How many calories over bmr and exercise should I be eating on a bulk?

How many calories over bmr and exercise should I be eating on a bulk?

Ask the dinosaur

200-500 depending on how much muscle you can expect to gain

but remember that your BMR may increase when you jack up the calories

The princess meant TDEE, and so did you.

he said BMR and exercise which I assume means TDEE

jesus user

What's wrong with apples?

As many as possible tbqh

Hey, aren't you that dude with the god awful physique that looked skinny fat after lifting for a long time?

inb4 muh sugar


They trigger autists

they arent particularly high in any nutrient

Very high satiation rate, low in cals, has vit c and fibre, cheap, and easy to eat.
They're not Stacys, more like the blonde qtpie next door you keep as a FWB.

how little can you eat in a day damn

6 meals a day is not enough for you?

just up your protein 50gr which will equal to 200 calories. this is all you need for any kind of bulk/muscle gain

6? what i see is 3 meals. or you have to be on a very low cal diet. very low.

thats so retarded. protein should be almost the same when cutting bulking. what you want to change are fats and or carbs. muscle gaining relies more on carbs than protein.

not really but ok

Pretty sure that's Sokko

how so? I would like to learn

well simply, protein is the only macronutrition that contributes to muscle making. carbs- complex ones- are energy, that you can use to fuel your muscles, but more energy will not mean more muscle, if there are more building blocks, which are proteins. so on a dirty bulk, you can up both carbs and proteins, but if u care about aesthetics, you just up the protein. only minimum fat is essential for muscle makin test production. more fat will be just energy without the power of complex carbs, and generally used to balance the blood sugar effects of carbs, if used more than %15 of macros

I see. I thought protein was just to repair muscle, and the glycogen from carbs was used to build bigger muscles.

oatmeal (600)
banana (100)
eggs (160)
tofu-salad-meme-bean-stuff (600)
nuts and an apple (700 +50)

six meals, and that's like 2250 cals. If you see the filename it's from a woman's blog that amount is decent.

Oops, didn't count the dinner-thingy so it's more like 2750-3000 cals

For a first time bulker with no muscle whatsoever is it better to have +500 or +300 ish surplus to put on muscle weight without getting fat? I have cut almost 12 kg in order to be able to bulk properly so I don't wanna get fat desu

you counted waaaay to much calories dude


repair and make new muscles. bigger muscles with carbs because the muscle engine is full of energy. both helps with performance and the full look.

>the full look
you mean bloated

you know bodybuilders carb up before competition so their muscles look pumped up
but really too unnecessary details for perfectionism
bloated works too sure