Redpill me on milk

Is this a good brand of milk? It's fairlife, fat-free

>fat-free milk
kill yourself my man

It's not nearly as good as it sounds.

>fat free
That isn't that big a deal, the fats in milk won't kill you and simply drinking less milk is a better idea that drinking fat free

>more protein
It's one good point, but on a price:gram ranking it's below things like chicken breast, eggs and especially whey for sources of cheap, whole proteins

>less sugar
The sugar in normal milk, lactose, is not an issue unless you are lactose intolerant. It's a complex carb and the fats and proteins it comes packaged with (ie normal milk) further slow it's absorption. Fairlife has lactase added which makes what sugar is in it a quickly digested simple sugar, which is not a positive

>muh calcium
A few servings of dark leafy greens is so much better a source of calcium than any milk, it's not even a contest. Most men aren't calcium deficient anyways.

If you're cutting and want less kcals, just skip the milk entirely and opt for protein shakes. Fairlife is expensive and not really worth the cost, imho.

The pros are that it tastes really good and if you're lactose intolerant, it's nice.

i live for that shit... but i also get horrible gas if i drink regular milk.

I think I'd rather get whole milk Lactaid instead since I'm lactose intolerant. The shit is already pricey as fuck and I'd imagine this is worse.

So does drinking milk that had the lactose broken into glucose make it less healthy?

>So does drinking milk that had the lactose broken into glucose make it less healthy?

Yeah? Pretty much. It's not unhealthy per say, but it's not as good as normal milk. tbH if I were lactose intolerant I'd probably just drop milk, it's good but not an absolute necessity.

>drinking liquid estrogen

I don't drink it a lot, but I like to have a splash with my tea or oats occadionally. A half gallon will last me a few weeks usually so it's more of a condiment than a drink. I'm not like some of the dudes here that will drink a liter of the shit a day.

it's the most fuckin delicious stuff i've ever tasted, but it's too expensive to be practical

if i could afford it, i'd always get that milk (except for the fat-free, get 2% bitchboi)

>fat free
I didn't care if it is was fat-free or not

>less sugar
My race breaks easy from sugar, so I try to decrease my intake of sugar (one bowl of cheerios a day)

>implying that lactase doesn't just break the lactose down into glucose
>what am I even reading

>lactose: no

More like reduced

Despite having less fat and sugar, it tastes just as good if not better than regular milk. It's really expensive though so unless you really like the taste of it, don't buy it.

Its fluid made specifically for baby cows.

Dont drink you are not supposed to.

>milk that expires in 6-8 months after you purchase it

this makes me uncomfortable

If milk was liquid estrogen, then my Pcos wouldn't have been a problem. Meme lord galore

>fat and lactose sugar is bad

Man it's so easy to trick the general public when it comes to healthy eating. So many unnecessarily fat free products is just making everyone low test because they think fat is bad, when it's actually essential for hormone production.

well the only fluid made speicifically for you is cum so how about you stick to that and ill stick to my milk

>consuming processed estrogen infused milk of any kind

If you have to drink milk, get it from your local dairy farm.

>Adult cows are made for feeding baby cows so I guess you shouldn't eat meat.

>Eggs are made to grow baby chickens so I guess you shouldn't eat eggs.

>Greens are grown to feed cows so I guess you shouldn't eat produce.

>Water is used to grow grains and cows so you should stop drinking that too.

Follow this simple diet and in 3-10 days you'll be a better, healthier dipshit!

Fat free is good for people afflicted with gout like me. Milk is a good alternative source of protein. You need the calcium to grow taller.

Babies should get breastfed tho instead of given cows milk.

>Is this a good brand of milk

drink semi skimmed pasteurised milk... branding of milk means your paying more for something that is either exactly the same or has some shit added to it.

You're dumb. You're paying boutique prices for something that's been fucked with so much that you can't even really be sure what it is you're getting. Quit overthinking everything and save the $10 that fucking bottle of shit must have cost you.

