Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here managed to quit?


veryyy important to put the butt in first.

you gotta put the butt in first. so put the butt in first.

Former smoker here senpai. There's only one way to stop smoking and that's going cold turkey, don't listen to the whole "ween yourself off them" and start having less cigarrettes bc that doesn't work at all. What helped me was thinking of the disgusting taste cigs left in my mouth and the cost and that got me through all of the withdrawal symptoms which last about 2-3 weeks. Good luck friend!

I sort of quit, but I still smoke when I'm drinking sometimes. I was a light smoker though, did like half a pack a day when I was smoking my most.

My friend smoked since he was 13
he's 23 now and he's tried everything(he says)
went to a hypnotherapist before christmas and paid like £150 for 2 hours and he's never touched one since

i see him everyday and he's never smoking so must have worked

Switched to vaping. Got used to the taste and then when I tried to go back to smoking it tasted fucking gross.

Then I just vaped for a few months and then quit that

used to smoke 2 packs a day, my gf convinced me to quit, she cut me down 1 cigarette a day to help me get off easily, by the time i reduced down to 30 smokes a day i was starting to get real cravings, every day after that was more torturous than the last, i gave up on 5 cigarettes/day, i believed i didnt have the willpower to quit smoking and i would have to die a smoker because i couldnt handle the torture of quitting

then i did some research on the internet and asked former smoker family members, they say the easiest way to quit is cold turkey

i took a trip to another city for 3 months, brought a few nicotine patches and an ounce of the finest green, spent a week resisting the nicotine cravings stoned (i very rarely smoke weed), moved back home, chucked away all my lighters and ashtrays, havent touched a cigarette since (3 years ago), it feels amazing man, ive noticed a ton of physical benefits, including healthy food tasting better, so easier to diet

>spent a week resisting the nicotine cravings stoned
Ah yes, replacing one addiction with another

forgot to add, quitting cold turkey was hard but it was 10x easier than "weaning", if you hate someone very much you can help them quit smoking by "weaning" them off, they will be stuck in an endless cycle of pain and spending the whole day waiting for the ever decreasing slight-relief of that pain-more smokes, but its the smokes which causes the pain in the first place so COLD TURKEY is the only way and the EASIEST WAY to quit

for me, weed has never been addictive, it intoxicates me for way too long and i cant use it between working/studying

every time i get stoned now i feel like im quittin smoking again

exact same thing here. I'd quit cold turkey but be tempted just by smelling cigarettes on the street. after vaping for a week that stopped smelling good, and when I later had a real smoke it no longer tasted as good.

then at some point, I just stopped vaping.


I wonder if it works with watching porn.

Why do you fags act like its fucking meth

Are you literally smoking from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep?
What the hell is wrong with you?
Is this bait?

I reduced A LOT by vaping. My grandma gave me a spare vaping device with 0% nicotine liquid and it helped.

I still smoke because I don't plan on quiting, but I can pass the day with only one cig.

Try it. You'll know.

>Dying of lung cancer

>Being a vape douche


You can vape without being obnoxious about it, you don't need a $200 #clouds machine, my $30 ecig works just fine

It's not meth, but it's hard to quit if you've been smoking a lot. And it's not like cafein where you'll have 2 horrible days if you stop and then you're fine.

Your lungs feel clean but empty at the same time and you get a weird feeling in your throat, you can think only of cigarettes and having smoke in your mouth. Then the psychological withdrawal makes you want to eat stuff to compensate, time is like slowed down.

It's fucked up, and if OP is really smoking 75 a day, it's gonna be very hard for him.

I'd suggest reducing to 50 for a week, then a pack a day and filling the void with vaping, then slowly reducing and compensating with perma vaping.

I quit the weening off method and I haven't had one in 5 months

I feel way better than when I was smoking 25 cigs a day

I'm smoking since 10 years now. I started at junior high with 1 pack/month. Then 1 pack/2 weeks in highschool and undergrad, and now I'm always trying to not smoke more than 1 pack/week. When I find myself smoking too much and caughing, I stop for a few months, then I restart. I don't want to stop smoking as long as I keep it reasonable.

btw, Is smoking american spirit is ok ? or is it a legend ?

