Parboiled rice might be the best carb you can eat. Slow digesting, promotes insulin resistance, low GI...

Parboiled rice might be the best carb you can eat. Slow digesting, promotes insulin resistance, low GI, and low fiber (Fiber isn't good for you, despite what most people think.)

Other urls found in this thread:"No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell people, the balance of evidence clearly shows"&source=bl&ots=UIyOdoI0Xr&sig=tupcMwU-XZF595NZr2rUe0qW7XQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvyrWW_P7OAhVE1mMKHU3tClsQ6AEIJTAB#v=onepage&q="No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell people, the balance of evidence clearly shows"&f=false

thanks for the tip dad

>promote insulin resistance
where do I buy this type II diabetes?

Diabetes comes from excess sugar you fucking idiot.

less sugar, less insulin, dumbass. it's something a child could understand.

>Fiber isn't good for you, despite what most people think

You now have five minutes to defend this retardation.

Look up that study about how fiber science comes from observations of africans shitting four times a day.

Fucks up your gut microbiome. Fiber is virtually indigestible. Your body is designed to move food as new food enters. Try cutting fiber and carbs out for a few weeks and see the amazing gut results.

Google gives me nothing but shit, link please so I can see what you're on about.

find it on your own bitch i don't owe you anything

I've done a whole year on Atkins. It's very easy to eat a very low fiber diet... you also shit liquid when you do this. Fiber is important if you like semi-solid shits.

And there it is, opinion discarded. No proof = retard trolling Veeky Forums.

>Fiber is virtually indigestible
That's the point. Because it's not digest, water binds to it. This adds weight and surface area to your shit allowing the intestinal muscles to move it easier.

Simple carbohydrates, like rice cause insulin spikes similar to sugar. Jesus fucking Christ you muppet, read a book.

That's why I said parboiled rice you fucking idiot. The only thing lower GI is other dehydrated foods and not as filling.

i shit twice a day i need fiber or i get burny asshole have you ever tried to lift with a burny asshole.

i do enjoy a solid shit.

>have you ever tried to lift with a burny asshole
Unfortunately. They weren't gonna make it

Why would you want insulin resistance?

Wow, show me some evidence that even if the rice is parboiled it is still considered a low GI food. Like would you tell a diabetic parboiled rice is safer to eat than a carrot or a sweet potato? Also, why the fuck would you chose this over more nutrient dense foods? Jesus Christ, yet again, read a fucking book you muppet.

>eating carbage at all

Sugar addict enablers need to fuck off

>Fiber is bad
Enjoy your diverticulitis you fuck head

It has a GI of 38 which is basically fucking nothing you moron.

You use this shit board because you're a shit person.

You think lifting weights is going to benefit you but it won't, because you're a piece of shit on the inside.

Your whole fucking life is a lie. Lifting weights for you is like rolling a piece of shit in glitter. You go after women, this glitter covered piece of shit, and they don't want you, because they see the glitter, but underneath you're still just fecal remnants and human garbage.

You never lived a day in your life and you cry at night, clutching your pillow because what you consider a short fat guy is fucking the girl you thought you were going to fuck. But he had more balls and actually does something with those 2 billion miserable fucking seconds you call a life. Or maybe all the foundational lies you built your shit "ego" on are complete fabrications so that you can deal with the fact that you aren't special. You aren't anything.

Go commit a crime. Go to jail. Join the army. Kill somebody. Take drugs. Drink to death's door. Live on the street for a few days. Figure out that you're nothing, like a million generations of worthless life that came before you. Maybe then you'll actually be fucking worth something that somebody gives a shit about. Or keep shit posting on a shit board with shit people. Like a pig. Rolling around in your own shit.

>Diabetes comes from excess sugar you fucking idiot.
Do you have a study to back that?

The “ketogenic diets” cause the body to produce ketones by severe restriction of carbohydrate intake while allowing unlimited fat and protein intake. With insufficient intake of the body’s primary fuel, carbohydrate, the body turns to fats from foods and from body fat for fuel. Byproducts of this metabolism are acidic substances called ketones (acetacetic acid, B-hydroxybuteric acid, and acetone). The metabolic condition is known as ketosis. Ketosis is associated with loss of appetite, nausea, fatigue, and hypotension (lower blood pressure). The result is a decrease in food (calorie) intake. Ketosis is the key to the diet’s success, by allowing the body to starve while reducing the suffering of severe hunger pangs.

