There's a pretty girl at the gym who sustains eye contact with me every time we see each other

There's a pretty girl at the gym who sustains eye contact with me every time we see each other

What the fuck do I do now?

give her the ol natty lickaroo

switch gyms


Bring a bone in for her.

Just be yourself, man :^)

tell her you already have a bf

Kill yourself.


I did this one month ago, but to be fair I was planning on going to another gym already.

There was this girl at my gym. For about a month every fucking day I did my sets and when I finished each one I always saw her looking at me, and I was thinking like "wtf, what does she expect me to do? go and talk to her?". Last day I saw her, she was doing some shit in front of me and she caught me looking at her first, she kept eye contact and you could see by her body language she was expecting something from me. I went to the opposite side of the gym and kept doing my thing and she kept looking insistently from the other side for a while, lol. The next week I started going to the new gym, and some people from the old one know it, so maybe she is now thinking that she scared the shit out of me or, that I'm gay or something.

Kill me, please

Have you considered doing femdom porn? Nothing too heavy, I'm thinking light bondage and manual edging with threatened ruined orgasm. Hell you could ask the girl from the old gym to make a no-face amateur vid with you and she'd probably say yes.

dress up as an archaeologist and give her The Line

>sustains eye contact
Don't do anything that will put your current relationship at risk.

punch her

go back to /rk9/ you stupid kid

Look down, gather strength, take a deep breath, grab your phone walk over..... "Hhhhhhhi"
"I'm user, what is your name?" (pause for name maintane smile) After name "Can I have your number to call you later"..... "Ok talk to ya later / ok well nice to meet you, Bye... Back to workout

Read it 1000 times then do it.

>t. someone who's never talked to a girl

Im taking from personal experiance,

we are still dating btw

When you inevitably leave at the same time on one occasion, talk to her. You don't have to even get her number the first time you can get it later, SLOW AND STEADY

just say something about the staring "yo, I see what you're doing" she "what?" you "Mirin my gainz" and then give her this cheeky smile. after that you'll be swimming in pussy.

>true story