Parents refuse to help me find a job

>Parents refuse to help me find a job
>Parents refuse to help to pay for me to go to university
>Parents refuse to help me in any way besides allowing me to live with them

When did you realize that your parents were holding you back?

Find a job yourself retard

they would help u except they poor. u in a poor senpai. too bad dude

That's not holding you back. It's just not pushing you forward

Dude, they're not.
Who needs their parents' help to find a job?

t. Exact same sitch + having to pay for car insurance

Holding you back??? Go get a job user. Kiss your mother. I know I did.

how do they refuse to help you find a job?

will they not even drive you to interviews?

They've made me pay my own gym membership, cellphone and cuck insurance since 18. i hate these kikes so much!

Become a literal marine.

I also pay the cellphone as well
Drop the gym membership, you can do body workouts, not that you shouldn't ideally have a gym memebership, rather that you can't /afford/ it

>I'm a grown adult but I still expect my parents to pay for my expenses
Just kill yourself now user, it only gets worse from here.

poor baby. time to grow up

We should have thread every once in a while just for hating insurance and social security

Seriously what the fuck is the deal with these jews... I dont want to fucking pay

Fuck your mother. Fuck her right in the bootyhole

at least you have parents

just be happy they're not making you pay rent as well you jobless shit

Is social security 401k worth it? Should I just go 0% for the rest of my career and put the money in crypto?

If they did then that would be the end of them

Are you made to pay the membership?

Side note, there are many ways to make good money while in this situation, crypto being a great one, but first you gotta get a job just for some basic money, I worked at a Panera.

I don't want to pay anything, at all.

Is this a meme? Why is there always threads with people saying their parents owe them

I didn't rely on anybody else to get to where I am. Try being a man for once in your life and take some fucking personal responsibility?

You fucked up.and didn't get a scholarship. Which would have led to an easy internship which would have led to an automatic job upon graduation. Oh well. Just buy Bitcoin with every disposable dollar you have and retire in five years.

>put kids in the world
>don't help them to waste in shit
>let them have a worst life style than yours

The normal thing to do is try to help their lifes, not be greedy and throw them in the rat race without any help, that's called greedy and fucked parents who want their kids to leave the house to throw orgies again.

refuse to help them when they get old

Parents always owe their kids. Kids never owe their parents. But if you're parents were supportive and now you're a millionaire and you ain't giving em' shit you're a cunt. But you don't owe them shit.

your an autistic /r9k/ tier fuck. find some motivation and purpose to get your shit together and stop blaming your problems on other people

They're all the same fucking guy from aurora ontario.

then move out and become a hermit. dont you realize this is an option? are you trying to troll? its not a very good attempt if you are

>doesn't have a job
>pays for tons of expensive shit himself

t. liar

either that, or they're giving you a monthly GBP allowance.

Currently dont have a job but that doesn't mean I haven't worked. Also it's hardly expensive...

Good up til your company's matching rate. Literally 100% roi

>tfw live in ontario
>parents want to kick me out because they say cryptocoin trading isn't a real job
>already made $217.44 this year
>only costing my parents $60/mo in hydro while i mine digibytes
>thinking of starting an ICO and if it doesnt work out ill just kill myself
what do biz???? how do i convince my parents that cryptocoins are the future?

If I do 0% they do 3% so I'll just have it changed.

What city are u in? We should hang out


this year?

I don't get it? Don't u need to contribute in order for your company to match?




How about you stop being a little bitch baby child and do shit yourself. They are probably sick of having to take care of their 30 year old unemployed kid, go fuck yourself man, do shit on your own and become more independent.

Cause majority of Veeky Forums are teenagers, little do they know your parents housing your ass for free is an act of kindness.

Be glad you have parents user, I lived in a foster house with two abusive shits before I left at 17 and I've been working ever since.

People on Veeky Forums aren't nearly as autistic and retarded as they pretend to be. It is just more fun to larp as a sperg.

>mommy and daddy aren't handing me a job or looking for one for me, they're only paying to feed me and put a roof over my head, I have it so bad
Stop complaining you fuckup.

Don't we all, paladin

Same boat here op. Can't even go to the gym because parents won't pay for me. They won't even buy me a bike....they only pay for my phone bill, gas, and tuition.

Dude you're not real

>obvious bait thread
>biz takes the bait

And I'm glad! Here I was thinking that Veeky Forums was full of unironically fucktards like OP who believe everything should be given to them on a silver plate yet most if not all the responses are calling out OP for being such a pampered fucking pathetic excuse for a human being.


They should kick you out, you fucking failure.

>Parents refuse to help me in any way besides allowing me to live with them
You poor, ignorant fool. You have no idea what an absolutely huge leg up this is. Jsyk, rent and bills in the very shittiest of neighborhoods is at least 600 a month. Average no-risk-of-getting-stabbed-at-the-gas-station neighborhood you're looking at 800+. That's easily half of the money you'll make at whatever shitty job you'll eventually get because you're a weak, useless child with no drive or ambition. Only advice I can give is find something you don't hate that can make you money and get good at it because if you don't you're gonna be totally fucked in a few short years

>still at home after 18

Get a job you neet

You call your parents jews. Are you jewish user?

>Parents refuse to help me find a job



I wish you wernt larping, this is too funny

>only 800 a month

Hell i live in NZ, thats how much we pay a week

lol i've only been investing for a month and am already up $500+ in profits, the fuck you doing?

biz bros please help me. i graduated high school in may and have been doing jack shit since then. i want to learn how to weld then go work in the pipelines in alaska/canada because i heard you can make a shitton of money. is this true or am i being jewed

Why are you crying again? An ass ton of people are in this exact situation you neet

>Parents refuse to help me find a job

you should be able to find one yourself

it shouldn't be hard,
just start with a simple job like MCD's or at a supermarket

>Parents refuse to help to pay for me to go to university

not everyone can afford to,

and maybe through your actions, you showed them you wouldn't make the most of it
(like I did)

>Parents refuse to help me in any way besides allowing me to live with them

that's saving you a lot of money faggot, appreciate it

damn didn't realise it was that expensive

i live in Melb Aus and somehow it's cheaper than wherever you live in NZ

Holy shit OP, you are the epitome of this cancerous generation. Your parents are paying for you to have a place to live and putting food on your plate you ungrateful shit. Don't ever fucking have kids.

Its true. Downsides would be that you go where they send you and I've heard that its physically demanding work(not done it myself so not sure how true that aspect is). Pay is about as good as you can get with less than 2 years post-high school education working for others though. Outside of upper end of longshot garbage like acting and music of course..

be grateful that they're letting you leech of them, i have friends who were forced into paying rent by their parents in the homes they grew up in as soon as they turned 18
