What's your norwood status Veeky Forums?

What's your norwood status Veeky Forums?

>22 and norwood 5a
Nevergettinglaid mode activated

Just go bald like everyone else, if not, you will look 30 years older

Between 1 and 2
Been noticing a slight difference over the past few months
23 years old

>tfw 2
getting a presciption on finasterid next month, hopefully it can reverse my hairline and get me back to 1.

inb4 propecia syndrome

Both my parents are at 1, too.
Feels good not having to worry, man.

3o yo, between 1 and 2. Guess I'm gonna make it.

Dad's father dies at 75 with a perfect hair, and there is no baldness in that family. Mom's dad was a bowling ball. Fuck that manlet, I hope I don't carry his genes

between 0 and 1

2 plus going grey, 23

Between 2 and 2a. Got on fin early so my hair has stopped falling out. 34 now and froze it pretty much how it looked 6 years ago.


my hair is as thick as it was when I was 10 and grows like 2 inches every month I am fucking mad I wish i was bald

i fucking WISH i was bald

24 and a 2

>30, 1-1.2

Feels hairy man.

About a 2 at 29. I shaved my head to see what I'd look like bald recently. Not bad then.
I was 4 years into smoking (weed) way to much and never eating a single meal right. I think my hair loss was triggered by mal nourishment, smoking, defining, and lack of sleep. I say this because I'm seeing some new hair growth in last three weeks. I've been eating perfectly, taking unsulphured black strap molasses in the morning with zinc supplements. In the evening, biotin and vit E supplements. I also started applying mineral enriched coconut oil after fixing myself to sweat by rowing 5k morning and evening. I also run 2-3 miles and lift alternately before my evening row.
I have been taking progress pics for my hair and it's not a huge change but there is definitely new hair growth from 4-6 months back and considerably less daily hair loss.
Take it for what you will from my regimen.
Oh also, my hard ons are like 2x in size now so I guess my heart is circulating blood better. Poor blood circulation is what causes your follicles to close up.


>About a 2 at 29. I shaved my head to see what I'd look like bald recently. Not bad then.
You have balls of steel. I wait to cut my hair until I look like a beat poet just because I'm scared it won't grow again. 30 yo, number 2.

Full head of hair but I shave my head anyway because I like it, takes 5 minutes every few days with clippers.

Nah dude, shaving made me realize that I'm really going bald. I was in denial before that. All the men on both sides of my family have great hair so I thought I was immune.
Shaving allowed me to accept it and drastically change my lifestyle. And I'm seeing results from those changes too.
Highly recommend clean living, daily tons sweating, and eating nutritious as fuck. If anything it will slow your hair fall down.
On a side note, there is no scientific evidence but if you google around you'll see tons of anecdotal evidence supporting hair growth after people quit smoking or at least thin hairs coming back thicker. Same with biotin and black strap molasses and coconut oil usage.
It seems men are balding faster and earlier in our generation. I think it's stuff like smoking and processed crap that people eat that accelerates this.

None of these. Lmao you people have shit hair genetics.

you will be bald user, face it already

None of my parents/grandparents had balding issues even in their 80's.

Great grandma didn't even lose her hair color during 94 years of life.

>3 vertex
Hello incel my old friend...

2 but it's been like that since my teens. I lost a lot of density then but it kept mostly the same or even increased a bit in the following 10 years.

Neither my father nor my maternal grandfather are bald altough my dad has had crappy density since his 40s (56 now).

Do I stand a chance Veeky Forums?

Nah mayne, I have superior genetics, it just won't happen. Poor baldlets.

1 and i'm 22
it w-wont get worse will it?

3 here and 26 years old.

I just shaved it all off and I look better than ever. Hair is a meme.

31 and 1, feels good man.

Same stats, definitely considering shaving as well.

>Mom's dad was a bowling ball.
>Mom's dad
I have bad news for you, user

It's just so much better, trust me. It looks cleaner, it's easier to take care off, it's a pretty masculine look and it's generally just more aesthetic than trying to meme some frankensteiner on your head.

Oh and buying a buzzcut tool is way cheaper than paying someone to actually cut your hair.

You can also balance out your baldness with some beard or something.

