Lifting for about a year. With weekly brakes in-between that i couldn't avoid. Any tips? Progress rate?

Lifting for about a year. With weekly brakes in-between that i couldn't avoid. Any tips? Progress rate?

when you bench, touch the bar to your chest and then attemp to bend the bar even further down

I do incline and standard flyes

Looking good, but you look like you don't deadlift correct?

If you look around the gym, you may find some of those iron discs. Get some more of the big ones and put them on the bar before you lift. This will help.

Did you mean 'breaks'?

Pretty clean progress for what is really 1/2 year of work. Just up all your maxes and keep going. What's your routine?


Yeah i dont DL. Back hurts. I do vertical squats

Yeah. Breaks:)

record your progress - write down what you have done and work to increase your strength. don't work to failure everytime(once in a while's good). be mindful of how your body feels and get enough rest.

>I do vertical squats
As opposed to what, horizontal ones?

I do full body 3 times a week. Vertical squats. Incline flyes. Chin ups. Overhead press with dumbells. And i vary with isolation excercises for bi andre tri.

Machine that does vertical ones


focus on getting bigger legs, delts and traps as they make you look bigger. can't see your back but if that's the case usually means your lats are relatively small too, deadlifts will go a long way with you
pretty aryan looking too gj


aryans do not have brown nipples
>sauce im an aryan

You have a very small mouth


Yeah, hang up one of those word-a-day calendars by your weight set.

Im making a face. Trist is med try harding for at photo

This is me tryharding for at photo* autocorrect sorry


>weekly brakes
OP is a NASCAR driver.


Nigga, you're a Hitler youth looking mother fucker, shit

honestly miring, but you need to get rid of that chain
literally only short, hairy, bald italians wear that shit

haha shit nigga

