Their episode on obesity

>Their episode on obesity

How wrong were they?

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Redpill me famm

its been years

it seemed to be a measured take on it

they were right about BMI

Fucking lmao

Actually getting into it some of this is legit. Obviously those retarded at-home weird dance programs aren't going to help women.

>Exercise videos don't work
> Exercise doesn't help
You win the retard of the day award

He's saying that those faggy "dance around for 20 minutes" videos aren't going to do shit. He never said "exercise won't get you the butt you want."

No he said "dance" (exercise) "doesn't help".
Of course exercise helps.
Any exercise helps.
All exercise helps.
Saged for moronic niggers itt.

stealing from leddit since the episode isn't online, unless you have Amazon Prime then you can watch it for free

>Obesity is not an epidemic
>BMI is inaccurate (George Clooney is technically obese, etc)
>You can't tell how healthy someone is by looking at them
>Calories in / calories out doesn't work
>Endomorph/ectomorph/mesomorph is solid science
>How fit or fat you are is almost entirely dependent on genetics
>it's in our genetic code to eat like gluttons

They also had people from the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance to talk about how some people are just born to be fat and it's never going to change on matter how much they try.

>some people are just born to be fat and it's never going to change on matter how much they try.
Not incorrect. I can wake up go hours without eating until lunch and beyond. No problems. My GF, perfectly healthy, needs food or she'll get chronic headaches. She's fit like me but everybody is unique.

Also it's 10 years old. They have both sides on to have it be balanced.

>those faggy "dance around for 20 minutes" videos aren't going to do shit.
Are you saying that 20 minutes of daily cardio isn't good for you?

>drinking soda and eating junk food
my genetics

My gf is the same way except she gets intense, life destroying stomach cramps. I guess that's what people mean when they talk about hunger pangs.

Tbh my girlfriend is chubby though so I feel like she might just be a dumb bitch about it.

>Calories in / calories out doesn't work

>>Obesity is not an epidemic
>>BMI is inaccurate (George Clooney is technically obese, etc)
>>You can't tell how healthy someone is by looking at them
All true. Obesity isn't an epidemic as it's not contagious, bmi is inaccurate as it doesn't factor in your body fat percentage; however, this is more relevant for men than women, so bmi is normally accurate for women. And you can't tell how healthy someone is just by looking at them. I know a 30 year old chick who's 200lbs and is fairly healthy (whatever this even means), and I know an 18 year old chick who's about the same weight and has chronic back issues.

Alright you pedantic fuck, I'll rephrase what that guy said

-"Dance based exercise programs that are commonly peddled to women via infomercials tend to be inefficient in terms of burning calories, improving cardiovascular health, and building muscle when compared to programs that include weightlifting and cardio. Cardio in this case means some combination of running, cycling, swimming, etc. that is of moderate intensity for 20-40 minutes a day."


>Calories in / calories out doesn't work

Thermodynamics is bullshit?

Well that's it for me. Bullshit is officially bullshit.

>You can't tell how healthy someone is by looking at them

This isn't true though unless you want to get into some weird debate about semantics. If someone smokes cigarettes, it means they are at risk of lung cancer, therefore unhealthy. They don't necessarily have cancer at the moment, but it is still unhealthy behavior.

no one cares retard why are you pretending you're someone else and "fixing it" you said stupid shit you're wrong the end

sod off and stop shitting up the thread you dense nigger

Completely incorrect actually. Your gay anecdote didn't even back up your retarded assertion.

>Obesity isn't an epidemic as it's not contagious
Try again.

>Calories in / calories out doesn't work
Other than this I don't have too much problem with it.

This is taking into account that they're treating guidelines as hard rules, which is usually what these sorts of shows do. I mean what do you expect, they're there to titillate.

BMI is not all that accurate, it's a general indicator. And so on and so forth. But claiming that calories in/calories out doesn't work is some next-level magician bullshit.

I guess the problem here is that they're implying because of the generalities involved with fitness, that being a landwhale is okay? Natural, even? Not that I've seen the episode.

I feel triggered

>Bullshit is officially bullshit

They said they were going to have a finale be about how Bullshit! was bullshit, but they turned out to be bullshitting.

There's a difference between comparing overeating to normal eating and normal eating to no eating

I think they made a statement a while after this aired and regretted some of the conclusions they came to.

google name of any show and primewire. thank me later

His point made perfect sense. Time to stop hitting the weights and hit the books meathead.

Penn & Teller are usually based, but sometimes sneak in some bullshit of their own. They rely on the s.c. "weak-man" argument too much, i.e. presenting the weakest possible form of their opponent's argument and then congratulating themselves on disproving that. For example, "shitty diets shilled by lying greedy fucks on roids don't work for regular people, therefore no possible diet can ever work and I'm stuck looking like this."

They seriously dropped the ball in that episode, and I still remember it. It was literally a "MUH GENETUCS" argument.

>All true
Yes, but their conclusion isn't "the popular interpretation of this is false, it's a bit more complicated and here's how it works..." - instead, they throw it all in the bin and conclude that exercise doesn't work at all.

Didn't they address they were wrong in a later episode?

When will this board realize that biollogy is just the king of pseudosciences? There's just too many variables between individuals for a lot of data to be considered accurate. A year ago they'd tell you raw kale is the best thing for you, now they'll tell you it's terrible. Remember how in the 90's everything became fat free? Now we have keto fags. As far as I'm concerned, I don't trust scientific data any more than general consensus and anecdotal evidence.

I'm willing to bet all of you "muh thermodynamics" fags have never formally studied biology or thermo. The human body is not a fucking bomb calorimeter. It doesn't strictly "burn" calories, it digests them. Do you honestly think every individual stores and expends energy at equally efficient rates? If you don't eat for a week and then all of a sudden eat at maintenance, you'll more than likely gain weight.

Don't get me wrong, if you're one of those people that "just can't lose weight" you are a retard with 0 willpower. No shit calories in - calories out = calories stored but that's a gross oversimplification. Height and weight aside, the amount of calories burned while completely sedentary will vary at least slightly from person to person. That's why maintenance calories are just an estimate. Of course genetics don't make or break you, but they at least play a small role.

Since Penn lost 110 pounds on a 1000 calories a day vegan diet in 4 months I'm pretty sure he regrets saying all that

you're missing the whole point.
maintenance is defined as the amount of energy you need to *maintain* your weight, so you'll never gain weight if you eat at maintenance.
sure, the number of calories maintenance entails changes over time.
that doesn't really matter though.
if you want to gain weight, eat more and more until you're gaining weight.
if you want to lose weight, eat less and less until you're losing weight.
that's it.