Allies Conspired to Allow the Soviet Union to Control Eastern Europe

Allies Conspired to Allow the Soviet Union to Control Eastern Europe.

In addition to not negotiating peace with Germany and practicing uncivilized warfare, the Allied leaders intentionally allowed the Soviet Union to take over Berlin and Eastern Europe. The Supreme Allied Commander in the West, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, had no intention of occupying Berlin. According to Nikita Khrushchev’s memoirs
>Stalin said that if it hadn’t been for Eisenhower, we wouldn’t have succeeded in capturing Berlin.
Stalin wanted his troops to reach as far into Europe as possible to enable the Soviet Union to control more of Europe after the war was over. Stalin knew that once the Soviet troops had a stronghold in Eastern Europe, it would be almost impossible to dislodge them. Soviet hegemony could not be dislodged unless Roosevelt wanted to take on the Soviet Union after fighting Germany.

Other urls found in this thread:

The United States could have easily prevented the Soviet Union from marching so far west into Europe. After defeating Germany in North Africa, the Americans and British went into Sicily and then Italy. Churchill favored an advance up the Italian or Balkan peninsulas into central Europe. Such a march would be quicker in reaching Berlin, but Roosevelt and Stalin opposed this strategy at the Tehran Conference in November 1943. In general sessions at Tehran with Churchill present, Roosevelt opposed strengthening the Italian campaign. Instead, Roosevelt wanted troops in Italy to go to France for the larger cross-Channel attack planned for 1944.

Gen. Mark Clark, the American commander in Italy, later commented on Roosevelt’s decision:
>The weakening of the campaign in Italy in order to invade Southern France, instead of pushing on into the Balkans, was one of the outstanding mistakes of the war….Stalin knew exactly what he wanted…and the thing he wanted most was to keep us out of the Balkans

The Allied military leaders also intentionally prevented Gen. George Patton from quickly defeating Germany in Western Europe. In August 1944, Patton’s Third Army was presented with an opportunity to encircle the Germans at Falaise, France. However, Gens. Omar Bradley and Dwight Eisenhower ordered Patton to stop at Argentan and not complete the encirclement of the Germans, which most historians agree Patton could have done. As a result, probably 100,000 or more German soldiers escaped to later fight U.S. troops in December 1944 in the last-ditch counterattack known as the Battle of the Bulge.

Patton wrote in his diary concerning the halt that prevented the encirclement of Germans at Falaise:
>This halt [was] a great mistake. [Bradley’s] motto seems to be, ‘In case of doubt, halt.’ I wish I were supreme commander.”

>what is Stalin Note

Siegfried Westphal, Gen. von Rundstedt’s chief of staff, later described the condition of the German army on the day Patton was stopped: >“The overall situation in the West [for the Germans] was serious in the extreme. The Allies could have punched through at any point with ease.”
The halt of the Third Army blitzkrieg allowed the Germans to reposition and revitalize. With the knowledge that they were defending their home soil, the Germans found a new purpose for fighting. They were not just waging a war, but were defending their families from what they regarded as revenge seeking hordes.

Germany took advantage of the overall Allied slowdown and reorganized her troops into a major fighting force. Germany’s counterattack in the Battle of the Bulge took Allied forces completely by surprise. The Germans created a “bulge” in the lax American line, and the Allies ran the risk of being cut off and possibly annihilated or thrown back into the sea. Patton had to pull back his Third Army in the east and begin another full scale attack on the southern flank of the German forces. Patton’s troops arrived in a matter of days and were the crucial factor in pushing the German bulge back into Germany.

Patton could have ended WW2 9 months earlier. Instead he was deliberately prevented from doing so. Saturation bombing of Germany including the Firestorm of Dresden (Hellstorm), was preferentially chosen. Killing countless civilians and refugee women and children, destroying food, water, electricity, medical & other basic supply lines. This resulted in the cities and the Concentration Camp inmates & staff suffering & dying from Typhus & hunger in lethal unsanitary conditions over many months. The unjust retribution unleashed on ethnic Germans was horrific. Patton’s forced delays paved the way for the Red Army to savagely rape & slaughter the civilians in their path. Further, at least “… 9.3 million Germans… died needlessly after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the Allies withheld available food. The majority of these postwar dead Germans were women, children and very old men. Their deaths have never been honestly reported…” This was the true premeditated Holocaust of WW2 in Europe.


>Yalta Agreement says that Soviets get half of Berlin and all of the area around it
>western allies know this
>decide not to push for Berlin, because they won't get to keep most of the land even if they bleed for it
>Berlin gets mass raped, but it's totally worth it
>later on, people think this is a conspiracy and not common knowledge

Patton wrote:

>I’ll be damned if I see why we have divisions if not to use them. One would think people would like to win a war…we will be criticized by history, and rightly so, for having sat still so long.”


