The sticky is outdated as fuck

Some sketchy ass claims:

>With very few exceptions, the principles of diet & exercise are the same for men and women.
Not according to Mark Rippetoe.

>The problem is that people over-consume saturated fats
Literally no evidence that sat fats are bad.

>If there's anything like a useless source of calories, alcohol is it
The evidence is that alcohol is good for you. There's no solid evidence that it affects gains.

>taking a multivitamin supplement that gives you a flat 100% RDA dose is ... a reasonable and conservative way to cover any deficiencies in your diet
Vitamins are actually bad for you (unless you have a very serious deficiency, like scurvy).

>Stick to the dietary guideline of no more than 2300mg a day of sodium
No evidence. Some evidence that 2300mg can even be too low.

>One supplement that is extremely beneficial and backed up by a ton of scientific evidence is Omega-3 fatty acids
No evidence. Look it up.

>Starvation is bad
True, but being on a calorie deficit isn't staving. "Starvation" doesn't happen unless you've *literally* been in Auschwitz for months, otherwise it's a myth.

Kelly Starrett and "mobility" are full of crap. Read Stretching Scientifically by Thomas Kurz.

Finally there isn't actually any solid scientific evidence that you need huge amounts of protons but I'll let that slide given the anecdotal evidence.

Other urls found in this thread: Extract/

worst b8 I have seen in a couple of days m8.

Is riptoe like a scientist or something or is he just some guy who lifts and magically gained technical knowledge?

anyone who posts ''read the sticky'' when a beginner is asking for specific advice is a massive faggot

>den sources
Nice try though, 4/10 for the effort

worst meme meme meme ive seen memed since meme memed

sure thing

enjoy your no gains and cardio vascular incident

he studied geology and follows the right-hand path

not going to post dozens of studies since i couldn't be assed especially when most of the articles link many of them

the sticky has sources just a poor or worse



>alcohol is a cause for 7 different types of cancer

The sticky might explain why 90%+ of the people on this board look like shit. Seriously, everyone on this board is a 150 lb / 5'9 manlet.

Don't improve the sticky; it's less competition for people that followed actual good advice.

>an article clearly written by alcohol Jew
>no no goys! It's good for you! Keep buying $30/bottle liquid calories!

One thing I agree with you is that sticky is fucking useless
It even recommend bulk+cut for natty

Not surprise but all /general/ on Veeky Forums is nothing more than a bunch of tripfaggot blogs and chatting room. NOTHING useful posted ever

I've asked questions in either /owg/ /fraud/ /plg/ literately get memed everytime and nobody gives a shit about lifting
Fuck sticky fuck Veeky Forums

so is sunlight and vitamin c and sleep

good job linking something you didn't read past the abstract. "5.8% of all cancers are from alcohol." fucking wow. how much of that 5.8% was from alcoholics. also if i have a 0.1% chance of getting this specific cancer in my life and alcohol increases the chance of getting that cancer by 100% that's still only 0.2%.

What do you mean by recommended bulk + cut? That's how you gain muscle + lose fat


No, that's how you gain weight and lose weight. You lose fat by gaining muscle without gaining weight, you don't magically go up a bunch of weight if you don't increase your calories. Something has to go and that something is fat. You gain muscle by lifting weights and eating a decent amount of protein. That's it.

Mfw I am actually a 5'9 150 lb manlet
Only been lifting for 3 months tho, but good progress

>Even without complete knowledge of biological mechanisms, the epidemiological evidence can support the judgement that alcohol causes cancer of the oropharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver, colon, rectum and breast.


DYEL plz

>The evidence is that alcohol is good for you


>the jew knows that a healthy lifestyle, clean eating and being in a fit shape is detrimental to his efforts to subvert the white race
>thus he always returns to the place where white males are trying to lift themselves up and tries to foil their efforts

Shills of a different kind. Who

>eggdefence force (dietary cholesterol)


>The evidence is that alcohol is good for you. There's no solid evidence that it affects gains.
wtf? alcohol destroys protein synthesis. it literally destroys gains.

wow it means nothing.

i agree with some of that stuff but alcohol is inherently bad for gains productions


>implying alcohol isn't actually helpful for Veeky Forumsfags because of how it temporarily disables autism

>because one unreplicated study kind of suggested that maybe it does by speculating hypothetically on a mechanism but without actually proving any connection, that one time many years ago

sure thing breh


>wow it means nothing.

you'll accept "hurts gains" on the flimsiest of evidence, but then blow off literally fucking dying like you don't give a fuck #yolo

Health and fitness is such a clusterfuck that you can literally find a coach or ""research"" to support anything

>Not according to Mark Rippetoe.

