Bros we will all be dead in like 50 years

bros we will all be dead in like 50 years

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Speak for your self, I'm planning to live forever.

Good. I'm pretty sure I'll be sick of this shithole by then. Going to chill with Anubis in the Duat.

>dead by mid-70s
What the hell do you take me for?

when i become a wraith i will live forever you fucking stupid normy

We're all worm food
So do shit that makes you happy

Fuck that, I want to live for 25 years more tops

Looking at my lineage I'm probably gonna make it to 85-90 unless shit goes bad.
So only ~65 more years of misery. Nice.

Rly mkas yo thank

In 50 years I will have long transcended humanity.

I wil merely be a cloud of gas shooting through the endless void of this universe.

>Not making magia gains
Really not gonna make it

I'll be dead by the end of the year nigga.

Lol you sound like a guy i knew

how many scoops/sips to achieve this?

I can't wait desu

That's 50 more years of gains, bitches, dopamine and seratonine
Fuck yeah bring it on

working on that red lion, m8

once I got it I'll be making gains for the end of time

>not killing yourself at the peak of your aesthetics so you will be immortalized as a sick cunt

>dead at 75
Fuck that my grandma's still alive at 98.
I'm planning on beating her record.

I have a malignant tumor in my kidneys and I'm only 20

Lot less than 50 years


doing the world a favour and taking yourself out by natural selection, sauna kek

die cunt



Simply scoop my way past death.

Yoooo preach homie

Most of you will be dead before 50 due to this unnatural bodybuilding shit

kek reported

At 70('s) I plan to still be Veeky Forums and strong as hell, and not need a cane or assistance to walk.

>Most of you will be dead before 50
It's been proven fit people live longer.
>due to this unnatural bodybuilding shit
>Our bodies can do it, take the strain we put it under and come out stronger and better in every capacity.

Death is just the beginning brother