Tactile gains

Why aren't you practicing drawing on the side anons? You don't want to become too stiff that you can't write or draw anymore.

Be the artful warrior you know you can be.

I've always wanted to learn how to draw but I don't know where to start. Advise me OP.

Get the fuck out.


>not learning the superior art of oil painting
not gonna make it bro

You gotta be able to draw to do oil painting ya doofus

how to draw?

I do oil painting and can't sketch/draw for my life. Painting =/= drawing

i was seriously trianing in classical guitar but had to choose between that and conditioning my hands for karate (real karate, not the BS stuff for kids) and it took a toll.

>I chose the way of the fist.

I already do m8. I workout at 5am, get some drawing done. Go to work 10-6:30. Eat, shower, draw some more, repeat.

Most of the people I can hang out with are boring or aren't working towards something. So I stay at home and work on my craft

Honestly I've never taken any classes on it, you just need to doodle every day. It is just like lifting every day, you get better and better.

Nay sir, you can do it. I have boxed for 5 years now, and I'm about 205lbs, and hit really hard. And it does make a little difference, but it is very manageable.

I am a recluse who spends all his time drawing a lifting and talking to my imaginary friends.

Also the guy in op needs some SERIOUS loomis.

I like you

What is the Loomis?

That's so incredibly different

I also hate pencil, I only use pencils for colors. Pen all the way, makes it important not to mess up

You don't know what Loomis is m8?

Look him up on /ic/ free downloadable books on there to help you. Andrew Loomis is the name you're looking for.

And since we're posting art, here's one of my works in progress.

Damn, that's pretty good user. I'm not much of an artist when it comes to making things lifelike. My drawings are always wacky and cartoon esk

Go to /ic/, read sticky, read loomis, read drawabox.
If you just doodle and practice without direction you won't get anywhere at all, and you'll end up like one of the deviant art autists who makes no progress despite spending all their time on drawing gay furry inflation or whatever.
You have to specifically target the fundamentals to get good.

Specifically, form, perspective, anatomy, appeal, control of your chosen medium, and a wide visual library.

Just like lifting you want a weekly routine, a day where you do 3 pages of perspective studies, a day where you do still lifes, ect.

And remember to give your daily prayers to lord kim jung gi

Mah nigga

Mirin. But the helm looks like it's in the foreground in front of him and not actually on his head. Maybe because it's not casing many shadows on the body?

You're not wrong, I guess if constantly doodle, you will become good at a certain style. And you won't graduate from there. I have a style that I rarely break from, I would probably benefit from schooling.

And I don't know how to use pencil, it always leaves smudge marks and eraser marks.

Not yet anyway. Right now I'm just getting the forms right till they read well. Then ill go in greater detail with highlights and deeper darks and so on.

Use an extra piece of paper for your hand to rest on when you do shadows and such. Prevents smudging. Or just get some gloves that aren't felt.

That makes a lot of sense

I can't tell if that's sarcasm or not. But in reality, the oils from your hands are causing the graphite to smudge around. Using an extra piece of paper negates that, and makes it easier. As for erasing, go get a kneaded eraser. It's a lot like clay, but it picks up graphite really well, and you can also form it to any size eraser you want.

Nay, it was genuine. I like the idea, the next time I create something detailed I'll try it. It's a pain to do with pen.

took up wood burning recently

Nice. I'd jump into that if I had the patience for it. Good stuff bro

Still a noob
I spent way more time than is acceptable getting this far.

Block the person out into basic shapes first. It makes it a lot easier to know your proportions are correct. It's a good start, especially for a beginner.

Pick up some Loomis books for free online if you want to get your feet wet with drawing.

thanks man, definitely takes longer than i thought it would

Fuck you guys are so much better than me.

You'll get faster with time. Just focus on being accurate first, and then worry about speed later. Even some of the best artists can't put out their best work without working on the piece for hours upon hours or more. Some master artists took years to finish a single painting.

Just take your time and youll do great.


and i don't say that often on Veeky Forums

I draw a lot of cartoony shit, but I've been out of it for a long time. Here's one thing I did recently on the pc. I hadn't heard about Loomis, thank you for that info.

Appreciate it man.

Good shit man. You're really good about shadows and perspective on the anatomy. Id just tweak a few proportions on the skull, but that's just my opinion.

Thanks m8. I like what you've got there as well, all those folds are excellent. I'm gonna whore myself one more time. This one I did straight off using a picture as reference.

Good shit. Keep up the good work man. And get back into drawing. If you keep at it like this you'll go really far with your craft. We're all gonna make it bro.

I just hid the construction layer.
There is no way I could draw from imagination without construction.
I only started loomising about a month ago though so I think it's not so bad.

It's really not. Especially just starting out. Familiarize yourself with the proportions of the head and body to start out. Memorizing them makes it so much easier to draw from imagination more freely.


wouldn't "tactile gains" be sculpture?

you are bad at drawing, but keep it up, practice is key

really cool

really great all around, but why did you make his nipple pointy?

Why is he resting his wrist on the paper? I would have thought you'd use the shoulder girdle instead of the wrist and fingers like you do with calligraphy

It was a Freudian slip. I'm a big tits kinda guy. ;)

It's Kim though. This fucker could probably draw portraits in his sleep.

Bitch, I'm decent. And everything is in pen.