Tfw fall in love to any woman who I talk to

>tfw fall in love to any woman who I talk to




That's fuckin pathetic dude, you need to talk to more people - male and female - until basic social interactions stop being something so rare and intimate you develop feelings for a woman within a few platonic sentences.

To clarify, I start feeling these emotions after sustained conversations over a period of maybe a few days or weeks.

Most pathetic thing is I know some of them like me, but I am very scared of asking a girl out. I've never asked for a grills number in my life

That's the male equivalent of being a slut.

>Most pathetic thing is I know some of them like me
Delusions, faggot
man the fuck up and stop being a pussy, youre setting yourself up for heartbreak at this point and it would serve you right if some cunt pulled your heart out through your ass and handed it to you at this point

Just dont fucking kill yourself without signing an organ donor card, waste of precious organs and people need those

I'm in the exact fucking same boat, i'm caring less and less tho but this shit sucks...

You don't love someone until you know that most other people can't do for you what they can.

These women you talk to, you simply lust for them, or love the idea of being with them.
You don't know what it's like to have their companionship, especially in comparison to other women.

Take a walk, calm your cock.
Or soon you'll need to load the Glock.

>tfw the complete opposite
>23 and never had a crush on anyone in my entire life

Same. Except I'm 25.

At this point, I know it's never going to happen.

>tfw see random average girl on sidewalk and picture our wedding together

You two are gay.

That's just your subconscious reacting to the possibility of fucking a pussy and making a baby.
Which is all you're supposed too be doing ever stupid

Except I'm not.

MFW you losers are actually looking for partners instead of investing all that time into improving yourself by getting more sleep, reading books, doing physical activities, and enjoying the arts by learning an instrument or learning how to draw. You guys have no idea how great it is when you can talk to literally anybody with confidence because your not looking to impress anybody.

TL;DR: you're an idiot for wasting your time on some stupid chick who's fucking Chad instead improving yourself

>Chad instead improving yourself
Chad is perfect, you cant improve perfection

>you are not looking to impress anyone
Except everything you listed there is to impress others.

Why the fuck would i read books that don't interest me?
So that I can talk to someone about it and impress with my knowledge?

Why would I play an instrument if I don't enjoy playing any?
So that I can impress others with my skill?

This is all stupid shit. Do what you enjoy in life, not what society expects you to do.

How does shitposting fit into the Continuum of Constant Self-Improvement?

ik the feel bro. I'm exactly the same. yesterday a cute girl I know from high school, who used to be on the swim team, sat next to me in an empty library and I think she wanted to try to talk to me but I just sat there and put my headphones in haha.

she blushed when our eyes met and it was cute because she looked down and had the rosiest cheeks ever. we just sat there silently, I'm pretty sure taking quick glances at each other. It was extremely awkward and for sure sexual tension filled the room.

we sat there like that working on our homework or whatever for like an hour. I ended up leaving before her and the whole drive home thinking about her and what I could have said. lol it's been two days and I can't stop thinking of her and how we could have gotten married. anyways, it will probably go away since I won't see her again. this happened before when I opened the door for a girl in Burger King and we started small talk about the food there.

And that's why you spend your time at a place like this?

fuck meant it was two days ago , not yesterday . cRINGE

But I do all those things and also go after girls

Idk why this website doesn't get this: not everything is an either or decision...

Women don't know how much a bad personality hurts their looks. Most girls I fall for are average to cute girls, but they have intoxicating personalities. That's what drives me to the edge of reason, meeting such fabulous women, yet lacking the self esteem or courage to pull the trigger. Even worse, I know they would reciprocate my advances, but again the courage I lack.

Pretty much this. I mean, I find girls with shitty personalities hot as well.
At least until they reveal it.

Meeting a girl that shows intellect, simply by using her brain during conversations and having some interesting points is actually really cool.
It's just a whole different dimension.

fuck i wana give op a hug :c not all girls are bad you will make it

Of course m8. My gym is connected to a major mall in my area, and there's a baby grand in the mall. I was messing around one day when a grill came over, asked to play, and played something funny I think it was sabre dance. To see a girl with humour and ability in this day and age is surprising thanks to social media, but the real grills, the genuine grills are the ones any fitizen should aim for.

You can hug me here my friend!