Do any of you faggots do a 5 to 7 day split?

Do any of you faggots do a 5 to 7 day split?

6 day ppl but I'm weak as fuck.

1 chest/back
2 legs
3 shoulders
4 arms
5 chest/back
6 legs
7 rest

1 rest
2 rest
3 rest
4 rest
5 rest
6 rest
7 rest

my genetics are holding me back though

1 chest and biceps
2 back and biceps
3 shoulders and biceps
4 arms and biceps
5 biceps

monday/thursday: back and shoulders
tuesday/friday: legs and abs
wednesday/saturday: chest, arms and cardio
Sunday: rest

Six day split, but between different upper and lower body days. Three different sets for upper and lower. Best program for me yet.

1 legs
2 legs
3 legs
4 legs
5 legs
6 legs
7 legs

This the split Arnold did? I do this every once in a while.

Get lower back pain after doing back extensions. What am I doing wrong?

Deliberately squeeze your glutes and upper hamstrings

currently on chest/legs/shoulders/back

In late October going to do chest/legs/back/chest/legs

leg-day skipping curlbro/10

Same senpai

1 legs/abs
2 chest/back
3 arms/shoulders/abs
4 legs
5 chest/back/abs
6 arms/shoulders

I'm running TM as a 5 day split, just to cut down on how long each session takes. Also gives me room for accessories if I feel like it.

1: max effort Squat or Deadlift
2: recovery day (high rep light weight on legs)
3: bench + bench accessories
4: pause Squat and deficit Deadlift
5: back
6: strong man day

why so much legs? youre a powerlifter/lifting for another sport

I used to do a 5 day PPL with PxPLx but pretty soon just switched to freestyling it.
order stayed the same "pull-push-legs" but without pre-set rest days just taking them whenever I feel like I need one. turns out I go to the gym a lot more. most typical scenario is one set of PPL then one day off though occasionally I go PPLPPLx

>why so much legs
>twice a week
>goes to the gym 6 times a week
>2/6 legs
fuck off curlbro

Chest/ shoulders

Monday Shoulders and Triceps
Tuesday Back and Biceps
Wednesday Legs
Thursday Chest and Triceps
Friday Arms, Calves, and Abs
Saturday Rest
Sunday Rest

ive done chest/back/delts/legs/arms some time now, how do i proceed to 6days guys, i cant come up with a good 6-day split

>Mon: Push power
>Tues: Pull power
>weds: rest
Thurs: chest hypertrophy
Fri: back hypertrophy
Sat: legs hypertrophy

>Two leg workouts a week
>"So much legs"

Nigga most progression focused plans have you do legs 3 times a week

Mon: Chest
Tue: Arms
Wed: Chest + Rms
Thu: Chest
Fri: Rms
Sat: Chest + Arms
Sun: Rest of my body
And arms

I do:

(On gear btw, I did not do this type of split while natty)

Mon: 4 scoops
Tue: 4 scoops
Wed: 4 scoops
Thu: 4 scoops
Fri: 4 scoops
Sat: 4 scoops
Sun: c'mon

I do legs 4 times a week if you include calves and do track workouts for 2 more days. Legs still aren't over developed I'd say

you're in better shape than me but still look like someone glued two different action figures together

Layne Norton's PHAT program is pretty neat good mixture of powerlifting and then bodybuilding which was perfect for my autism on this cut.

Cheating fraud

Mon: Back/Bi's
Tues: Legs
Wed: Chest/Tri's
repeat. rest on saturday

Sun: Squat
Mon: Bench
Tuesday: DL
Wed: off
Thurs: Lower
Fri: off
Sat: Upper

I do 6 days on, 1 day cardio
>back (deads main)
>shoulders (ohp main)
>legs (squat main)
>chest (bench main)

1 chest arm shoulder trap
2 leg back abs
Repeat until day 7
7 cardio 1 hour

1 glutes
2 glutes
3 glutes
4 glutes
5 glutes
6 glutes
7 sit on the hip abductor machine with my phone for 2 hours.

>still have a tiny ass
>just your normal gymgrill

>Doing abs the day before squats
Absolute madman. What's your squat?

Mon: Chest
Tues: Back
Wed: Shoulders/Traps
Thurs: Arms
Fri: Legs
Sat: Abs
Sun: Rest

1 shoulders/arms/core
2 back/legs
3 chest
sat is rest day like GOD intended


One day of legs is more than enough it you want to look good.