Kinda Veeky Forums fph related

So I fucked up the other day and now have to answer to the personnel dept in my work.
On mobile so no greentext
At my buddies desk in another dept reviewing job applications and checking them out on Facebook
Get to this dude and I say 'Fuck that fat cunt ' and throw his app in the bin, buddy makes joke about him and I say something as well. Literally the only hamplanet in our company is behind us.
She doesn't say a thing about it , stops and chats about staffing level etc. Starts looking at our stack of applications and asks why there's no women , like an idiot I say a woman isn't suitable for the position it's too physical.
Fast forward a week and turns out she complained me and some other guys for 'fat shaming' and misogyny .
Have to meet a director of the company today to discuss it.
I also know for a fact that this fat cunt was to be sacked as soon as a replacement was found for her, now one of the guys in her dept says they can't touch her since this compliaint went in.

This means I'm fucked yeah?


Just found out the complaint says a few of us have a long history of fat shaming and bullying and she also called me a racist , was handed an Indian guys application and I said something like ' I don't give a Fuck where he has a degree from can he poo in loo?'
Apparently that's racist

dying rn

That is racist.

Back to pol, idiot.

Great job acting like an unprofessional retard.

Holy shit, way to take it to level 10. Better fire up that resume OP.

>like an idiot I say a woman isn't suitable for the position it's too physical.

Your employer should fucking thank you.
>be me
>making $9 an hour for farm work
>boss gets idea to replace me and other guy to save $1.75/hour
>well fuck you too
>replaces me with a woman because no one wants to do that much work for that little money
>job is extremely physical
>lifting 100+ pounds repeatedly all day
>woman and new kid can't keep up
>boss offers both of us out old jobs back within a week
>wants us at $7.25
>fuck that
>tell him I already found a job paying $15/hour
>complete bullshit but he doesn't know that
>offers me $15 an hour to come back (he's significantly closer than fictional job)
>take it

And that's how hiring a woman to do physical labor got me a 65% raise. Don't fuck around with inferior workers, it will bite you in the ass.

You sound like a funny dude, but you should probably keep your mouth shut at work.

Op here , out of meeting with two head of departments and a director , everything fine it was barely mentioned , one of the head of departments said not to worry she will be gone soon.
Main point of the meeting was to confirm a promotion they had hinted at a month ago, they are very happy with my performance so I still have a job.

One of the department heads actually said 'it's ok everyone knows your sick sense of humour' gave the same guy awful abuse when he came back from holidays recently , kept going on that he didn't go to new York he went to Thailand for ladyboys , and that he's wife pegs him , kek

I told hr that I had no problem with a woman but she would have to be able for physical labour , the gave me a temp before who was literally under five foot and had to keep calling for help to move things or get stuff from high places , was literally only good for half the job and then everyone else had to pick up her slack on the physical side

hehe that serves him right, what a fucker

>On mobile so no greentext
>Cmon faggot

Mfw ppl thinks irl is Veeky Forums

Just because you are unique doesnt mean you are useful for same job as others.

>fixed it for you

That fork would be great for something.

>he's significantly closer than fictional job
would you have taken it if the fictional job was closer?

Bullshit. No need to lie to us user. You stupidly revealed your power level outside of your containment board and got canned

/pol/ pls go

Good luck finding work when your most recent reference explain that you're racist.

Enjoy the unemployment. The indian guy will be laughing soon.

It's why he offered me the same price as the job that didn't try to fuck me over, a 5 minuet drive compared to a 45 minuet job.