I used to work an outside job and smoked around a pack a day for like 2 years. Then to around like 10 a day for 3 years. I literally ONLY smoke when I drink now, and I would usually drink like once a week (Because I'm young and party alot and have no discipline) but I feel no need to smoke when sober.

It was a gradual process and it wasn't intentional, but one week (New years + christmas) I smoked and drank so much that I was put off smoking for like 2 weeks, after that I just quit.

a guy I work with smokes much more than that and he's still ok at 40. he even works from home now, so he can smoke all the time. when was still coming to the office he took smoking brakes literally every 15 minutes and smoked half a pack in one go

>Is smoking american spirit is ok ? or is it a legend ?
the only people who smoke these are hipsters cause ~le organic~ or something. but its still tobacco. therefore still bad. some people will tell you cig additives are whats bad in them but nah. they make cigs more bad. tobacco is already bad.

Hahahhaa kekkekekke ultimate bate

75? Who the fuck are you? Ian Flemming?

Yeah my buddy did this like 6 years ago because it was "just tobacco" now can't stop smoking stogges. Quit heroin tho.

Smoke packs/day and quit cold turkey. Helped that I couldn't afford them and am too proud to bum one. Not that hard. Chew gum and stay busy.

Hey OP this is you in 5 years.


used gum and the patches. was smoking 2 packs a day and chewing 3 tins every 2 days. 4 years since i quit

I just woke up one day and had no desire to smoke cigarettes anymore. I tried HARD to quit 3 times. Used patches, gum, called quit lines. Then one day I woke up didn't smoke a cigarette and haven't since. It just happened.

Smoke 4-5 cigars a week. Probably just as bad but who knows.

Dude. I do not believe that you smoke 75 cigarettes a day

A cigarette can take anywhere between 2-8 minutes to smoke depending on how hard you're puffing on it

Let's say it's a 5 minute average

75 cigs x 5 minutes = 375 minutes a day smoking

That's 6 hours and 15 minutes a day smoking

You're telling me that you literally are non-stop smoking for 6 hours out of a day and aren't collapsed on the floor right now?

How old are you? Jesus Christ you are going to die in 5 years if you keep up these same behaviors

You need to quit. NOW. It's possible. But you have to do it cold turkey.

You have to quit cold turkey

All of those other things are crutches. But eventually you have to give up the crutches as well

Are you one of those dudes that inhales them? If so then yeah that's pretty bad but if not then it's not as bad as cigarettes.

No I never inhale, that's a terrible idea.

this thread is posted almost daily
I still don't understand the intent behind this clear shilling
but it is not a real person seeking help
there is an ulterior motive
somehow psychologically to get people smoking?
I don't get it, but it ain't real

Good man. I know people that do that and they're a fucking mess physically. Older guys who fancy themselves macho. Can probably throw a pretty good punch but god forbid they have to run anywhere.

We get it, you vape

I did cold turkey.
What helped me out was working out.
Really, I got a bicycle and biked to work.
I work out in the morning to get me awake, plus the pre -workout.
The rest of the day I feel great.
Whenever I feel like smoking, I focus on smelling or tasting things that I wouldn't be able to if I was smoking.

I actually quite 45 days ago. Had a very emotional hallucinogenic experience and decided that I didn't want to smoke anymore. Feels good.

Yeah it's retarded. You cant even taste the nuances if you inhale. Literally defeats the purpose of cigar smoking.

What brought about this hallucinogenic experience.


LSD. About 450ug. Good times

It's crazy good how this trips can make us make decisions like this one. Got my father back in my life after an Ahyuasca experience.

>not getting a cloud machine
Why even vape?

I started vaping and didn't touch a sigarette since then

Hell yeah man good for you. Spread love brotha.

friend of my dad's said that he would put all his ashes into a big mason jar, and then whenever he wanted to smoke, he'd go over and smell the jar. The nasty stench was enough to get him to stop smoking.