What's worse?

What's worse?

Phytoestrogens (Soy, Beer, Sesame seeds, flaxseed, etc)

or Oestrogens and Progesterones (dairy products)?

Other urls found in this thread:


Milk is dairy, right? Yet GOMAD exists.

why do you think GOMADders grow tits?

Excess fat.


is there a food that works in the opposite direction? or is that just broccoli and all the other crucifers?

Obviously dairy is worse

I hear phytoestrogens block oestrogen uptakers and thus make your overall level of oestrogen lower. whereas oestrogens from dairy are mammalian and have direct influence on the body.

Progesterone works as a steroid though and gives you massive gains so it cancels out the oestrogens.


Hormones from dairy are 99% broken down in the stomach
Phytoestrogens are compounds that can enter your blood that can cause osterogen like effects.

What about the 1%?

are you being retarded on purpose? I hope you are

Does fuck all

If I cut out dairy entirely will I have better gains?

Yes, and drinking bull jizz will work just like steroids

Then how come vegans have more testosterone?

Just lol


It's true

>lower igf1 levels
Why do you hate gains?

tumor gains?

Good luck with facing tumor faggot, everyone I know who had it was a faggy vegetarian

Because he's vegan

Taking nutritional advice from a GP with a known vegan agenda
Those in the science field call this "Bias"

>woah doctors take medicine too, they must have a bias and are trying to make me use medicine too

I'm more inclined to trust a doctor who lives how he talks. if veganism is good for him it must be good.

Come on m8, how else is he gonna sell his book?

Show me how the hormones in dairy make their way through the digestive system and into the blood without being digested. You will be making a major breakthrough in medicine.


The amount of bro science and trolling in this thread is staggering.

It would be extremely difficult

you're a big guy

>if veganism is good for him it must be good.
you went to a public school, didn't you.

>a potential link
This isn't showing how. This is basically 4 eggs a day increase your chances of X occurring by Y%

>hormonal response to ingesting foods/liquids with hormones in it
hmmmm, drink up your cow puss

Yes, but where is the actual chemistry showing this? Also, if you actually had a background in the biological sciences you'd know that you shouldn't base your opinions on one study.

I'm not a chemist but I can see cause and effect and it's clear dairy is bad. Keep chugging cow oestrogens though.

Don't worry, by ingesting my boyfriends jizz I am offsetting the hormonal imbalance.

>Greger was raised in a small Arizona town, "the only Jewish family within 30 miles."

haha oh my fucking god, every fucking time

>I'm not a chemist but I can see cause and effect and it's clear dairy is bad

You don't see shit. All you did was take one random research study made by a single person in 2009 (which is old, by medical research standards) and take it as fact because it panders to your view.

awww, is the puss chugger upset?

I don't really drink milk, I'm just posting about how stupid your logic, or rather lack of, is.

>don't eat meat or dairy, goy. We wouldn't want to get big and strong so you can reproduce.

>i-i d-dont real d-drink milk

Yeah I wouldn't anymore either.

Do you think Theresa a way for us to convince RMS to get jacked?

Would be funny, and beneficial for his health.

Aren't vegan faggots supposed to be open minded?

>I'll just spam memes at you if you have a different point of view from me!

Fuck off Reddit.

he got fat after an ankle injury i believe and he could no longer dance. now he probably just doesn't care

Wasn't he a Hungarian folk dancer or some shit?

I mean, we could get him onto a rehab routine. Focussing on upper body and subbing squats with leg press.

While we're at it, don't eat fish because they ingest mercery and petroleum dumped by import ships. You also don't want to eat vegetables and fruits to avoid all those nasty chemical pesticides. Oh and how could I forget meat! Don't eat meat with all the steroids and hormones they give them! Don't drink water either, they use chemicals to purify it. Actually just kill yourself, it's the healthiest way to live.

>he doesn't have a rain water tank, his own vegetable garden and his own sheep and chickens.

not all of us are inner city scum

Do vegans exist outside of the inner city?

vegertarians are more common because they can raise the chickens and cows themselves and don't feel guilty for factory farming. They can also be okay with hunting to eat because the animal wasn't farmed. It depends on the person. Inner city veganism is the result of only factory farmed and processed foods being accessible in the city without paying exorbitant costs for organic substitutes

>Cause and effect
Science isn't absolute. It's constantly evolving as new theories come out and old ones are put to rest. A scientist will never, ever say "this causes this". They say "this MAY cause this"

An example is the cell membrane model. In the 40's- late 60's people were still doubting whether ion pores and channels existed and kept producing papers 'disproving' it, when the majority of science readily accepted it. It is taught in high school biology these days.

Never, EVER take fringe scientific theories produced by people with agendas seriously. Sometimes they are right. Sometimes they are wrong. Until it's concrete, everything they say is suspect, and shouldn't ever be spread as gospel to the general public, because the public is even more retarded.
This is how the "muh autism, anti-vax big pharma" bullshit started.

>hunting to eat

Yeah, I bet those turnips run really fast.

i know vegans who've been converted back once they realized there are alternatives to farmed meat.

But science is never concrete

>This is how the "muh autism, anti-vax big pharma" bullshit started.

Oh so you're one of those types. Hide your head in the sand and pump your kids full of heavy metals all you want reddit.



I'm doing postgrad medical physiology, m8.
While I haven't done any comprehensive studies about veganism and how much of a superhuman people become on a restrictive carb filled diet, I haven't come across any respected doctors in various medical disciplines who have come to the same conclusion as Dr. Greger the Goyim GP, nor have I come across anything like it in my course material.
Hence the comment about fringe scientific theory conducted by a quack.


/g/ay Veeky Forumsizen master-race