>uncivilised warfare


Not wanting to over extend/ violate occupation agreements was done to prevent war with Soviets. Also, splitting Germany meant their couldn't be a combined resistance to occupation by Allies because they'd be to angry at Communists.
You know what's North of Italy right? You really think they were gonna have an easier time pushing through the Alps than rolling over the flat Northern European Plain?
It probably seemed to good to be true. Encircle a bunch of forces and potentially leave your supply lines open to counter-attack? I'd halt too.

>(...) was done to prevent war with Soviets.
A lot of things has been made to prevent that war, the let them grab several countries before and during the war, but when Germany invaded Poland (for whatever reason: land, muh genocide, etc) they instantly declared war on Hiler


well if hitler hadn't sperged out like the autist he was WW2 probably would have been against the soviets

It's almost like Hitler had invaded and annexed counties before and was explicitly told not to invade Poland as other would be the last straw, or something...

>What is Appeasement?
>What is Anschluss?
>What is The Sudetenland?

>It's another Germans dindu nuffin thread

Einsenhower's death camps were pure love i guess

>Einsenhower's death camps


I don't doubt any of this, I just wish you would provide some sources other than "Renegade Tribune", which is basically run by a schizophrenic woman.

Poland (1939)
Baltic states (1940)
Finnish territories (1940)
Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina (1940)

Why they did not declared war on Stallin as well?

Overman was debunked

>the most revered general in u.s. military history is an inept drunkard who fucked his own niece

truly makes an individual wonder


Also, you know what the directive JCS 1067 is, right? That was a plan, proposed by the US, to take Germany back to the middle ages: a heavilly dismembered Germany, whose states had to have an agricultural economy, so that they would not develop any other modern army. When they told Roosevelt about the dramatic consequences it would have on the German population he said: "who cares!? We must be tough with the Germans. They deserve it and they will remember this".

No conspiracy though, it's just that the allies were aware about the fact that they had to make Germany afraid about war and about pursuing its national interest. And I would say that they did almost a perfect job, almost.

I am aware of the state of that page, maybe their citations could help?

Because Hitler let Stalin do all that through the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, and having almost all of Europe at war against you would be especially retarded.

> The strategic Anglo-French bombing campaign against Soviet targets was postponed and eventually abandoned.
Thanks for the link anyways, really interesting

I forget, how many treaties, some of which were signed in the past 5 years, did Stalin break by invading those countries?

Would you really start a war against Nazi Germany and the USSR at the same time? Better to apply a good "divide et impera", and think about an enemy at a time. It seems that it worked pretty well

>their citations
I see that now, thanx. Anyway, I think the most pertinent question to all of this is WHY exactly the Soviets were allowed to take Berlin first. Who, or should I say (((who))), demanded the mass rape, destruction, and extermination of so many Germans? I believe it was probably people at the top of FDR's regime apparatus, such as Morgenthau Jr., Baruch, and Harry Dexter White; the latter being responsible for what eventually became known as the "Morgenthau Plan".

It wasn't a conspiracy, it was common knowledge, they had several heavily publicized meetings about the post war division of occupation


What makes you think someone went out and arranged it all, rather than war being war?

>Anyway, I think the most pertinent question to all of this is WHY exactly the Soviets were allowed to take Berlin first.

Eisenhower figured it was better if Russians did the fighting and dying in that nightmarish urban hellscape than Americans

they were probably worried by Patton's incompetence as a general

Reminder that "muh rapes" is a total myth. When Russian soldiers entered Germany in 1945 German women willingly flocked to them. In their shame, their cucked husbands invented the myth of "muh rapes" which was later turned into propaganda by NATO for the Cold War

Germany is LITERALLY a cuckold nation, as most born in the 1946-47 period were the result of cuckoldry. They try to hide this by inventing sob stories. This is the true redpill.

>Morgenthau Plan
You mean the plan deliberately designed to have loopholes and give power to local military commanders who didn't agree with it?

>Although Patton might have spun a line across the narrow neck, I doubted his ability to hold it. Nineteen German divisions were now stampeding to escape the trap. Meanwhile, with four divisions George was already blocking three principal escape routes through Alencon, Sees and Argentan. Had he stretched that line to include Falaise, he would have extended his roadblock a distance of 40 miles (64 km). The enemy could not only have broken through, but he might have trampled Patton's position in the onrush. I much preferred a solid shoulder at Argentan to the possibility of a broken neck at Falaise.

>"muh rapes" is a total myth.

