I need LATS!!!!!!

I need LATS!!!!!!
How do I get HUGE LATS?????
The rest of my gains have been SICC but I still can't see my lats in spite of my lat pull down and chin up bonanza that has lasted 2 years now.
I'm 6'4" and can do 15 body weight pullups @ 200lbs no problem.
They aren't weak.
WTF is up????

Get a dip belt. Attatch weight to your waist and do more pull ups

I've done this. I can do like 9 perfect pull ups wearing 30 extra lbs.
Like I said, my lats are strong enough.
Can my lat insertions just be shit?

you may never see your lats if you aren't flaring them from the front unless you are a freak or you don't have wide hips

in fact if you can see your lats looking at your front then it means you have really sick lats

you probably don't see your lats really big from the front but they look big from the back

I hope. I'm a wide hip boy for sure. Here's a pic from a month ago.

nevermind i just read you were a lanklet

So what do I do????

If course they can be. What kind of question is that? There's no pic so we can't even give you an opinion.

Adding 30lbs is nothing. I weigh 176lbs at 6'0 and I can slap on 110lbs and get a couple of reps. My lats are joocy as hell and all I do for them is weighted pull ups

Bumping for interest

I have the same problem, my friends always mock me for being lat less yet I have somewhat impressive row and pull up.

I also have very wide hips.

U have wide hips? Is your form good?
No h8, genuinely curious.

110lbs couple reps my ass. You're saying you could probably do 50 pullups no breaks.

I was doing 30lbs at 170 for 3x10 and could only do 22 pullups

OP you're doing pullups not chinups right. Do some widegrip, those force you to use your back

?? That's not how strength training works wtf

I do weighted pĆ¹llups 70lb 4x7 and i have a little back and can't do more than 15 pull ups because i get winded

Pic from a while ago, don't have a swoletographer so have nothing more recent.
Form is no kipping, do it on parallel bars like a hammer curl grip

>the stronger you are, the more reps you can do at a lower weight

What you're saying is someone benching 3pl8 cant do more reps on 1pl8 than a person who benches 2pl8 because they didn't train for endurance

That's how muscles work

No it isn't. Doing high rep the stopping point is based on lactic, if you've never trained your muscles to remove it you'll have to stop eventually, no matter how strong you are.

Your back is shit...instead of trying to add weight until you hit snap city...learn to arch your back and pull with your elbows..use less weight...
And your scap looks borked...plz post better pics

>your scap looks borked
Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a shot.

This guy is right. Pullups aren't like bicep curls where curling 80lb for reps means you can curl 2lb for infinity.

>snap city on pull ups

literally impossible unless you kip

Or maybe tendonitis..

If you don't roll your shoulders forward at the bottom of your pull ups and then "reverse shrug" them back to start going up, you should start doing so