This is proof that you can eat a natural, organic, healthy, balanced vegan diet, exercise daily...

This is proof that you can eat a natural, organic, healthy, balanced vegan diet, exercise daily, sleep well and still end up with cancer.

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both protein powder and roids are proven cancer cell stimulants. there's always a risk

you copied this sentence form conmment section you fucking idiot

it's proof that you get skin cancer as a white guy who wants to be constantly tanned

I wrote the comment you fat piece of shit

Someone dox OP for being a fag.

Rich panini does not take roids

he's JUSTED even further

>tfw camera person doesn't talk to you



He's cracking bro's

I'm gonna bet this guy offs himself within 12 months

no you didnt, i hope your mother dies you scum

>you're gonna talk soon
>I can't take it

Anung un piana won't die!

does anyone really believes that by eating healthy and living healthy you can avoid cancer? Because that's not how it works

You know he tanned like a mother fucker, right?

wait he has skin cancer?

good thing he always looked like a giant tumor

do you not see how orange he is??

you know roids also increase the possibilities of cancer, right?

Somehow, I feel bad for him.

right. the point is, I'm surprised he didn't end up with something sooner. poor life choices.

>spends all day everyday in the sun
>gets skin cancer
why am I not surprised

> Acting like he has aggressive skin cancer

He probably has a BCC skin cancer as he left it so long with no problems, these thing's are hardly life threatening and can be left a while. If he had an SCC then he would be in a pretty bad situation, BCC are common as fuck for lobster people.

im interested
when was it proven that protein powder stimulate cancer growth?

only read that casein does, but then that must be true to other sources of casein too, not only protein powder

is the difference in cancer risk significant when you use powder?
i mean it could also be because of you gaining mass, right?

pls tell me source on this one, im interested how that works

did he literally say


Anything that stimulates cell growth and strength woulda also stimulate cancer growth.

This, people living in fucking california, it rains like once a year there, I mean I like looking at hot tanned lasses but at 30+ they look like old shriveled crones because they dint use sun protection sun cream

yeah i know, i may not have been clear
i actually meant that they could have intrepreted the cancer risk because of weight gain as a factor enhanced by the protein powder, since most people who use protein powder are people who are actively gaining weight at some point

my actual question is: how is protein powder stimulating cancer growth but not other sources of protein

>You know he tanned like a mother fucker, right?
He is covered in Tats, why does he need a tan as well.

fuck if I know???

All I know is the mother fucker looks like leather straps.

because he's a mentally ill degenerate bodybuilder? idk user

Because that's what bodybuilders do, they get fake tans. This man has based his entire life and personality out of emulating a scene to gain the approval of others. Roids, the tan, the tattoos, the shirts, his attitude - everything about this man is a desperate cry for attention from a select group of people. Sad really.

Oh I didn't even see you

Why don't you join me, user-san?

what's the point of using roids?
they give you cancer and other disseases, you literally scare women, look like a freak gigga nigga and your dick becomes smaller.

is not like girls prefer othermode to gigga niggas.

balls yes, dick no.

Dat little patch on his tit. Roids? Synthol? Both!

It's where they cut out his skin cancurr

so your balls look like a kid ones?

This pic is fake unfortunately

sara pls go

Most likely pmma oil spill lol

Growth hormone. Don't know about test, but I doubt it. Also, this is interesting vid from his ex

RIght, he injects his chest biceps and butt with pmma oil in mexico

How was his cancer still stage 1 after a year?

becouse it will most likely turn out he doesnt have cancer and he is doing it toget money on patreon for his "treatment"

If your balls shrink, it makes your dick look bigger.

that sounds like some crazy beta shit.

Gotta have a dick that hangs lower than the balls right, China?

but I don't have a japanese dick.

>excessive tanning and using dangerous compounds like melanotan
>eating a shitty diet and taking steroids that promote cell proliferation

Yeah, it must have been the diet and the lifestyle bro

He's outgrowing it

it's not cancer risk, but it speeds growth that the body might otherwise had been able to handle. we advice against any supplemented protein sources, at the hospital where I work, because it's associated with prolonged illness in cancer patients.
simply put: the cells that take the most advantage of that protein, are the ones that want to grow out of control. if only your biceps worked like tumors, right?

at the end when he's in the bathtub theres a bar of kiva weed chocolate next to him

rich is based

>he doesn't wear sunscreen

everyone should apply sunscreen spf30 everyday, just a little dab. Don't complain when you have wrinkles and more moles and shit when you're 30+

8 hour tumor workout, 16 cancer gaining shakes in between sets
gotta confuse the cells

whats lobster people?

I wonder how black fucking Lenny is still alive


>Being permapale


How will Jason react to this?

I'm willing to bet eating food stimulates cancer growth because they have more materials to reproduce.

>Anything that stimulates cell growth and strength woulda also stimulate cancer growth.


So does growing as a teenager stimulate cancer growth?

my cousin has brain cancer and supports Hillary

His sister also married a nigger and has 3 negress children. Meanwhile he is going to die in 10 years and his family legacy will be twerking.

Cancer... If I ever got it id an hero

I think you should an hero for being a trump shill.

i think you should take your vivid imagination to /pol/

Gotta love this false dichotomy, that retards still can't figure out

>Trump shill
>"His sister also married a nigger and has 3 negress children"
kek, the mindless, inbred mongoloid in it's natural habitat, it seems

I wonder if they quietly discuss what went wrong with you in family reunions


>protein powder is a proven cancer stimulant

I'm calling massive bs here, unless this is one of those "more muscle cells means more cells in your body which means a slightly higher chance of cancer" type non issues that completely misunderstands the actual cause and effect at play. Vegans love those.

So your hospital uses mom science and weak correlation taken independently of cause in order to advise patients? Fucking Wew lad.

I guess you could say the mutant is mutating

>Rich panini does not take roids

Sounds like bro science

He does, but he's probably cruising on a low dose and using lots of oil to keep up a fake swole apperance.

He's more then likely sick as fuck and had to give up on the heavy dosages or he was going to fucking die.

Did this guy get his eyes lasered?

He used to have brown eyes.

Mfw pianoman has freezer loads of his shitty frozen food products when he only eats shakes, in&out burgers, DELICIOUS FUCKIN COOKIE SNACKS, tacos and ben&jerrys.

Literally everything gives you cancee