Mfw just discovering the Misfits for the first time

>mfw just discovering the Misfits for the first time
Why haven't I heard of these guys before? Such an underrated youtube channel.

Other urls found in this thread:

Get ready for the ments.
Nah but seriously, it's a fun channel. It's like following a soap series with autists and delusional people while funny shit happens all the time.

Normies just don't get it.

It's also a bit of work for a beginner to know where all the ments can be found and chronology and such, but you'll quickly figure it out (pro-tip: any tranny nate without m'lord or lenny = no watch)

I sincerely hope you enjoy the ment, young witness

the whole story is absurd

Lenny is fucking great, every time. The series was okay before him, but it became GOAT with him.
>tfw you will never be the Tom Platz of absence
>tfw you will always be a cookie cutter porn addict
>tfw no Christina Broccolini spirit guide

Could Emma be Mike after his hormone treatment?

Who's your favorite misfit so far?
I'm torn between pic related


Shoulders, chest and arms.

Will I really never got the appeal, I mean, I like the whole no stress mindset, but he's not really a good source of ments. Especially comparing him with emperor Saul is absurd Tbh

Will is a great source of awkwardly hilarious ments. No one ever understands wtf he's saying and he just kinda laughs quietly whenever Brad jokes about him being a stoner

Either Big Jay or Brad

The father we all wish we had

Jay is the best misfit


Yeah that is pretty great, the mutually unintelligible conversation can be quite good, but really only Prince Andrew talks to him anyway.

I like all of them and all, but Will is definitely more of a side character that can't carry a video on his own, kinda like Chuck.

whats the channel link? i cant find it searching for it

Sorry big Richard

..s-sorry big richard, won't happen again bro


Fat fucking Lenny of course.
I wish I could discover the Misfits again for the first time.

>Pillars of the Universe tier
Prince Andrew
>Titans tier
Big Lenny
Jay Masters
Big Richard
>Olympian tier
Emperor Saul
>Heroic tier
"Synthol" Mark
Coath Andrew
>Mortal tier
Tranny Nate
>Potato tier
Janoy Cresva, the dark lord spaniard pushed to the limits of physics
Jane the Alcoholic Gain Goblin

welcome to the ments

>big richard>lenny>genovia>everone else

just a former crackhead from Detroit

Tie between Lenny, Rich and Jay Masters

Pretty solid list

Oh forgot to place Emma, she goes in mortal tier but is rapidly moving up to heroic because she's unashamedly groace as fuck

>Forever mirin' Dale Chance's Gears of War physique

lol at Will's tiny leg in the back

Big Lenny is suck a bizarre individual, he's the ultimate misfit in my book.
Jay Masters is always great, Brad can be hilarious in dosages but his constant bitching and negativity gets tiresome.

Is Lennys gut pure muscle?

He's the Tom Platz of abs bro

b..bro look at my legs bro they're bigger then lennys its piss HAH bro show my legs on the camera