Is the "I sleep less than 7 hours a night" meme a big meme? I feel like complete shit after less than 8...

Is the "I sleep less than 7 hours a night" meme a big meme? I feel like complete shit after less than 8. Though the people who say it are usually dyels with sedentary non intellectual jobs

They're usually intellectuals with sedentary jobs. It's not a meme. I work out now but used to be that way whereas now I sleep a bit longer.

ya it's this big meme called sleep deprivation

some people just need very little sleep to function. i only sleep about 6 hours a night before i wake up. i can go back to sleep but i'm good to go for the day and i can run off a lot less sleep with no dramas.

Depends on the person. Good range seems to be 6-9 hours. Take naps if need be.

I need like 12 hours

>some people just need very little sleep to function.

fyi this has been proven scientifically false by every controlled study. did you know people will, not only lie about how little sleep they get, but also are unable to tell when they are sleep deprived. shocking, right?!?

to expand upon this, the best they could get out of a controlled study of twins where only one twin has the can-sleep-less gene is that that twin only needed 6-7 hours of sleep where as the other twin needed like 6.5-7.5. holy shit a whole 30 minutes, woop-de-doo.

What have you learned about every single other thing that normies tend to exaggerate about?

There's probably some fucked up underbelly to it.

doesnt matter how much sleep i get, i feel like shit in school

Problem I have is I always wake up 6-7 hours in. Then it's almost pointless to "sleep" another hour.
I usually do lay in bed half awake for another hour but I don't get any deep sleep out of it so meh

7-9 hours is the recommended

feeling like shit comes from waking up during your REM. Apps like sleep cycle have helped me avoid waking up during my REM so regardless if i get 6 or 9 hours I feel fine when I wake up because it keeps me from waking up during my REM phase.

you could also say it is 90 mins

I get about 6 a night.
Work has me soaking my shirts with sweat. I probably drink like 2 gallons of water a day.
Still plenty moto for a PLPL split.
People who require 8 hours to function properly are annoying little shits who need to suck it the fuck up and realize it's more about quality of sleep than time sleeping. If I get 4 hours of a dead sleep, couldn't wake up if you were blasting a shotgun off near me, I will feel better than you getting 8 hours of uncomfortable sleep with excessive ambient light and constantly being interrupted by odd noises and shit.

I sleep for three / 2.5 hours and have been for the last 3 years.

I get 12-18 hours of sleep a day and and am perma tired, I have to set an alarm after 8 though or I get a migraine.

Why not just die?

why not go the full-hog and go 24 hour sleep

That's way too much sleep. 7-8 good quality hours is enough for anyone. More is just as bad as less.

I tried, then I was super fucked on a 24 sleep 24 awake schedule.
I know but I feel shitty either way, but if I sleep more I dont have to do as much during the day.

>tfw stupid fucking chickens wake me up every morning

I wake up without an alarm clock after about 6 hours and feel like shit. This happens pretty much every day. Any tips on how I can avoid this?

I sleep 2-4 hours the night before I work and days I work. I work from 0630a to 0630a the next day at a busy firehouse. Usually on my days off I don't sleep until three or four. Really fucks me up man. I've gone three days recently with about an hour of sleep total. Assuming you should sleep eight hours a day, I've estimated I fall short close to twenty hours a week. It's not that I'm able to function with that little sleep, I just manage. To be on top of my game I need around nine hours and I'm good. I've never heard of sleep deprivation being a 'thing'.

At one point during work I slept 5 hours a night with an addition 2/3 hours during the day. Was literally hell.

Nice chickens brah

I average 4-6. I constantly feel like shit.

Who /polyphase/ sleep here? Whole summer I worked nights and my house is loud (family works partially from home) so I ended sleeping 4 hours from 6AM and then 4 hours somewhere during the day

I usually get 4-7 depending on the night. not because I made a conscious decision to sleep less, but to just listen to my body as far as when to sleep and wake up. went the whole summer sleeping when I'm tired, waking up when I feel I should without using an alarm, feel better than ever.

i tended to sleep 9 hours if i could. lately i've done nofapt ( on day 11 now ) and i sleep less and less everyday it's kinda scary. before i couldn't open my eyes if i didn't stay in bed at least 8 h 30 min to 9 h, now i wake up with no alarm after about 5 - 7 hours and i can't fall asleep after it. however, despite sleeping less i have more energy and i am more alert, so nofap isn't a complete meme

People also really like to exxagerate how overworked they are. I guess they associate how busy they are to success so they try to inflate it. There's a very good chance that someone who claims to be working 45-50 hours a week on 6 hours of sleep a day is really working 40 hours with 7 hours of sleep.

I actually feel like shit if I sleep more then 6 hours. 5.30 hours of sleep is the ideal for me, I wake up conpletely rested

No one is immune from the effects of sleep deprivation. Some people do seem to be immune from realizing it though. If you test their reaction time, reasoning skills etc you will see a drop just like any other people, but subjectively if you ask them they will say they feel fine.

They are being impaired by not getting 8 hours, they just don't "feel" it.


If im intellectualy active through almost all of the day I need about 10 hours. If I'm not, about 6-7. So i guess its not a meme.

Around nine hours. Mr. Sandman keeps the gains goblins at bay.

Most of these people also work useless meme jobs and should quite frankly be shot in the neck and dumped in a ditch

I used to need at least 9 hours.

Recently, I've been sleeping only 5 hours and have been feeling far better than when I woke up after 7-8 hours sleep.

I set my alarm for 8am but consistently wake up at 7am naturally.

I'm also falling asleep far quicker. I used to lie around in bed restlessly, now when I jump in bed and watch a TV show, I fall asleep very quickly.

I agree with this, i can do all the trivial shit on 4-6 hours of sleep no problem, but if i'm doing a highly technical job where if only 1 thing isn't calculated properly then it all fucks up then i'm going to need some premium sleep.

I've had a few no sleep nights and its mixed results, some days i was fine and in fact very proactive, some other days i'll crash after 1-2pm if i'm not moving and standing still.

Just switched to a hypertrophy based program after 2 years of 5/3/1.
Used to be able to function with 5-6 hours of sleep every night, but these 2 hour workouts 6 days a week makes me feel like I was run over by a truck, I need 8-9 hours of sleep now.

Not if they take adderall.