What makes me think that the deliberate starvation and destruction of the German people in WWII was arranged by private, non-state actors? There are many works that provide evidence to prove that America's intervention in WWII was brought about by people with a malicious, and vindictive hatred of all of Europe. Thomas Fleming's book on FDR reveals how Baruch, Morgenthau, and other Jewish Americans conspired to enter the United States into war with Germany in order to create a global world order, envisioned as an alliance between two communistic super-states, the USSR and the USA. Stalin's unwillingness to cede Russia's power of nuclear weapons, as well as his more nationalistic orientation towards Communism, made this impossible after 1947. Dr. Bolton briefly elucidates the world situation after WWII here:

Ginsberg's book, "How the Jews Defeated Hitler", is also enlightening. Ultimately, WWII was waged to crush Prussian Socialism, and make Europe subservient to the capitalist world order envisioned by ideologues like Rockefeller, and the crew at the Bretton Woods Conference.

>deliberate starvation and destruction of the German people in WWII
That tends to be what happens when you go to war with half the world and have a shit navy that can't guarantee you supply user

>Hitler bases his political ideology on hating Jews
>Jews don't like this, tell Roosevelt to not like Hitler

Not him, but the allies were the so called good side, so they should have acted like that.

By actively handicapping themselves and letting Germany import as much shit as it needed?

Food user, we are talking about letting people eat something and not chimp out about it

>Ginsberg's book, "How the Jews Defeated Hitler"

Even positive bias is still bias, user. I doubt a Jewish individual writing a book with a title like that is going to be completely objective and dispassionate in his analysis

So Germany sinking food and medical supplies in unrestricted submarine warfare is fine but Britain enforcing a blockade is bad?

>just let the Germans be as fit and healthy as possible
>the mothers and wives of our soldiers will completely understand

How on earth can a submarine commander knows whether a ship have food or military supplies? They were all under naval blockade and is two completely different situations.

>Jewish Americans conspired to enter the United States into war with Germany in order to create a global world order, envisioned as an alliance between two COMMUNISTIC super-states, the USSR and the USA.

>make Europe subservient to the CAPITALIST world order envisioned by ideologues like Rockefeller, and the crew at the Bretton Woods Conference.

See the contradiction?

>Stalin's unwillingness to cede Russia's power of nuclear weapons, as well as his more nationalistic orientation towards Communism, made this impossible after 1947.

Why though? Like "Now we are communist pals, and I, Stalin, have now the possibility to rule the world with my fellow Jewish communist capitalist Americans" "uuh, too bad, I'll renounce to such an opportunity cause I'M FUCKING RUSSIAN"

Well then why would the British give a shit when they can't accept the same in return?

>implying this have complete sense

In the exact same way the Allied ship/submarine commander or pilot knows if a ship has food or military suppliers?

Reminder that the Allies didn't knew about the Holocaust until they entered Germany, anyone who truly thinks WW2 was about anything other than keeping the eternal anglo as the monarch of the world in this day and age is a fucking idiot living in a fantasy world.

>*Keep destroying food supplies
>Nothing personal Tommy
>Eh-ehm, I mean not my fault Tommy

>muh eternal anglo
>France declares war on Germany too

What did they mean by this?


No one claims entry into the war has anything to do with the holocaust though you massive fucking dipshit

France has been England's puppy dog for centuries now.

Is for both sides, but Germany didn't need to import food (lesson learned from WW1)
Again, the situations are different: the war has ended. Yet they still need to starve the germans?

He's talking about after ww2 not during ww2 retard

Not most serious people thankfully, but the common perception is that WW2 was some heroic struggle to bring an end to a tyrannical regime out of the good of their hearts.

Yeah, so what? At this point it was a chose between the eternal Anglo or the eternal krawt.

At least it'd be a different cock doing the fucking.

>starve the Germans after the war had ended

Come again?

>After the German surrender the U.S. chose to designate large numbers of German prisoners as Disarmed Enemy Forces (DEF) instead of using the Prisoner of War status under which the captives would have been under the protection of the Geneva convention[10] and, therefore, would have been entitled to the same quantities of food as U.S. troops.[10][11]

>The conditions these prisoners had to endure were often harsh. A number of the camps in Western Germany, especially initially, were huge wired-in enclosures lacking sufficient shelter and other necessities.[10] (see Rheinwiesenlager) Since there was no longer a danger of German retaliation against Allied POWs, "less effort was put into finding ways of procuring scarce food and shelter than would otherwise have been the case, and, consequently, tens of thousands of prisoners died from hunger and disease who might have been saved".[10]

>During 1945 it was estimated that the average German civilian in the U.S. and the United Kingdom occupation zones received 1,200 calories a day.[16] Meanwhile, non-German Displaced Persons were receiving 2,300 calories through emergency food imports and Red Cross help.[17]

>The German food situation became worst during the very cold winter of 1946–47, when German calorie intake ranged from 1,000 to 1,500 calories per day, a situation made worse by severe lack of fuel for heating.[21] Average adult calorie intake in the U.S was 3,200–3,300, in the UK 2,900 and in the U.S. Army 4,000.[22]

>"Too many people here and in England hold the view that the German people as a whole are not responsible for what has taken place – that only a few Nazis are responsible. That unfortunately is not based on fact. The German people must have it driven home to them that the whole nation has been engaged in a lawless conspiracy against the decencies of modern civilization."

