Bad breath

What can I do about it other than the obvious brushing and flossing

Diet and exercise

Visit a dentist.

On a side not im not OP but im on antibotics (doxy) and my entire body smells funny especially my armpits have this heavy disgusting smell they usually dont have

Also my breath is different smelling( bad)

I don't eat any junk food and the only sugar I ever get is from fruits.

Brush your tongue, stop eating shit. Chew gum

bad breath can come from your stomach too. when nothing else helps, you should visit a doc, it could be a medical problem.

Stop having GERD.

Your esophagus is open and venting the contents of your stomach.

Eating right.

It's not about your mouth, it's about your stomach.

Clean out your tonsils. They can hold onto some of the most putrid smelling debris.

Pic related

Only 2kcals each
Or 2Cals each

Bad breath often does not come from your teeth but from your tounge. So

drink more water
don't drink a lot at lunch and dinner, drinking a lot will render difficult to digest what you've eaten. Drink your water a couple of hours later or before
move to a less acid diet (e.g. less tomatoes, less meat)
sweat more
trim armpits air
after brushing and flossing, mouthwash. Fucking mouthwash
when brushing, brush your tongue and your cheeks too
eventually check for food intolerances (even if you're outright intolerant to some foods, those could be less than ideal for you)

Stop breathing you shit eater. People with bad breath should shot, digusting swines.

Those with poor grammar should be drug out into the street and shot also.

>even if you're outright
*even if you're not outright


bad breath is created bc of your TONGUE .



>brush tongue
>make sure youre brushing the very back teeth
>just use gum or mints

Tonsil stones.

I fell for the orabrush meme. they don't work well.

i dont recommend them , i just found it on google.
old school scrappers will do enough . i am not somebody who needs a brand .

Did you remove the brush from its package?


>I need a specific device to clean the tongue
>I jump in a thread w/o checking if "cleaning the tongue" has been suggested yet

just use a spoon

>current year
>having bad breath

Fitizen, here's the solution : cloves. In addition, it's way better for your health than gum.

How do you even know you have bad breath if you don't eat unhealthy foods, exercise, brush, and floss?

ask a m8 and blow on him

Get a tonsil stone remover. If you've never used one before, prepare for having a bunch of small yellowish whitish clumps of putrid smelling shit come out.

Get a brush with one of these tounge scraper thingies.

Scrape the white shitt of from your tongue.

I do this and have done it for years, my mouth does not feel clean if I can't clean my tongue too.

How far back do you stick it in? I can't go deep enough to get all the white stuff without gagging.

As far as it's reasonable. I also gag from time to time and there is no real way to avoid that.

But I don't care about that, I care only about a clean mouth.

Ask ur mum, she doesn't gag at all.

I have braces and clean my tongue with a scraper but I feel like the metal in my mouth leaves me more propense to having bad breath. Feels bad man

Get as much of the shit stench gunk off your tongue, then use mouthwash.

I literally never get bad breath unless I eat raw onions or garlic. I've gone 2 days without brushing or flossing or even using fluoride rinse and my breath was fine, even if my teeth felt fuzzy and disgusting. I never understood this.

I also don't smell until I haven't bathed for at least three days. It's the weirdest thing. My diet isn't even that good.


Imagine if like.. You could put that thing on the un used side of a toothbrush..

Think of the possibilities.

Wait a minute.. Surely making this to a standalone product is NOT a scheme trying to make money on an idea that has existed for ages?

I mean, do you think someone would do that? Try to get the money of confiding people. Only because they don't know any better. I hope not

Those little rubber things suck anyways. Just use the toothbrush on your tongue.

They only suck if you can't use them. Normal toothbrush hasn't got shit compared to the rubber things in these things when it comes to cleaning the tongue.

I use a teaspoon that I hold upside down like the absolute madman I am

>never understanding you're almost immune to your own scent
You're obviously a disgusting loner with no friends because your BO and halitosis drives everyone away from you.

how long do you wait to put water in your mouth/rinse after using mouthwash? I don't like the taste/feeling

If you have good oral hygiene (and have for a while. Don't just pick up a toothbrush for the first time in a year and expect your halitosis to immediately go away), but still have bad breath, you need to visit a dentist.

Honestly how many of you faggots even brush your tongue

brushing the tongue was mentioned. not cleaning it.