Tfw losing weight rapidly since moving out of parents

>tfw losing weight rapidly since moving out of parents

How do you poor guys keep your weight up? I've lost 15 lbs in less than 2 months because food is so expensive here that I can't eat like I used to at home

Rice, cheap fruit, milk.

Iktf man sometimes I don't eat for a day or 2 each week but I've managed to gain weight back by eating a lot of peanut butter sandwiches and potatoes

Lol you're on the same route as me, I was 210lbs and fat when I moved out and now I'm 130 and skinny as fuck all in 8 months

What's your food budget each week?

Varies from around 10$ to 25$

Wtf that's my food budget per day..........

fuck skellies i hate being 6'5 with a huge appetite

How fucking poor are you? You're literally poverty-tier. I don't think you should be training muscle mass, devote your time to getting a better job.

I can't the only jobs here are minimum wage and I currently work a labor job and make 50 cents more than minimum wage

My biggest regret was moving out on my own because I had to stop lifting due to not being able to afford proper food to make gains

>tfw lifting was my only hobby
>tfw I've lost all gains in the 2 years since moving out

Sorry, but I think you'll have to give up on getting big. Invest in a rice cooker. Live on white rice and beans. Save up money. Look for opportunities to improve your quality of life.

Hell, why did you move out in the first place?

Didn't really have a choice it was either live at home unemployed and no money forever in the countryside or move to town and get a job

>tfw been living like OP for 6 years

Some of us are doomed to a life of pasta and cheap chicken and literal poverty. I've accepted my lifestyle and that I have to live very minimalist and with no basic luxuries

If you can somehow make it $25 a week more often than not, here's a grocery list for you:

Few lbs of bone in chicken thighs--should be less than $1 a lb. Spend $5 here.
White fish--usually can get a 2 lb bag of shit tier fish for $5. If you don't like fish, get more chicken
Rice--$2 for a 2 lb bag
Corn on the cob--in season so it's 50 cents a cob, grab like 3
Black beans--$1 a can, grab some
Margarine -- $1
Eggs -- $1.29
Instant oatmeal -- $2
Frozen spinach -- $1 a bag, grab 2
Carrots -- $2 a lb
Sweet potatoes -- $1 a lb, grab 2 lbs

If you stopped there, you'd have spent about $22 bucks for the week. The oats and margarine will last you into the next week, reducing your costs. It's not the greatest list, I know, but it will last you through a week.

I've been living this way for the past 19 years

Now I'm 5'11'' 56kg

How much of your income goes towards rent and utilities? Seems like you're paying more than you're able to get by.

Otherwise get a crock pot, buy in bulk, and meal prep for the week.


If I wasn't careful I would easily spend 50$/day on food out on the road. But I've since installed a fridge in my truck and am eating cheaper and better.

Almost all of it except what's left for food

If that's actually your food budget, you should strongly consider looking into getting welfare benefits. The program is there for people like you. You might not get much, but even $300 a month for food would be worlds better for you than your current situation.

you too dude. seriously consider it.

>How do you poor guys keep your weight up?

I never understood this problem. I have to suffer and abstain from tasty caloric foods. Wtf is your problem? You can't gain weight by enjoying all the ice cream you want?

Do you qualify for food stamps/ebt? That can help out a lot. Like to the point you can't spend it all per month.

If not, just stick to the basics. Rice/potatoes, eggs, beans. Look into frozen vegetables or canned foods like corn, peas, tuna, etc.

Be sure to take advantage of coupons and sales to determine what you should buy. These add up and you can get ridiculous deals/ free products if you combine store coupons and manufacturer coupons.

>i have trouble gaining weight

Just eat this, eat ice cream you disingenuous faggot

fool of fat, addictive af

Ebt? Dear Lord. Time to focus on career for a little while. No wonder u fags can't get women after ur ripped.

Don't be a poorfag. I'm not wealthy by any means, and I work 2 jobs but I budget $100/week for groceries and eat really well. Meat, in season produce, carb sources and dairy. Gotta learn to cook


that's actually what I spend per week too. don't listen to idiot who say shit like that's what you should be spending per day.

go to the super market and ask the meat department what day they run the manager's specials on meat. that's the day they mark down all the meats because their expiration is that day. i can usually get close to 5-6 pounds of meats for 10-15 bucks. gotta cook it that night or freeze it though.

a bag of frozen broccoli or some other vegetable is like a dollar at my shop.

next buy rice & beans. probably like 2-3 bucks, but you they won't need to be bought every time.

buy eggs in those large 18 packs for some savings. i get mine for 1.19. when buying the meat for your breakfast (sausage/bacon) don't get the microwave stuff. it's always more expensive and shittier. i spend 2.50 on a week's worth of sausage.

enough cottage cheese for lunch (for me) is 2 containers, which is about 5 dollars.

anyway, i usually can get out of the shop every week for about 18 bucks and sometimes I have to buy some stuff I ran out of and its like 30 bucks.

i always wonder why people like you browse Veeky Forums ? to tell your sad story or what, you dont lift

I've never used it before. I'm doing perfectly fine in my life but I only suggested it to OP as a possible solution til he gets a better job/life situation.

When I was poor I used to work 2 nights a week delivered food for a Chinese restaurant, not sure how it works in American but some nights my tips could cover food for a week.
I actually kept the job for a while after I finished school doing Friday nights giving me an excuse to not drink and some bonus cash.

Wait what's your wage then? America keeps surprising me man

It's the opposite for me.

My parents are so tight about money, they only cook once a day, never make any breakfast or dinner or snacks, and even the lunch they make is hardly enough for 5 people.
After moving out and being able to freely spend the money available to me, I gained 20 lbs over a year. After that my weight stabilized and i didn't gain any more weight.

But also, I live in Germany where university is free and groceries are cheap

And what's your plan to get out of that situation?
Or are you gonna stay poor forever?

he is starving. he doesnt need fuckin frozen vegetables for fuckim micro nutritions. how dense are you

just get protein foods with all of your money. you dont need anything else

Rice, dried beans and dried lentils as staple. Buy it in bulk so it is cheap as fuck. It gives you carbs and protons.

>$10 a week on food

hb you focus on not dying instead of making gains

>400 dollars a month to feed one
Jesus christ, how to do manage that? I eat well on 100 a month.

He's poor you idiot

OP here and I make 12$ an hour but food here in Ontario is expensive compared to the states, 12 eggs is 3$ and 2 liters of milk is 5$ just for comparison to united states prices