>On March 20, 1945, President Roosevelt was warned that the JCS 1067 was not workable: it would let the Germans "stew in their own juice". Roosevelt's response was "Let them have soup kitchens! Let their economy sink!" Asked if he wanted the German people to starve, he replied, "Why not?"

Always make me kek.

Well, at least they had a Marshall plan. But I guess that if it's just part of a NWO plan, right?

From the same article

>Nicholas Balabkins takes a favorable view of Allied policy, asserting that American food shipments saved the lives of "millions of Germans", although shortages persisted into 1948

Lie piled upon lie, with not a shred of proof.

>Waaah muh ebul Asiatic rapists remember muh 1 million Aryans starved by Eisenhower!!!1
Do you need us to come over there again, krautfuck?

>Uncivilized warfare
Look who's talking

how about we post the full paragraph

>Nicholas Balabkins takes a favorable view of Allied policy, asserting that American food shipments saved the lives of "millions of Germans", although shortages persisted into 1948.[35] Balabkins also notes that the distributed food rations were of poor composition and "considerably below minimum nutrition standards"; without access to additional food from alternative sources recipients would eventually fall prey to starvation.[36] Balabkins also cites an authority who stated that the rations "represented a fairly rapid starvation level".[37][38]

High level of discourse are high

And yet the allies saved millions of lives when it would have been perfectly acceptable to do nothing and let them starve.

>paved the way for the Red Army to savagely rape & slaughter the civilians in their path
Could you push your agenda any harder?

>Krauts still bitching and whining 70 years after we graciously rebuilt their nation for them when what we should've done is turn it into a fucking nature reserve.

>Patton’s forced delays paved the way for the Red Army to savagely rape & slaughter the civilians in their path.
Good. A taste of their own medicine.

>Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the Allies withheld available food. The majority of these postwar dead Germans were women, children and very old men. Their deaths have never been honestly reported…” This was the true premeditated Holocaust of WW2 in Europe.
Where is the proof?

>nothing and let them starve.

thats literally what they did though

>some random guy thinks it was a good thing so ill just go and ignore everything else that happened

pic related

>article litterally says they were given food, just not enough without additions sources from elsewhere, to ensure they weren't better off than their victims
>the Allies did nothing and let them starve

t. Kyle Hunt

>we banned the red cross, we reclassified german pows so the geneva convention didnt have to apply to them, we ordered our troops to destroy their food so the civilians couldnt get it but at least we gave them a little tiny bit of food that the most they ate was 1,000 calories so we did nothing wrong!

how many brainlet wojaks are you gonna make me post

>This thread
Goebbels could only dream of propaganda this efficient

>a little tiny bit of food

A few minutes ago it was nothing. Which is it?

>all those things were only for a few months until risk of a pronazi uprising was over

Truly another Dresden!

>In addition to not negotiating peace with Germany and practicing uncivilized warfare
Yeah, because it's not like Germany didn't practice uncivilized warfare.

it was nothing until 1948

i dont know about you but 3 years doesnt equal a few months

They didn't really happen (but should have you filthy g*rms)

>However, after making approaches to the Allies in the autumn of 1945 it was allowed to investigate the camps in the UK and French occupation zones of Germany, as well as to provide relief to the prisoners held there.
>autumn 1945

Rabbi please, we are just talking here. Gee...

If we have to be occupied we'd prefer the Russians.

t. Eastern Yurop

>On February 4, 1946, the Red Cross was permitted to visit and assist prisoners also in the U.S. occupation zone of Germany, although only with very small quantities of food. During their visits, the delegates observed that German prisoners of war were often detained in appalling conditions.


it was still pretty bad in 1946, do you not know how to read words?

They deserved worse for what they did to Europe.

>pretty bad
>deliberately starving 700 gortillion Aryan children as the true holocaust of the 20th century

Pick one.

It's almost like they'd just lost the war and there was nowhere to put hundreds of thousands of men, or something...

>it's another storm-fag pushing the Eisenhower death camps story

there was plenty of room but why did they go through efforts such as classifying them as Disarmed Enemy Forces so they didnt have to abide by the geneva convention?

>posting shit that happened now makes me a stormfag

Probably due to there being far, far more prisoners than expected and a decision being made to send available supplies to Germanys victims before Germany.

Legalese to cover their own backs rather than """""the real holocaust""""".

How many Germans died in the Eisenhower camps? Just curious.

>Eisenhower death camps
>a thing that happened

>Probably due to there being far, far more prisoners than expected and a decision being made to send available supplies to Germanys victims before Germany.
