Would you bulk or cut ? Fucked around with diet even though I've been going to the gym consistently for 7 months...

Would you bulk or cut ? Fucked around with diet even though I've been going to the gym consistently for 7 months. Has got me to "intermediate" lifts for my low body weight according to strength standards but due to my diet I'm 100% DYEL , all gains neurological apparently.
I'm 5'7" 139 lbs, cutting currently and have been for last 7 weeks.

Planning on cutting until the end of Jan then going on a mild (300 cal) surplus for a year


cut until around 10% bf

you should work out

Cut until abs, bulk until no abs

Hijacking OP's thread
Should I cut or continue bulking?
5'8, SL since April. I wanna cut because I feel like dying of the extra weight already. Currently eating at maintenance
Current 5rm (lbs)
Squat - 260 (stalled)
Bench - 166
Deadlift - 305 (stalled)
The Press™ -131
Rows - 180

You clearly have low testosterone


Does anyone habeeb?

Nice crotch dimple.

i dont understand how people lift for 7 months and look like this. also i am 5'8 and 145 and look a lot leaner than you been at it for four months. are you a former fatty? do you have b4 pics?

Thats me 5'7 and 170 with about 13 percebt bf at the end of my cut. I Bulked for 8 months . Then cut.

Not him, but you've inspired me to keep bulking to 170. Currently 157 and same height. What were your lifts at the end of your bulk?

mirin' lifts?


It must suck to be a manlet.

>lanklet is jealous of easy gains
start roiding m8, you'll never make it otherwise.

hey op, photo is about 3 weeks old but here is what i looked like at 142. im 5'7. I feel like you should have more definition. this was 4 months in. how is your diet?

Why would I lie to strangers on the Internet ? I'm obviously not showing off, just stating thst my strength levels are weak but just in intermediate range due to my weight e.g. 150 bench.

My weight is low due to my absolutely shitty diet over the entire time I was lifting. I didn't get enough protein, went on several dreamer bulk and mini cuts thinking I was putting on muscle under my fat.

I've got diet under control now (getting min 0.8 g/ lb protein, typically closer to 1.2g).

I.e. despite lifting for so long I haven't put on much muscle and still have a fair bit of fat
I think the general concensus seems to be cut ?

Did you start out looking like me though? If I bulk now I feel ill look like a fatass which I did for most of the last 7 mknths. Though this was due to poor "bulking" diet I feel even a good diet will cause me to put on a fair bit of fat with muscle

Bro you have low test
Even with a shitty diet eating Nutella and peanut butter I had better results than that.
Go and check you test levels

not too proud of this pic but here is where i was in april. i looked like you at 168 man...

i just dont know if you have the mass to go on a cut. but yeah in seven months you should at least see more progress. Do you drink a lot?


That as well, I'm at uni and was drinking every weekend over this time frame

Fuuuuck. How tall?

It's called not having a diet. The gym is the easy part.

im 5'7 that was 168 and the recent is 140ish


Nice reading comprehension, fucktard

Someone should answer this user.

> replying to himself



Bench was almost 2 plates. Got to 215. Squat was 2 plates, shoulder press was 155 and deadlift was 3 plates all of these i could perform 3 sets of 8. And yes i was really fat before i started bulking. I was at 25% bodyfat. At around 200 pounds. I looked hideous but it was worth it.

>cut until around 10% bf


Cut then bulk OP