No you dense fucking faggot.

But by all means keep drinking milk, we have been doing it for ages it must be good for you right?

If you can metabolize milk, fucking drink that shit.

It's basically gains juice.

fucking this

all milk is lactose free when it's digested. that's why lactose intolerant people can't digest it--because their bodies lack the enzyme that makes it lactose-free.

fairlife milk is made by the following process, which is pretty simple:

Say you have a certain volume of whole milk, which you want to turn into whole fairlife milk, which has, per unit of volume, 1.5 times as much protein as milk, the same amount of fat, and less sugar.
This is what you do:

1. Add lactase. This converts the lactose into glucose, which is sweeter (this will come up in a bit.
2. Filter out a third of your initial volume *in water*. The resulting fluid will have 2/3 of your initial volume of milk, and 1.5 times as many grams of protein, fat, and carbs of the per unit of volume as the milk you started with.
3. You filter out a third of the fat. The resulting fluid has the same amount of fat per unit of volume as the milk you started with, but 1.5 times as much sugar and protein.
4. you filter out more than a third of the sugar--since glucose is sweeter than lactose, you can filter out some extra sugar and still have a drink that tastes like milk. note: lactaid doesn't do this, which is why it tastes sweeter than ordinary milk.

This is why fairlife costs significantly more than ordinary milk--more milk was used in the manufacture than what you're buying, which should have been obvious.
like with all other foods, drink fairlife milk if you like it and find it convenient and it fits your budget and your macros.

You haven't given a single argument for why it might not be healthy except for the idea that 'it's against nature!'

Not him but yes, we have been drinking it for ages and the groups who did adapted to process it and get nutrients out of it. You mongloid

The Dutch didn't grow to be the tallest people on earth because they ate alot of fucking cabbage.

for fuck sake

Ordinary milk has 8g in USA?
jeez, in my shitty coutnry it's 2-3.5 depending on type of milk

you fucking retard, that's because your serving size is 100ml, while the american serving size is 236.5 (8oz)

if that was a joke, that was funny tho

ooh, per serving, sorry.
Our products only count stuff per 100g

what would it mean for milk to have 8g protein in absolute terms (not per serving)?

As the guy mentioned, his country measures nutritional value on the same scale for all foods, so saying 'Milk has 8g protein' would make sense in his system if only because everyone knows what unit ratio he's referring to, even if it still doesn't use absolute terms.

It kind of makes more sense than serving-based nutrition facts if you ask me.

The dutch drink so much milk is because of government propaganda for buying milk.

The Netherlands was producing more milk than they could sell, the governtment helped them out by making the Dutch people drink more milk.

Its retarded to drink milk from another species.

>Its retarded to drink milk from another species.

Yet, you've failed to provide an actual argument as to why it's retarded.

Our bodies have not had the time to evolve to optimally use the foods that we eat.

Humanity might be very advanced but our bodies are not.

Many of todays most common illnesses are caused by our drasricly changed evironment.

No other animal on earth does this.

The food humans eat right now are far from what we have evolved to eat.



>appeal to nature


>No other animal on earth does this.
Have you ever given a dog or cat milk? They love it. They just don't know how to get it because they're not smart enough, but they fucking would if they could.

there are several things humans do that other animals don't do--see if you can sit down and name a few.

No lactose milk have a higher glycemic index than lactose milk.

t. idiot who believes everything he reads online

Pretty much all of htis.
> lactase added which makes what sugar is in it a quickly digested
Lactose is the carbohydrate in milk. They add lactase (an enzyme) that breaks lactose into galactose + glicose that get digested quicker and are more sweet to the taste.
>>>fat free
Yep, don't drink milk without fat; instead, aim for a total kcal intake and drink less milk overral. Fat in milk lowers the GI and increase satiety.

Great. What does that have to do with milk, frog?

3.5% or 1.5% fat milk desu?

the one that's processed the least.

So gofor the 3.5%