminated sweet snacks when I started.

why were you banned

Is your body going into "starvation mode" and having you gain even more weight a real thing?

No. Starvation may make your BMR lower than normal for your bodyweight but you'll still lose weight.

Ever seen someone that has gone through a period of starvation?

I'm on a bulk, but bike around an hour almost daily to get to school and/or work. I'm on a 500-calorie surplus already, but should I add another 500 calories in addition to the 500 I've already tacked on to my diet?

Right so I'm trying to lose weight (lose fat) and its going alright, I'm also doing dumbbell exercises every other day and that's going well also.

I am slowly gaining muscle while also losing fat at the same time.

However, I'm considering taking creatine and glutamine but I'm worried if it'll fuck up my fat loss.

The concept of being able to grow muscle faster is very appealing but I don't want to fuck up the rest of my progress.

Is one set of static stretching on each muscle for 30 secs good enough post workout and on rest days or what will be more effective?

Also ZMA or taking them individually more beneficial for more? same with Vitamin E and B12.

so maintaining muscle mass isn't a concern user?

you fucking prick

Went from almost reaching 200 lbs to being 174lbs now at 5'11.

I'm have around 20% bodyfat. I still have big love handles and I'm almost at my goal of being 170lbs. I'm also disappointed in my face not being as slim as I hoped. The fuck do I now

There is another QTDDTOT, why start a new one?

How heavy were you?

Will it affect my gains if I train a 3x per week routine on Mondays,Thursdays and Fridays? Can't do weekends and I know I sould ideally be doing mon/wed/fri, but how much worse is it?

Is there a way to identify /FIT users in public? Screming "manlet" at people doesn't seem to be as funny to them as it is to me, or would be to a /fit user....

I peaked around 205

What race should I pick for my starter gf?

/adv/ says latina but my friends say I should pick a blonde or asian chick