Hey fit. Fat femanon here. I've been trying my hardest to lose weight, eating right, excercising correctly...

Hey fit. Fat femanon here. I've been trying my hardest to lose weight, eating right, excercising correctly, and everything in between... My only problem is I binge eat. I eat a ton of shitty processed foods and fuck everything up. Then I get discouraged and beat myself up. I was just wondering if any of you have any idea on how to stop or control binge eating. If you want me to post on a different board you can tell me to fuck right off and I will. Many thanks.

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Don't bring the food into your house. Now fuck off.

Join Spark people app on your phone. Record your food as you eat it. Fucking dedicate yourself to NOT going over. There's plenty of women on their working on it as well and it's nice from a social/ motivational point. Counting calories and staying disciplined is going to be the main factor if you lose weight or stay a fat slob forever

>If you want me to post on a different board you can tell me to fuck right off and I will. Many thanks.

Christ, you don't have to be such a sadsack.

Read this and see if it helps you any.



Nice meme, but it's not in there.

Literally just some self control. That's it

>responds to that
>doesn't respond to the legitimate advice

Fuck you fatty

Just don't buy the food that triggers you or bring it into your house. If it's fast food shit just make a lunch or something. Snacks are easy ways of consuming a huge amount of calories for little satiety. Get used to feeling a little hungry instead of inhaling the closest cake every time you feel like you could go for a bite

Seems to have worked for me

try fasting learn to feel when you're actually hungry and when you're full. Also helps you get over the addictive quality of food and see it in a dispassionate way.

And when you do eat, eat slowly, very slowly. Eating fast leads to over eating and feeling like shit, let your body have time over the course of the meal to realize it has been fed.

Thanks for the help everyone!


Foods with low calorie density/high satiety index.
Have one 500kcal cheat meal per week.
Eat at your daily maintenance calories once every 2-3 weeks.

How about you post them fat tits

Wow such a problem you have here.....Oooh... Eat Less.....ooooooh Eat like good food...you know the stuff that you cook, using pots pans knives and shit. And Uuuhm thats it i guess. LMAO UPVOTE me for moore tricky tiups ^^_

I would investigate the reason for the binging. The food is just a defense mechanism your brain has learned to protect you from some kind of inner pain. Seek out a therapist and learn to talk and express your emotions instead of using the methods you learned in prepubescence. If you try to cut it out without getting to the root of the problem you will just end up miserable and find other destructive ways to protect yourself. Probably one of the reasons you want to lose weight is because you are unhappy. Well, you can be thin and just as unhappy trust me.

1) dont do it
2) don't do it
3) stop b8ing my dude

>If you want me to post on a different board you can tell me to fuck right off and I will
lets start with improving self worth x f

I'll make you feel beautiful I have a giant penis and am only somewhat autistic.

whip yourself (with shoelaces or whatever) whenever your binge
that's how i stopped masturbating

Fem here. I used to go through eating disorder and I was the opposite from you, I couldn't eat. But you can, and that's actually the key to change your body. Change your diet with good food first, eat some chicken breast, brown rice/oats veggies etc. Never eat under 2000 cause you need calories to build muscle. Go to bodybuilding.com, look up a weight lifting routine that you want to try out then do it. And cardio 4~5 times a week, at least 40 mins will do.

Just stop stuffing your fat face fatass!

Keep garbage binge food out of the house. Seek therapy or counseling to find out why you sabotage yourself like this. I'm guessing low self worth and feeling as though you deserve to fail over and over in your life.

>beat myself up
What do you use for this?

Get into cooking

Well binge eating is a habit itself, but it also promotes other bad habits like eating unhealthy foods and keeping your palate used to the same foods.

Try changing your palate. Taste vegetables for a week straight while avoiding food like mcds and subways.
Or just eat more fresh vegetables in your day. Will fill up your stomach with less calories.

binge eating most often happens when a person is emotionally stressed or they have been dieting ineffectively. if you are reducing caloric intake, set up your daily meals to be many small ones throughout the day to avoid getting super hungry and binging. if its an emotional/mental issue you should see a therapist.