This same condition, ketosis, occurs naturally when people are literally starving to death or seriously ill. During starvation this metabolic state is a kindness of nature allowing the victim to suffer much reduced pains of hunger while dying. During illness the suppression of the appetite frees the person to rest and recuperate, rather then be forced by hunger to gather and prepare food. Because ketogenic diets simulate this metabolic state seen with serious illness, I refer to them as “the make yourself sick diets.” Another reason low-carbohydrate, high-protein diets deserve this title is they contain significant amounts of the very foods — the meats — that the American Cancer Society and the Heart Association tell us contribute to our most common causes of death and disability.

Yeah from working for a diabetic supply company and they were all either fat pieces of shit or ate sugar constantly. The ADA doesn't want to cure diabetes, blood glucose supplies are big business.

Diabetes is largely genetic and obviously from a bad diet, but it isn't linked specifically to sugar. It's just from eating like a fat fucking lard.

You could hate sweets/sugar and still be diabetic.

You mean like how people were terrified of egg yolks until that was proven to be patently false?

Yeah you don't actually go into ketosis unless you have very low protein intake. The reason low or 0 carb diets work is because eating carbohydrates and sugar triggers the body's "fat storage" mode. You can trust me on that because I've been eating -15 carbs for six months straight and the ketosticks don't like. I carb up every fifth day to replenish leptin and refill glycogin stores. Low GI carbs, no fat gain.

Jesus christ people here don't know a fucking thing about nutrition and wonder why they look like shit.

Someone observed Africans shitting 4x a day?

Yeah and he compared to constipated english boys taking a shit and concluded "fiber is good!" It actually fucks up your microbiome. If you do some reseatch, most conventional rules about the food pyramid are based on ancient studies that demonstrate jack shit. Carbs are bad. Simple and complex sugars are bad. Too much fiber is bad. Your body needs protein synthesis first and foremost, everything else is vitamins or minerals and calories.

What was proven false and what were they terrified about? You don't seem to even know what you're saying. Eggs do infact raise serum cholesterol levels. Meta analysis created a formula to predict changes in serum cholesterol levels with dietary cholesterol.

Eggs also have the highest concentration of methionine, a sulfur containing amino acid, which is found to cause inflammation, oxidative stress, reduce life expectancy, and feed cancer cells.

Living with ketosis gets old fast for most people. Any benefits are usually temporary because it is too unpleasant to be in a state of ketosis seen with sickness — so people go back to their old way of eating to feel better and to enjoy their diet more, and they regain their lost weight and then some. A telling example of this is Dr. Atkins, the most famous advocate of ketogenic diets, who admits to being 20 pounds overweight; however, my eyeball of the situation leads me to believe that he’s easily wearing 40 extra pounds of fat or more. (Since his cardiac arrest and near death experience in April 2002, he appears to have lost some weight – maybe he is now on the McDougall diet?)

Lol no they don't. And saturated fat can only clog your arteries if they're already damaged. Government studies are the worst source of information. The entire food pyramid and "whole grains" thing is essentially a conspiracy based around one study that was done in one town about 100 years ago. All of the foundational studies are false.

Here you go. A book that wasn't paid out by lobbyists. Do you realize that cereal companies are the lynch pin of the entire agricultural industry?

Also I eat 30 whole eggs and over a pound of meat per day. Not only do I feel amazing, but I was told after getting a physical that I was in better health than just about anybody they've ever seen. I have a high iron concentration in my blood, but that's actually a good thing.

In terms of cancers, I don't smoke. I don't drink. My overall risk just decreased by about ten million percent.

>You think lifting weights is going to benefit you but it won't, because you're a piece of shit on the inside.
>Your whole fucking life is a lie. Lifting weights for you is like rolling a piece of shit in glitter. You go after women, this glitter covered piece of shit, and they don't want you, because they see the glitter, but underneath you're still just fecal remnants and human garbage.
>You never lived a day in your life and you cry at night, clutching your pillow because what you consider a short fat guy is fucking the girl you thought you were going to fuck. But he had more balls and actually does something with those 2 billion miserable fucking seconds you call a life. Or maybe all the foundational lies you built your shit "ego" on are complete fabrications so that you can deal with the fact that you aren't special. You aren't anything.
>Go commit a crime. Go to jail. Join the army. Kill somebody. Take drugs. Drink to death's door. Live on the street for a few days. Figure out that you're nothing, like a million generations of worthless life that came before you. Maybe then you'll actually be fucking worth something that somebody gives a shit about. Or keep shit posting on a shit board with shit people. Like a pig. Rolling around in your own shit.