Whatever rippletits says about diet is wrong

99.9% of fitness research and studies is meaningless
only advice from experienced people counts for something
that's why if someone starts posting links to """"studies"""" it means they're most likely retarded or noobs


>you need excess protein
>protein containing 4kcal/gram
>subsequently having excess calories.
The protein going to your muscles has calories. You need excess for it not to be metabolised surely?

Lol no you cant, not if you have actual standards for research like pic related.

Research is still the best window into the truth of this universe. Sometimes you need to wait for peer review. Sometimes you can find overwhelming amounts of replication.

There is a subtle ability that you gain to wade through the faulty research, if you start off on this path. To think that there is a zero rate, or a 99.9% rate of falseness is retarded. Its probably only near 20% if you practice a lot.

Also we NEED to get rid of that broatz cardiofag gif and get a t-rex one instead.

>mfw i realized dinosaurs are real

wtf I hate being male now


tell that to people who try to support their arguments by posting studies
most people don't understand that a study that's barely relevant to the subject and was done on 20 obese children or rats doesn't mean anything for a healthy adult male who lifts weights
on the other hand you can't really go wrong by listening to someone who's respected in the community and has been lifting and training other people for decades

You're not wrong, but those are the worst sources I've ever seen.

You only need so much protein for your body to not break down any muscle. There have been studies that put people on 60% TDEE diets over the course of a month and those who eat 0,8g protein per lb of bodyweight gain a bit of muscle even on a deficit that extreme. The body will adapt even on a deficit, just a big less than at maintenance.

thats just an authority/popularity fallacy dude. Though I get your point. If you find a person who has a good mind, he can filter through all the shit for you and present to you good research...which is called peer review in science terms...

the thing is, by making wild claims with novel research things, it can get examined and criticized. If other people read through it, they may find things to dismiss it, they may find things that peak their interest, its a win win most of the time for everyone (unless if its a boring, corporate sponsored shitfest)

Just go here for example

Its a kickstarter for research. There are some heralds of the medical world involved in many of the research projects. If the methodology is sound, it may give to you a nugget of truth in return.

the thing with research is

>it can be done out of love, with proper methodology
>it can be done out of love, with improper methodology (and somewhat false results)
>it can be done out of hate/greed with proper/improper methodology
>the tools to measure may be slightly off
>the chemicals may not be easily replicated
>it may be part of a large pro or anti camp and get too much support/too much hate

and on and on and on.

Also read this.

The reason why there is so much tl;dr. So much attention to science, so much energy inside of this field is because the scientific method is the best thing for truth that we have right at this moment. Nothing beats it. Nothing contributed as much as science to our great standards of living, to our exploration of reality as science did.

Theres a lot of money going into studying the ways to achieve top athletic performance, though its not done for bodybuilding (nobody care about bodybuilders IRL) but rather for olympic athletes and various national sports teams, also the military.
Personally Id much rather trust a profesionally done study than some guy who just happens to look good. Rejecting research in favor of anecdotal evidence is not a good idea.


I hold your same beliefs and almost made the same bread a few weeks ago but i chickened out because I thought the mods might punish me for dissenting against the almighty Kek. Godspeed OP.

>What does she do to afford such condo?

You are a retard correlation =/= causation
And various studies show that moderate amounts of wine/beer daily show positive correlations between blood pressure, less stress, etc. Stop being such a ninny faggot stay fit but enjoy life mang you only get one so take advantage of the opportunity.

>He was mad enough to post this novel

that is literally what the study says and comes to a conclusion. Jesus you dumb addicts and your worldplays. Fuck off.


>linking to t-nation

>The evidence is that alcohol is good for you.