23, and 2ish. i have somewhat receded corners of the hairline but temporally and on the crown it's stable. it could just be maturing hairline, my dads hairline is nearly identical and he's in his mid 50's

25 and a 2. It's gotten to the point where it's just noticeable I'm balding. I didn't notice I was balding until I was 20 but I think it must have started at 18 at least. I have extremely thick hair so that's helped slow it down.

>not going to make it

Also my hairline is receding in a wedge shape, I have a really prominent widows peak. Does anyone else have this?

>27 yo
I'm 1

But I'm slowly going grey since 21


Tfw ran 4 cycles and still have thick beautiful hair
I have low test so don't feel too down

My dad at 51 is at 2. Will i get lucky also?

29 yo at 1 here

and I take creatine everyday since I was 16

2 at 22. Been like that for a couple of years, used to have a shitty combover and barely got any pussy. I shaved it off a year ago and pussy started coming in droves.

My dad is 59 and my hairline is much worse than his. Sorry bro, it can happen at any age no matter what your relatives hair is like.

This will probably be me in 4 years

trips of truth, kek wills it

I was a 1 at 18 and am now a 2 at 22

any chance that it slows down now that puberty is about over? Or am I on a one way ticket to shave city before 30

Widow's peak master race here. Probably about a Norwood 2. If my dad is anything to go by I'll probably slowly recede for the next couple of decades and be in my 40s before it's seriously noticeable.

Used to let it bother me but as long as I keep it short it still looks pretty aesthetic.

Some men hold onto a receded hairline for years. There's still hope for you user

1 with patches of white starting to show up. Who knew you could get vitiligo at 30 and that it also affects hair pigment.

I'm thinning on the top quite a bit but I think it's because of stress. I've read that if your hairloss is accompanied by an itchy scalp is to do with stress or something else.

Always had thick hair otherwise and the hairdresser I went to recently said "Your hair is really weird, it's very thick but very fine".

Google hairline maturation. I've seen a decent amount of shit saying the norwood 2 is within the realm of normal, particularly the side on view as people think corner recession is temporal recession which it isn't


I have noticed it's actually really common around my age, people just don't notice because most guys style their hair to cover it up

Men with the hairline of a 15 year old look weird anyway. Slight recession looks pretty aesthetic as long as you don't grow it too long

I have high cornered hairline recession. side on it looks like I'm a norwood 2 but I have absolutely no frontal recession, temporal recession or crown thinning. It's extremely common for hairlines to recede slightly post puberty and a lot of people will have varying degrees of norwood 2 on the side on view as the corners recede and mature.

basically in 95% of cases, temporal and crown recession/thinning are the indcities of the onset of MPB

27 and norwood 2.

i hate my shitty hairline. at least my hair is thick.

I have native American genetics
>can just braid my hair

Honestly why not just shave head and grow a beard when start getting bald?

>tfw ginger and pale
>Can only grow a patchy ginger neckbeard
>start noticing my hairline is rapidly retreating with a bald spot developing at the crown (pic related)
>20 years old

Wat do

Shave down to 0.5. Don't do full shave until you can grow beard or bigger jaw

at age 30, i'm not at 2...

if this guy can make it work, why couldn't you.

>tfw entire family on my mom's side is balding as fuck
>like every single guy
>but my dad and his entire family all have full heads of hair, well into their 70s/80s/90s

christ which way will it go

>27 and #1
Grandpa on my mom's side is about to turn 100 and he still has most of his hair.
Both parents have full heads of hair at 60+
I'm good, no worries here

mate, 1 is "no hair loss yet". you are on this chart.

I'm at 1, 20 years old.
Both my dad and my mum's dad were balding before 50

18 and 2

Fuck this

>21 and 2

hope I got my dads hair genetics, he's 50 and still at 2

I think shaving it off is the right choice if you are not 1 or 2
I rarely see any people that can really pull off a balding head

Same boat friend.

26 and still 1. Father is 50 something and still got a full head of hair, turning gray.

Shame about my shit tier beard though.

hey bros, I started receding around 21 and freaked out, by 23 I was a NW2 on the scale, now i'm early 30's and still a NW2. Some of us just "mature". Don't freak out just yet.

30 and norwood 2.
But it's noticable as fuck.

Been going bald since early 20's, shaved it right away without a second thought -- felt very weird at first, since i was young and bald, but being muscular really helped and it's definitely awesome when you're older. Chicks dig muscular bald dudes, just hope your head isn't mishapen. Oh and when they say it's all about confidence: that's exactly true.

