What are parties like Veeky Forums? Like, what do people even do there?

What are parties like Veeky Forums? Like, what do people even do there?

[spoiler]How do I get invited to them?[/spoiler]

drink alcohol, rail coke, discuss current events, etc.

You just talk to people and partake in activities with them
Pretty dumb

I went to a party two weeks ago for the first time

I don't enjoy them

to me it's load, nasty and too crowded

I'm the kind of guy who prefers to go out walking or spend the weekends in a small cottage in a forest

yes, I have no gf

Where are you? If you're within 50 miles I'll fuck your party shit up tomorrow.

It's retarded OP.

You're killing yourself by pouring poison down your throat while being forced to talk to other uninteresting people who are also killing themselves.

The point is to have fun. You don't need alcohol to do that. Have fun with fun people. Like go on a fucking field trip or something.

To do that, you have to talk to other people, and to talk to other people you need self-confidence.

To develop self-confidence you need to improve yourself.

>you dont need alcohol to have fun meme

No, but it sure as shit makes it a lot more fun. I'd gladly shave 5 years of my life when I'm old for all the good experiences and friends I've had and continue to have while I'm young.

alcohol consumption is the main thing

then post alcohol socialisation is the second. You just talk about petty shit, dance, joke, let yourself be stupid and enjoy it

getting on parties is rather easy, if u see a bunch of friendly looking guys just come to them holding a beer and say "haii guise I saw you are having a nice party here lets have a driiiink xDDD", good jobs, you just got friends

Austra;ia. Sydney.

You wouldn't want to have me in public tho senpai. I'm an uggo and pretty autistic.

>To develop self-confidence you need to improve yourself.
In what ways?

Whatever insecurities you have.

You need to be able to look yourself in the mirror and say 'I am THE man'. Are you not fun enough, not intelligent enough or something. Whatever you feel like you're lacking, develop it.

You have to go down deep though, maybe to your childhood and stuff. Be honest about it.

Depends on if it's a party full of faggots. My friends and I throw parties, we have good music, lots of booze, good weed, games, bitches, it's great time.

My main idea of fun is just doing introvert things. It's not like I prefer doing them, it's just that I don't have a choice.

>Are you not fun enough, not intelligent enough or something. Whatever you feel like you're lacking, develop it.
I honestly don't know how to do this. I wish everything was as easy as hitting the gym for a few hours desu.

I have a big problem with the way I speak tho. I;m always out of breath for some reason and I always butcher what I'm sayin.

This, and it may get worse before it gets better. Being honest with yourself is tough sometimes.

Fuck I was there this time last year. Now on the opposite side of the planet. I'll be back again some day.

Raise your chest out, breath from the diaphragm, and speak with intent.

You get invited by having friends. You get friends by doing activities that involve meeting other people, and by not being an autist with no social skills. Figure out which of those things you're not doing right.

>pre game begins
>get your bros together and start playing music drinking
>invite grills if you're bold enough
>10:45 pack into car
>drive to party
>who do you know here etc etc
>grab some beer, play some pong or flip cup
>go out onto the dance floor
>talk to qts
>get them to grind the fuck out of your dick
>get their number, make out
>drink and drink and drink
>find some dumb whore
>she desperately wants your dick
>get her to the point where she's begging you to come bed her
>make an excuse
>walk home
>cry because the woman you love left you and you will never have her back and all the sluts in the world can't fill the void in your heart
Every weekend

Next time user


>by not being an autist with no social skills
I've been working on that but it's not really working desu.

I know, I get the whole keep talking to people bit. But I'm getting tired of talking to people only for the autism to kick in and for them to GTFO after.

Everytime I start a new class I keep fucking up in making friends but I always tell myself next time. Anywhere else I can consistently meet new people?

>the alcohol meme
I have no problem with people drinking desu, but when they start putting down those who don't, you just make yourself look like a fucking idiot.

Keep ingesting literal poison into your body all for just being able to fit into the crowd. This is coming from a guy who still gets laid at parties without drinking.

I fucking hate parties brah

I went to 7 parties my first year of college and it's just fake females trying to get chad's dick and chads trying to get any girl's vagina. It's sweaty and hot and smelly too. Doesn't help that I hate dancing.

Drinking games can be alright but like I said, everyone is just trying to sleep with everyone.

Literally had more fun playing vidya with my buddies deep into the night than I ever do at parties.