Pretty sure dr. atkins was pretty old when he came up with that diet. If you eat high saturated fat after damaging your arteries, they will clog.

As I stated before, low or 0 carb diets are NOT ketogenic. In fact it is VERY DIFFICULT to remain in ketosis because if you eat a steak and a dozen eggs you've already kicked your protein intake up too much. It is boring, but guess what? Sleeping is boring. I don't do it because I enjoy it. I do it because I need it and it's beneficial to my over all function.

I guarantee if you eat fifteen eggs and a pound of ground beef at once without any carbohydrates you'll feel more energized than you ever have in your life. I live without brain fog in a world where 99% of people are completely confused by their gut bacteria. That's worth it as much as the six pack and bulging muscles.

thats not the complete truth...

It's actually almost completely false.

No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell people, the balance of evidence clearly shows that the intake of saturated animal fat is associated with increased risk of cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. For over 40 years, medical reviews have also shown the detrimental impact of dietary cholesterol consumption. Even independent of the effects on obesity, meat consumption itself has been related to an increased risk of coronary heart disease.

The best dietary strategy to reduce one's risk of dying from the number 1 killer in the U.S. is to reduce one's consumption of saturated fat and cholesterol. The evidence backing this, according to the American Heart Association, is "overwhelming."

Yeah that's because most people won't change their other dietary options, you fucking moron. Guess what, a big mac and fries is worse than a pound of cooked beef. Know why that is? It's not the beef, it's the shit in between.

It's like saying you've got a leak in your plumbing and blaming the water instead of the crack you fuckin' idiot. Saturated fat and cholestorol, in and of themselves, don't do shit. Don't eat a lot of it if you like pringles and twinkies. Is this so fucking hard to comprehend?

When the fuck have a referenced something that was misleading because they ate mcdonalds and shit? Look into the adventist health study. You might be a new kind of retard.

you're talking to a spambot dude"No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell people, the balance of evidence clearly shows"&source=bl&ots=UIyOdoI0Xr&sig=tupcMwU-XZF595NZr2rUe0qW7XQ&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjvyrWW_P7OAhVE1mMKHU3tClsQ6AEIJTAB#v=onepage&q="No matter what Atkins or other diet books tell people, the balance of evidence clearly shows"&f=false

How about you personally explain how non-damaged arteries get plaque build up? You can cite a lot of studies but you can't say things in your own words because you're taking their word for it.

Guess what causes high blood pressure? That'll be a good start for you to actually understand what the fuck you're attempting to talk about.

Still waiting for a response to this, because I know the answer isn't what you want it to be.

>fiber isn't good for you
I got a hemmerhoid that disagrees. But I'm guessing you're only like 17 years old so you haven't learned the value of fiber yet.

Underbuttered toast

When your blood cholesterol levels are too high, these LDL particles will damage the endothelial cells lining your arteries and will launch themselves inside the arterial wall causing inflammation. To deal with this inflammation macrophages which are essentially the garbage eating cells of your immune system will attempt to digest this cholesterol that has stuck inside your arteries. What ends up happening is these macrophages become engorged with cholesterol and become foam cells, contributing to plaque buildup in the arterial wall which begins to thicken and harden. And smooth muscle cells within the arterial wall are also drawn to the surface of this wall creating a tough cellular patch sort of like a band-aid. These muscle cells are also drawn to cholesterol and fatty streaks which they encase with fibrous plaques further narrowing the arteries. This narrowing limits blood flow and oxygen traveling to the heart, but in time these plaques can erode and rupture leading to blood clots that will completely obstruct your arteries leading to a heart attack.

ketosis =/= ketoacidosis

Jesus fuck, who wrote this illiterate shit?

When does your job at buzzfeed start?

you dumb nigger what the fuck do you think your gut biome eats?

fucking fiber you absolute moron.

go back to school or something jesus christ you dense sack of cocks