Is my lungs ok?

Hi Veeky Forums, so I just woke up this morning after lifting yesterday night and I'm having a difficulty in breathing?

I feel like there's some weight on my chest and my breathing is short and I yawn like every second.

Did someone's had something liked this before? If so, is it normal?

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Um..dude...go see a doctor asap.

If this is for real you're having a heart attack call an ambulance NOW

Are you tall and skinny?

Worst case? You popped a spontaneous pneumothorax.

Probable: You're a walking inflamed vagina.

Sounds like when my friend had a punctured lung. Get help fast.

Lol, faggot, gb2 school

lmao probably costochondritis

time to start taking your fish oil

See a doctor, dumbass.
Actually, don't go to a doctor, we don't need you in the gene pool.

I'm not feeling that much bad, except the heavy chest and inability to take heavy breath.
Are you sure?
I don't feel pain in chest, just very heavy

stop bouncing the barbell of your chest you faggoted primary beta cuck

>is my lungs okay

Just play some world of warcraft and see if it gets better by itself then retard. It's just breathing, no biggie.

Heart attacks are often accompanied by chest DISCOMFORT, not necessarily pain. Also shortlessness of breath and excessive yawning are common symptoms (the vagus nerve is closely linked to your heart). Get your self to an ER asap and tell them your symptoms. You will be seen to immediately. I'm not even joking OP go right now your life could be in the balance.

>shortlessness of breath

maybe you are just a fat fuck and can't breath through all those layers of lard?

Pneumothorax often doesn't present with pain. Just shortness of breath, or a feeling of being unable to fully inhale, or even just not feeling right.

Yawning is absolutely not a symptom of a heart attack.

>missing the joke this hard
I don't know if you're dumb or drunk.

>Number 6: Heart Attack

Along with the chest discomfort and difficulty breathing that's three symptoms. If OP isn't on his way to an ER now he's a fucking idiot.

lmao OP it's costo.

stop bouncing the bar on your chest like another user said.

you've fucked up the cartilage of your sternum and the surrounding ribs

I had this after smolov. Turned out I got a hiatal hernia which led to severe reflux which caused my a crazy case of anxiety.

Kek. It's the most fucking uncommon symptom to the point that it never manifests.

There is a reason yawning is not taught as a symptom of ACS in any ACLS, CPR, or allied health course. Because it doesn't happen.

Go to the ER or an urgent care at least.

I had this happen about a year ago; back when I still smoked weed, I woke up nearly incapable of breathing and had to have someone drive me to the ER.

I can't recall which value it was, but the oxygen I was getting was at ~86 on this scale, and it needed to be at ~94. They put me on a medicated inhaler of some sort for about 5 hours until I had recovered, then prescribed me a proper inhaler.

No issues since, but have also stopped smoking entirely.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. mfw thinking of you hurting.

>people here instantly think it's a heart attack

Holy fuck Veeky Forums is full of retards.

Check your heart, reduce stress and start eating keto ffs

It's most likely anxiety 2bh. The 'unable to get a full breath' and yawning is pretty typical

Maybe you got panic attack, i had it few times out of nowhere. Eat better, sleep and put away coffe for a while... and go to fucking doctor.

Because yawning.

Is that cop ripping the face of that protester?