I'm physically addicted to coffee, but not mentally

I'm physically addicted to coffee, but not mentally.

As retarded as this sounds, it's the best way I can describe it. I drink 2-3 cups of home brewed coffee. If I go ~24h without a cup, such as when I drink one in the morning and end up not getting any during the day and sleep over at someone else's place and they dont have coffee. When that happens I get ridiculous headaches and feel hungover for like 8 hours.

So I'm clearly experiencing withdrawal effects when I abstain for too long.

But I really really do enjoy the taste of coffee. I used to have 5+ cups a day but noticed that I got too energetic from it and had to cut it down. If I can't get one of my own brewed cups and there's only shitty/expensive coffee available I don't drink it. And if I get home late, but dont yet plan to sleep, I also skip coffee because too close to bedtime messes with sleep. This paragraph has been my way to kinda argue in favor of not being "mentally addicted".

I think it's stupidly inconvenient and weak to be addicted to a substance to this degree. What should I do about it? Because again, I really really do enjoy the taste.

Enjoy it and get on macha green tea too, you may find a balance between the two

If its helping you in life. just stick to coffee on work days and drink tea on off days

detox. cut it back. gobert has a video about it.

i limit myself to 1 cup a day in th early morning.

the rest of the day green tea, yerba mate, oolong and other teas

Drink tea and coffee senpai. I have a rule that I can only drink two [2] cups of coffee per day but I can also have some weak Earl gray or 'builders tea' if I wqnt on top of that.
>Coffee for productive shit in the morning and one in the afternoon
>Yea for a little bit more energy in the late afternoon/evening
If I start getting sweaty and shaky I cut back on the coffee and drink tea instead till I can restrict a balance.

>all these plebs drinking teas other than chai

chai is fuckin disgusting

>yerba mate
>not as or more addictive than coffee

OP, you gotta go on coffee in cycles.

Having headaches and such is not good for you man, it's your body saying it's addticted to that rush of coffein.

Go off for a week or two right now, then cycle 1 week on 1 week off.

Commit sudoku anytime

Start cutting back caffinated coffee with decaf. If you normally have three cups of coffee, have two caffinated cups and one of decaf. Next week do two cups decaf. Cut back to one cup of caffinated coffee a day, and if you want another cup, just have some decaf

You've never ever heard of someone breaking an addiction? To break an addiction you stop feeding it. Stop being a weak-willed puss.
And you're addicted to caffeine, not coffee.

Drink this instead.

So what? Just drink the coffee. I get withdrawal symptoms if I get less than 3 cups a day, but it's not an issue because coffee is everywhere. It's worth the tiny amount of effort because of the caffeine stimulation.

I am definitely addicted. It's just that I enjoy feeding it. It's not like I'm some junkie whose life is suffering because of it or like I cry every time I give in.

Chai is literally ass. Tastes like bad cinnoman. It's what my autistic sister drinks.

OP, try to see if you get the same feeling by taking only caffeine pills.

addiction is a physical condition. there's no such thing as "mental addiction". anyone can exercise restrtaint. to answer your question, the answer is : stop being autistic. there's nothing wrong with submitting to addiction to caffeine. there are worse addictions out there. if you are gonna be prideful and try to deny coffee then you will have to give it up completely. and as you said you like the taste and enjoy good coffee. so why be so autistic about it in the first place?

>teas other than tea


This . Coffee is great and they're are so many varieties and things you can do with it. I love the smell of fresh ground beans, I love the coloring as my ice latte transitions from golden on the top to the near pitch white of the milk below it, I like sitting outside early in the morning in the crisp cool air, just sipping coffee and thinking.

When I travel, I love sitting in cafés and drinking an espresso. That's one of the things I love from both times I've been in France. Just sitting at a little table at a café with an espresso and chocolate croissant talking about life.

Caffeine is so saturated in our society that there is no reason a physical dependency on it should be debilitating.

> Ah , the bitter water that makes my life sweeter

It's hard to imagine that you're significantly addicted drinking only 2-3 cups a day. Most people with caffeine habits drink the equivalent of 8-9 cups a day. That said, maybe you're drinking huge cups or have a genetic predisposition.

It's more likely that you're just a naturally groggy person and aren't used to dealing with it without caffeine.

Chai is tea brah, it just has spices added.

Just found out about macha. Love it.

Caffeine addiction is the easiest fucking thing to shake

Dont have coffee for 2 days


>muh caffeine addiction!

Just don't drink caffeine and stop being a little bitch.

Get back to me when you have a real addiction, like porn.

this lmao

>I have a widdle headache ;_;

as shitty as it is to have what can be classified as a "dependency," drinking 1-3 cups of coffee a day is fucking fine and doesn't have any long-term negative effects. Much research shows that the effects are positive.