How convenient that its proven as mindless consumerism marches trough he planet. Now i wont have to think twice before spending money! Maybe weed is harmless too? Thats a big undeveloped market right there!

>True, but being on a calorie deficit isn't staving.

You will tell that to ruptured muscles that don't have repair material.
Actually years of physiotherapy will.

>thee study
>all hail the study
>all serve the study
>know that its love for you is infinite
>all bow to its sacred numbers
Bro think for yourself alcohol is one of man kinds first discoveries/invention. At best total abstinence may tack on maybe a handful of extra years of life but there is no way to know if they will be quality years and you can't go back in time and recapture the enjoyment of a great meal accompanied by a great wine and rounded off by a sweet and savory dessert of assorted fine cheeses, honey, and fruit with a glass of cognac to return to for warm, caramel, Smokey sips of deliciousness.
>never sitting in that warm glow of satisfaction from a great meal with a comfortable buzz
Why do you exist?

>>never sitting in that warm glow of satisfaction from a great meal with a comfortable buzz
>Never sitting in the feeling of degenerate substance Y
>smoking which causes cancer
>high sugary food which helps alzheimer, high blood pressure and a bunch of other bad stuff

In case you haven't noticed, this century is defined by the people who can abstain from their feelings. From the instincts that are tied to different circumstances, from times long past.

What you have is a repetitive negative. Meaning it offers no benefits to you. It actually does the opposite of giving benefits. And its repetitive in nature.

Beyond the short term satisfaction of simple neural cells, it does nothing. Its a simple repeating script. Its a mark of a beast, not that of a conscious being who can change its destiny with its willpower.

In feelings lies no truth.

>The evidence is that alcohol is good for you.

Smoking? Never said that. High sugary? Nigga if your diet can't make room for a bit of honey and fruit then you have a problem. And abstinence isn't a mark of discipline its the mark of one lacks the self control to practice moderation.
>hi I'm user and I'm a child.

>drinking no alcohol is as good as drinking >6 times a week


I mean there is no reason why you can't lose 20 pounds while having chocolate I see lots of Veeky Forumsizens who use a bit of dark chocolate. Saying you should eat it is a bit of a stretch but still a far cry from the smarmy sarcasm you are projecting.

Why should you consume these things though?

I tell you why. Because they feel good.

But outside of feelings they have no purpose.

In Veeky Forums we consume proteins, creatine and a bunch of other things because they have a purpose, not related to our feelings, but related to real world effects that are good for us.

How in the flying fuck do you think you could come in here and preach your normie, feel good thing that animals do?

Alcohol wasnt always accepted as an okay thing and if we want to we can start this up again and ostracize and bully you degenerates.

wow what compelling sources you have there m8

> Extract/
>This page features 197 unique references to scientific papers.

As far as cocoa goes, its well past "moderate amount of evidence for its beneficial effects" area. Near high.

Bulking and cutting is a complete myth, even when on roids.

You can absolutely lose fat and gain muscle at the same time.

> .5 grams of protein per body lb to maintain muscle
> 1.08 grams of protein per body lb saw 2.5 lbs of muscle growth in over a period of 4 weeks.

it's per day, not per week

your body has stores of fat for energy, so it can use say 95% of ingested food + 5% equiv. of fat for it's energy needs, and use the leftover 5% protons from the ingested food for muscles, theoretically

>all the links are buzzfeed-tier

wew lad

>thinking being a robot sperglord will lead to either lifting gainz or social gainz.
Wake up user the rest of the world doesn't have a problem you do for not getting along with us. It is WE who ostracize YOU and that's why your fevered wet dream of ostracizing me will never come to fruition. Your life is a shining example of obsessive futility.

>all these retards who don't realize that drinking a few drinks a night can lower the risk of heart disease by 50%

Why does Veeky Forums hate alcohol again? Anybody who values their health will have a few drinks every night.

Yeah but you don't NEED to eat it to be healthy that was my point.


lol, I sure as hell can ostracize you user. Deep down, the first subtle dismissal always happens from my side towards other people. Deep down, even if you dare not admit it, the natural mind, which was active for millions of years knows what weakness, what degeneracy is. That animalistic part of you, you may suppress.

