Veeky Forumsizens are going wild for Monster Zero Ultra™ only $6.24 for a pack of four at your local ® Walmart!

Veeky Forumsizens are going wild for Monster Zero Ultra™ only $6.24 for a pack of four at your local ® Walmart!

these meme has already been driven so deep into the ground

Make mine a Monster!

What did he mean by this


I'm lovin' it !!

can i get an origin story?

Thanks, Harold.



I don't even

Probably mocking Christian Guzmans latest video

Is he endorsing this particular monster product?

Sure, i've had monster before but also red bull, sobe and rockstar. Whats the big deal about it anyway?

Monster Energy TM Ultra Zero (c) cures autism.

blueberry redbull tastes better

It's a lot cheaper just to make coffee tho

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So i have been off Veeky Forums for a few years now... what the fuck is happening?


forced meme. I've been seeing this white monster can for a few days, havent given any regard til this thread. I was wondering why I was see it so much but like I said in the beginning... > forced me me lawl XD

Autism everywhere


Looks like someone beat ya to it

Into the trash you go

>not forcing memes