How do I improve my grip strength? I'm currently doing SS, my deadlift is at 145...

How do I improve my grip strength? I'm currently doing SS, my deadlift is at 145, and the bar is always on the verge of falling right out of hands.

Currently keeping all the weight on my 4 fingers with my thumbs doing little of the work.

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Switch to a better grip

are you dumb or fat?

for diddies hold the bar as long as you can on your last rep

when doing shit like curls rows or chins, squeeze the bar/db/whatever as hard as u can

Use correct grip, first of all

Also do static holds after deadlifts. If you're struggling with 145 then youre doing something wrong.

I guess im dumb, but the thing is I'm extremely weak. I was thinking it would be a good idea to build up a decent amount of strength before I do a lot of harder exercises.

Thanks user

I read the other grips were worse for you in the long run. Broken thumb, bicep tears etc

use chalk, use mixed grip

wait, 145kg or lb?

Not him but where is a good place to buy chalk?


My lower back is extremely weak and my flexibility is also shit. For example I have to put 5lb plates under my heels in order to squat properly

and my squat is stuck at 85 lol...

U can get it at schools

At that weight you dont need to work grip. Just deload deadlifts and work until your grip gets stronger.

I rep 315( i know not a big deal) with overhand and I also had grip problems sometimes.

If you are on some kind of split you might add hammer curls or farmer walks.

just keep at it until your grip catches up, your gains are going to be incredibly quick at this stage of your lifting career

definitely get chalk though, but you might want to hold off on mixed grip until like 225

>uni gym doesn't allow chalk
Thanks for the advice anyway

dont listen to this memer, switch to hook grip and never even glance at mixed grip

Do the standard overhand grip until you no longer can safely. Than switch to hook grip for your remaining sets. Hook grip will hurt your thumbs when you first start doing it but after a month or two you will get use to it. Don't even bother with over under. People use it as a crutch too often and end up with long term muscle imbalances and shit grip strength.

What's wrong with SS?

Since it's sort of on topic.

I'm missing fingers and have neural weakness in my right hand, so I can't hold on to the bar when doing deadlifts and pull ups, left hand and other muscle groups are alright. Don't hve that problem when lowering weights, but then the rest of my body barely forces.

Are there any kind of gloves that can help out?

Say goodbye to your thumbs.

I'd like to add to . Keeping your grip as your limiting factor is the best thing you can do for your strength. I see way too many skellies using mixed grip and lifting with a rounded back.

>try out hook grip for DL
>get turbo calluses
>never hook grip DL again

Wrist straps?

145 kg?

what the fuck kind of grips are you looking at nigga

Any personal experience with them?

I get mixed reviews from the guys at my gym.

The one time I tried them, it felt like exercising on a machine, it took half of the feeling of lifting a DL out, isolating only my lower back. But they sure made holding the bar effortless, so it might be the solution for the condition in

Do it anyway. Just be discrete about it. Or get the liquid chalk.

Thanks famalam

Are you kidding me?

You're welcome breh, wer all gona make it.

Thumb under fingers and mixed

>he fell for the ss meme
Listen here, guy. I have done ss for a year and a half. It is the best program to start with. I have seen nothing but gains.

1. Buy gym chalk. Don't be cheap. You can get a pound on Amazon for

how old are you, also weight?
if you can go rockclimbing you'll see results in your grip and forearm strength quickly.

I am in a gym that doesn't allow chalk. I talked to them about liquid chalk and they will allow it. Just clean the bar of chalk afterwards.