But every time you meet a healthy person who is not obese, who doesnt drink, who doesnt smoke, who takes care of his body. Millions of years of biological programming tells you that you are wrong.

The ostracization flows forth from that. And the tears that I reap from it are delicious.

Popularity fallacies are bullshit as well. I can stand tall all on my own, against hoardes of fat, soda sipping, alcoholic, weed smoking beasts and still feel good.

It is not me who needs you, it is you who needs me.

obviously sticky has flaws

but when you critique it at least use actual sources and dont just link to cringy blogs

Lol at those sources
>men's health, esquire
That's the equivalent of reading a Cosmo article dude. If you're going to source information, you need to do it to reputable, empirical, peer reviewed sources like journals. The fact that you chose these sources just makes you look like an uneducated dumb ass, you're that dumb valley girl in the corner quoting Cosmo dude.
How can we trust your post when you don't even know how to find empirical evidence? We can't

>alcohol is good for you
I know this is bait, but nigga you still retarded. Alcohol is literally a poison.

Wat are you even on about anymore? You conflate so many behaviors together it doesn't even make sense. You clearly have delusions of grandeur. Say hi to Eric and Dylan and the rest of the ubermensches for me.

>we as the average people are so extremely desirable!
no you are not, you are pic related. Why the fuck would I want to associate myself with you.

>soda sipping
>alcoholic things
Most of these things even go hand in hand together as most people are dumb and disgusting as shit.

>children have even worse eating habits than their parents and are ballooning up even faster
>listen to chimp noises and have chimp idols
>do even fewer sports than their parents
>more bodyfat and lower muscle mass, lower grip strength than the previous generation

>"I am special because I sip hollow materials that do not even contribute anything to me"

Lol degenerates.

All i want is a girl who wears shit like this and to just spend the entire day in the bedroom fucking her brains out. Fuck brehs

Like a negro, you lack the IQ to form long term concepts and impressions of reality. Content in your little box of simplicity, where simple feelings are the endpoint of all that you know. Never peeking outside of your little box.

Slowly being pulled along with every other human beast like Into a maelstrom of depravity and eventually, a genetic death. What use do you think dead people have to me?

Well, you're right.
Anyone who says dieting and exercise should be approached the same no matter the sex or goals of the person is either fucking retarded an obese out of shape feminist or a gay.

Over consumption of unnatural foods is actually bad.

Alcohol is actually useless as a source of calories but it's benefits are really played up by the alcohol industry.

Vitamins, if we are not getting them from our meals, are a necessary evil.

Sodium. No idea

Omega 3 fatty acids, never really looked into it. But I would be interested in some studies.

Starvation is actually bad if you want to maintain muscle and lose excess fat and not die from vitamin deficiencies and your organs shutting down. Eating less but healthily has been proven to have all sorts of positive effects for your body, the negatives are you'll have less energy and you'll not produce as much hormones.

Mobility stuff? Never bought into it. Seems like a scam but I just didn't really pay any attention.

And pushing strength training and being a gym monkey over everything else, even going so far as to shit on everyone to do it is why no one comes here for advice and basically ignores the sticky.

I honestly want someone who has followed the advice of the sticky 100% to post pics.

If they have to come here to learn how to lift and diet then they damned sure aren't wise enough and self aware enough to do bulking and cutting to gain extra muscle as a natural.
It's been shown to be fucking retarded.

>>Starvation is bad
>True, but being on a calorie deficit isn't staving. "Starvation" doesn't happen unless you've *literally* been in Auschwitz for months, otherwise it's a myth.
when did the sticky claim a caloric deficit was starvation?

>genetically dead
Wew lad good luck on finding your ava braun cuz most women aren't attracted to spergs

>you can't be healthy if you drink

Holy fucking kek you /pol/ rejects are delusional.

So is vitamin c. Dose makes the poison you ignorant underage retard.

>muh appeal to nature

OP's sources were shit, but at least he TRIED to back up his bullshit. You couldn't even handle that much.

