Soooo what's better for burning fat Veeky Forums; ECA stack or Albuterol?

Soooo what's better for burning fat Veeky Forums; ECA stack or Albuterol?

I know nothing about Albuterol, but ECA doesn't burn fat. It curbs your hunger wonderfully though if you aren't retarded and wreck your heart with it, lost 40 lbs in a few months

Really? I read that it's thermogenic and burns fat really well. When you were on ECA did you have enough energy for lifting if you hadn't eaten that day? Also, how addictive is it?

I don't get addicted to things easily, so I couldn't tell you. Never felt caffeine cravings after cycling off but a lot of people do.

It doesn't increase your temperature that much, most of the weight loss will just be from how easy it is to eat less calories.

Gets you more energized for the gym honestly, kinda like pre-workout. Don't do cardio with it if your heart feels weird

yohimbine and fork put downs

He's mostly right. Same thing with Yohimbe. They make things a bit easier, but if you don't eat better/less and actually hit the gym, you're just gonna be pissing money away.

i did the caffeine and ephedrine for a few weeks before work got to hot. you will have plenty of energy to lift, its not addictive and your body temp will raise
>work outside/inside ATT cable guy
>dietetic makes water not retain
>no place to pee because no one wants cable guy using their restroom
>when i stopped drinking less than a gallon by 3-4 oclock my piss was brown
just couldn't do it for summer work load
had to stop

I don't go a day without drinking coffee because I get headaches if I go one day without caffeine. Would that make me more susceptible to becoming addicted to Ephedrine?

I'm not overweight by any means, my diet isn't tooooo bad and I go to the gym 3 to 4 times p/week already. Went a few months without gym or eating properly and gain a bit of body fat and am panicking a bit because summer is here and I need to get back to being fit again. My problem is that when I go on a cut I never have enough energy to perform at the gym. Having an energy boost and the decreased appetite would be pretty handy for me desu.

I don't think ephedrine is physically addicting, but you might get too used to the energy it gives you plus the caffeine.

D N P + E C A

Clenbuteral if you can get it.

I like to cycle YCA and ECA every two weeks. Don't take Y and E together though.

Stop eating so much

- Stop eating so much
- Stop lifting

Pick one.

>you can't lift on a cut

Dumb nigger.

It's not that I can't lift on a cut, it's more that I don't have the energy to workout effectively in the gym on a deficit because I don't have enough energy to without food.

You will adjust in no time. Making excuses won't help you though.

eating less

have you tried cardio instead of starving yourself

Be wary if you're a burger and you can't get the old E easily

blog.priceplow (.) com/ephedra
These guys did a nice story over legality and what you can still get.

Bronkaid is sold OTC here.

This is my current body. I'm not the fat fuck nigger you think I am.

No, but you have lbs to lose, and it's not gonna go without a cut.

I guess I was just trying to say there's other options. I was wanting to do an EC stack and it led me around until I found that ephedra story.

Also, aspirin part of ECA is unnecessary and slightly harmful

Yeah, I've heard that as well. Isn't it better to take it with Fish oil or Tree bark oil or something like that?

I've used all the common fat burners. I'll give my opinions, theres DNP, clen, albuterol, yohimbine, EC stack and t3.

First thing I will say, NONE of them will do a good job if your diet is shitty. Even DNP.

EC stack is a staple for me when cutting to low bodyfat, personally I think it is the best of all the drugs listed, not because it burns a lot of fat, but because it makes the latter stages of a cut much more bearable, and being positive and motivated is the most important factor in a successful cut.

Clen, DNP are the best for actual fat burn. DNP is obviously stronger, but makes you feel like shit. Clen makes you feel like a different kind of (but more bearable) shit. DNP makes keeping diet in check hard. Clen doesn't in my experience, so I actually find overall clen ends up giving better results. But this will come down to personal appetite levels and such.

Yohimbine is not worth it imo. You have to use it fasted for it to be of any value, and I got uncomfortable heart sides with it. The fat loss isn't even that great.

Albuterol is shit. It was memed hard on Veeky Forums because people were hoping for a side effect free clen replacement. It just doesn't do enough, even when an old tripfag went yolo and took 64mg of it daily.

T3 is an excellent tool for fat loss, but ideally shouldn't be used without some form of AAS alongside, as it can promote muscle loss as well as fat.

So, in conclusion, I think EC is the best tool for cutting overall.
If you're a NEET, give DNP a go. If you have a job and a social life, clen is a better option.

If you can't go a week without eating shit food, then stop even considering wasting your money on fat loss drugs.

OP here thank you! This was the kind of reply I was looking for.