When you're watching a dumb video you made and realize you're a fucking skeleton

>when you're watching a dumb video you made and realize you're a fucking skeleton
How do I fix this, Veeky Forums?

r u a grill


jerk off more, look at your wrist, you see that shit, you so how small that shit is, you want to be alone the rest of your life, motivate yourself and fuck that shit, care about what people think, hate what you are and turn yourself into what you want, make it lit bro MAKE YOUR SOUL LIT.

Sticky Reads X F
Basically eat, lift, eat more, lift heavier. but if ur a grill

No ;_;
I'm bad at eating regularly, would a food journal help?

Thank you Mr Skeltal.

eat your weight in lbs in grams of protein every day
eat a minimum of 50g of carbs a day
lots of fruit and vegetables can help too
wow so hard

Then cut your hair, and stop using retarded emoticons. BE A MAN YOU FUCKING FAGGOT

just skip all this bs and post ur boipussy

ur not my moms
Beyond what's in the sticky, is there anything specific to skinny people that I should know? This video has kinda shed new light on myself, I really want to make a change


someone had to do this

Thank you skeleton



Such a cute arm
Become a girl

Today I learned that if you don't have 20 inch biceps, Veeky Forums thinks you are/should be a girl

you mean op isn't a grill?!?


Thank you skeleton

Not OP but in same boat
I try to do push ups and my arms are in pain
Every time I bang my skin it feels like a knife wound

it's because your tiny arms indicate girlish frame, that plus the soft creamy skin is very girly.

No homo

Tfw biceps grow very easily with curls
But forearms remain thin

thank you skeleton

Tfw forearms grow easily with masturbation
But biceps remain thin

Thank you skeleton

>I'm bad at eating regularly

If you literally can't put food in your mouth 3 times a day, you have no hope at all. It's not fashionable or cool to be "that guy who is always too busy to eat".

If you can't manage full sized meals every day, how can you manage any sort of training routine or long term commitment to health?