We are in the later stages of societal decay, but with industrialization we are even worse off than before.

that 70% number of obesity/overweightness is no fucking joke. The vast majority of society, along with their habits are fucking unhealthy. Thats a fact.

and other cool fact is that this number is still going up, it still is exploding right now. Soda usage has not gone down, it has only become more refined and more poisonous as coca cola has not been stopped or punished.

These changes to the body are unprecedented. Never in the history of all things that were human did we manage to become so fat and unhealthy.

I am not gullible enough to think that we have souls, I firmly believe that everything a human is comes forth from the DNA and above that, through the minerals/chemicals/hormones/gut bacteria interacting with that DNA.

The effects of obesity are long term, very long term and they are undocumented. We already had a taste of how bad we can fuckup our humans with leaded gasoline, which lowered IQ points in whites, and made them more violent as well.

If you are too dumb to see the great calamity that lies in the future, it is your loss. Evolution dictates that you are destined for the dustbin of history along with the rest of the people who did not adapt.

So again, I have no use for genetic dead ends. I do not care about you. March into genetic, with good feelings for all I care, with your friends. Who cares...most of you will die anyhow to these trends.

>appeal to nature

At first I didn't know what you were talking about then I realized that you were saying that "unnatural foods" was an appeal to nature.

No, it's been proven that artificial sweeteners, and dyes, and basically every fast food, junkfood, and premade food you can name has horrid effects on our bodies.

It's like saying that unless you can prove that the world turning towards the sun makes one side of the world light up with empirical evidence then you have no evidence that it has anything to do with it.

Unnatural foods aren't great for you though. Try eating exclusively wholesome unadulterated foods for two weeks then eat a whopper with "cheese" and tell me how you feel.

God damn it are you the asshole who keeps buying all of wal marts .22 bullets off the shelves and stashing them in your basement. It's not cool user I need those bullets to keep the varmint population down at my house. Stop hoarding all the supplies in your shelter. And get your dale gribble theories outta here while you're at it.

Yeah ive noticed that. Also it recommends weighted ab exercises, which Dr Stuart McGill says ruin the spine. McGill recommends stuff like planks, side planks etc

Are you me?

what? The obesity/overweight trends are a normie, MSM allowed narrative. They arent disputed. Are you so low on the IQ food chain that you cant even get into that haha?

Jesus fuck, stop posting and start lurking more you useless piece of shit.

It's the crazy extrapolations about what the trend will lead to that concern me. And the fact that you don't seem to understand that diseases that kill after the reproductive stage of life have zero impact on evolution make me question your intellect even more


wait, you know what I think il stop posting to that tard now. He doesnt deserve my presence.
Lurk moar fagget.


>regular moderate drinking
what's the standard?
German health brands women as alcoholics if they have more than 1 beer per 2 days.

Modern "overweight" women were considered medically obese 30 years ago.

The only thing that's changed is that the weight classes were moved up to prevent people from noticing the epidemic of obesity.

Women in the high test threads? Have been proven to birth stronger healthier and SMARTER children and have and easier time doing it then thinner more low fat women.

As long as they don't like completely pork up.

>having kids
>genetic dead ends
Not knowing the difference between passing on bad habits and bad genes. Are you really gonna take on the haes argument that obesity is mostly genetic just to troll me on a Timbuktu trading board?

That hit close home.
Speaking of which, could anyone link a guide that goes into specifics on how one should be eating to gain muscle? I have no clue, and i'm finding it hard to figure out.

low fat women = high test (if they have the proper measurements)

What those women have is large hips, small waists and large shoulders. That is high test.

Being fat has nothing to do with high test.

Being fat is always bad, 100% of the time.

I cant believe that there are so many retards posting here. If I had the mod controls here I would start banning people like you. Too many dumb dumbs here.

Use this

kill yourself you dumbass

>not knowing of the hormones passed on from mother to child

Jesus fuck you fucking mongoloid.

Then how cum 80% of NFL players have a fat black mom? Kys you king of meme.

sorry, still 0/10 and would not drink with you. What you are posting is basically just low IQ stupidity/being dumb.

Don't planks also ruin the spine?

Stop you're gonna cut me with all that edge. Nothing worse than straight edge edgelords they are just the edgiest.