Still at 1 at 21, no sign of my mane decreasing in size.
My dad's got all his hair still too.
Feels quite good to be perfectly honest with you, my familiars.

>24 and 2
>mom insists on buying a minoxidile spray because "your hair child!!"
>tfw when i am too bored for that daily ritual
>tfw when i accept your impending hairless doom

too much of a coward to shave my hair off

inbetween 1&2. its only effected my left temple.

this has basically been my experience. you have to be buff to pull off a shaved head. you should get a little bit of a tan as well. it doesn't have to be much, but if you're too white you just look sick. finally, some stubble helps.

>Chicks dig muscular bald dudes, just hope your head isn't mishapen
It seems to be hit or miss. The majority probably don't like it, but you don't need to fuck every girl anyway. There are plenty of women who do like it (or simply don't care) so just ignore the others.

>>Chicks dig muscular bald dudes
Just hope you are good looking as well

> be me 26 y/o
> litteraly just started hitting the gym
> Absolute dyel, pathetically weak
> 69 kg for 180 cm
> Be balding stage 4 according to that scale

Why even try Veeky Forums ?

Not even on the scale.

No bald members of family. My heart will probably explode before I'm 50 though.

Take the bitter with the sweet.

21, 2 and its noticably thin in the front

>The majority probably don't like it
Actually there was an article about baldness on the DailyMail and the comments on both the article and the facebook page showed that a lot (and I mean a lot) of women get wet as fuck over bald guys.

I was taken a back but, here's the thing, if guys didn't try to save their hair a whole lot of (((businesses))) would go out of business.

Think about it.

>between 2 and 2a

>1 but general thinning all over
>have to grow hair out a couple inches before my scalp isn't visible these days
>shave head for first time ever
>back of head is weird as fuck

God dammit.

at least you aren't between 2 and 2a, and have a long, weird shaped head. Once my hair is gone, im going to wear hats for the rest of my days. I can't deal with living without.

>Section 1

I'm not a very vain person, but if I ever start to go bald I'm getting hair plugs. If you do it as soon as you see balding evidence, people won't know.


lol who caress we all gonna die anyway haha *puffs smokes to someones face*


lol who cares what are you a fag? you don't drink on your own while waatching football lol loser

>balding because of poor life decisions

buaaaaa ;_; the world is so unfair i will never get laid ):):):):):

my norwood is 1 but i shave my head for work

I got a pretty mean into a 3 going on right now. 26. Wish it weren't so. No one else in my family is bald.

Tfw had a 2 since 8th grade and worsening but hats are cool, at least I got trips

2 dangerously approaching 3 vertex
I'm only 20
Goodbye women?

Weed or cigarettes?

20 and like 0.5-1. Been like that my whole life. All my uncles, my dad and my Grandad have full heads of hair. Feels good man

>tfw grandparents are 90+ and still have hair on top
Gramps is at a 3 right now, and I'm at a 1.

Eternal hairfag reporting in

My grandpa is 85 at a 1. Step up son

20 norwood 2 with thinning hair

Let's wait and see what your old man's old man looks like in 11 years.

That old boy been an alcoholic since he was 20. If that hasn't killed him then a little bit of aging won't do shit to his hair

2, and it took me a lot of time to accept. I'm almost 35, though, but I think I began seeing some receding at 29 or 30. So that's almost 5 years of denial.

the denial phase included starting minoxidil at 33 and ketoconazole shampoo (nizoral). They both worked at slowing the thing down and even had some regrowth.

Then I started doing roids, cruising. after a few months, I was shedding like crazy. Had to accept it: Would I take that fucking finasteride thing and risk the sides or would I go, eventually, bald?

I chose to take the risk, I'm not losing any more hair.

I'm into 2 weeks of finasteride, shedding has almost immediately stopped/slowed down A LOT. 0 sides at all, still horny as fuck. It was dumb to wait for so long.

Hell, even if I'd get the sides eventually, I'd be willing to combat them with viagra or anything else. I really care about getting to old age with hair on my head.


actually looking at that graph I might be at 1.5, but it's happening, and then it's only a matter of time. so fuck it, I'm keeping it. I wear my hair long so it's unnoticeable (no one has made serious comments yet). I just hope to see some regrowth with finasteride. Still using minox and nizoral.

This user is right. Baldness pattern follows the maternal grandfather.