>Be talking with my thiccc friend
>"I have a hard time losing weight because of my genetics"
>She says that she is basically eating nothing
>Actually doesn't eat in front of us
>Caloric deficit=weight loss
My guess is that she is eating when we aren't around.
Tell some real diseases or problems that can stop one from loosing weight even in cal deficit and how can genetics affect this.

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Nothing prevents weight loss at a caloric deficit

tell them to stop taking the elevator and eat more raw veggies

Yes, not losing weight in deficit would mean that body is producing energy out of air or something

But can the genetics drastically affect your number of maintenance calories so while eating little, you would still be in surplus?

No, it would only work in the case where someone eats a lot and can be at a deficit (cardio, other exercise, fast metabolism, etc.)

Not really, human metabolic rates do differ from person to person, but the differences are not going to be drastic when looking as the base rate. For example one person could be born with a larger heart or a naturally faster resting heart rate than another person. The first person would naturally burn more calories at rest than the latter person, but the difference would be marginal overall. Things can add up, but a persons caloric requirements would not change drastically.

On the other hand if person A exercises 5 times a week for an hour each session, they will need a lot more calories to maintain their weight than Person B who works a desk job and doesn't exercise at all. But this isn't a genetic difference, person A just expends a lot more energy than person B, and therefore requires more food.

There are some extremely rare genetic conditions like prader-walli syndrome that can make someone a lot more susceptible to weight gain, but these are more akin to eating disorders than some metabolic condition that makes your body super efficient.

Thanks for the effort in enlightening us user.

If they had prader willi syndrome it would be painfully obvious. Parents of children with this syndrome have to lock their fridges/cupboard because the kids literally do not stop eating. Even then, some of the older kids grab a screwdriver and undo the locked cupboard doors, eat everything in sight.
This syndrome also lowers your metabolism a lot, however the behavioural differences in the person are also drastic. They also have an average IQ of around 70, with obvious learning difficulties.

TL;DR: prader willi syndrome is a lot more than "being prone to obesity" and you can easily tell that there is something wrong with the person

I've got a prolactin microadenoma, PCOS, and hypothyroidism. I'm on medicine to regulate all of these things, and it's completely killed my appetite. I was put on a 1200 daily limit, but most days I don't go about 200-300 calories. I live a semi-active life, full-time college student so I don't spend hours at the gym every day, but I do exercise when I'm not glued to the toilet throwing up.

I've maintained my weight for 3 weeks, now. It hasn't changed at all. If she's not eating and not exercising and either gaining weight or maintaining it, she might have a fucked up metabolism or some kind of hormone illness. Could be PCOS, but don't fall for the PCOS meme. Women think/use the excuse that PCOS causes trouble losing weight and intense weight gain, but on its own it's not that bad. When combined with other diseases, it can cause problems, though.

Has she ever mentioned having something like this? It's not a genetic-exclusive problem, but people in the same family will often have similar illnesses.

calories in calories out

calories is a measurement of energy

energy in = energy out

energy cannot be created nor destroyed

you release energy constantly

if you are taking in less energy than you are releasing then you are going to lose weight.

e=mc^2 => energy and mass are one and the same hence you can't create new mass

it's pretty fucking basic shit here:

>eat less
>lose weight


>eat more
>gain weight

I'm a skellemode who needs to eat more.

The only possible role genetics could play is an issue like over/under exposure to cortisol due to a tumor on the adrenal gland of the kidney, or some other factor that means that the body is physically incapable of automatically maintaining itself if one were to have a normal diet.

Other than the extremely few cases of people who may literally die (without treatment) if they were to have a normal diet, everyone else can fuck off with their excuses.

That's some scientific shit right there my man.
Well she is working out regularly and doesn't have any health disorder, or isn't aware of it

I would recommend she checks symptoms and other people's stories online to see if anything matches her disorders. I underwent blood tests and an MRI after being diagnosed, and those were expensive. Fortunately our insurance helped us out, but it's pretty high up there.

Is she moody or depressed? High TSH levels can make people go a little nuts. There's an EXTREMELY RARE case of outrageously profound hypothyroidism called myxedema (which is it's own case, as well), which can cause myxedema madness. It's pretty much where you hear/see hallucinations, and lose touch with reality. It'll put you into a coma, too and typically rots or distort your skin.

Again, it's rare as fuck for someone to get to that extreme state and you would definitely know if your friend had it, but even lesser amounts of TSH can turn you into a basket case. It's all about hormones, after all.

It might lessen the effects of a deficit, (i.e. if you eat at like a 1500 calorie deficit, you might go into "starvation mode" and that 1500 might get rounded down to closer to 1000...) But it won't create a surplus where none exists, as that would literally violate the laws of physics.

true, but there are factors that could make achieving a calorie deficit incredibly and increasingly difficult. i feel like everybody forgets this fact... essentially starving yourself depletes leptin, certain hormonal issues lower your BMR to below normal standards etc.

>I'm a skellemode who needs to eat more.
Holy fuck I know this feel but even if I eat 4 meals a day my body refuses to put on any weight

i know a girl like this. she probably drinks a lot of beer/wine/soft drink and doesnt realise how many calories are in it

girls are just fucking retarded though

When women say they go to the gym or 'work out' it doesn't mean what we think it means

You're still not eating enough then. Or maybe you are putting on weight, but at a really slow rate.

Honestly i know GOMAD is a meme but if you really wanna gain weight milk is the way to go

my parents used to lock the pantry because i'd binge on all of their food lol. found the key. p sure i don't have prader willi tho

Well my bf% is like 12% according to my gym pal, he says I just need to put on more muscle
So what I probably should be doing is making up a proper diet for maximum gains

>12% BF
what do you have big bones?

Not him, but as a 18 y/old student living with his parents, I don't have that much freedom of diet, I am very spoiled though, so I can probably buy whatever I want w their money even if I'm broke, I've been buying some bread cheese and ham and eating sandwiches whenever Im a bit hungry and keeping up the daily meals. What else should I get for food if I want to eat constantly and leave the 130 lbs zone (6'1 height), like I'm so skinny I doubt my workouts are giving me any muscle.

I used to weigh 110lbs and literally looked like skin on bones because I didn't work out either
So far I've only gotten to 134lbs thanks to working out and eating but I can't really get past this

They're very rare. I've been a nurse for too fucking long and I've seen only a handful of people with genetic, inherited diseases that contribute directly to drastic weight gain.

Research has for a long time shown that fatties perceive their diets and physical activity in skewed ways.

Just one example, but if you make an account on, say, Medscape you'll see an article with a new study about this shit every couple of months. Obese and overweight individuals usually think they eat less than they do, and workout harder than they do.

Statistically, you're far more likely to just suck at being healthy than actually having life deal you a magic fattass hand of cards.

So starvation mode is an actual thing? I dropped 20 pounds quickly since the beginning of June from basic 1200 calorie diet and since then I've been stuck on my current weight for over 2 months, Even after cutting it to 1000 and doing cardio every other day. I just started lifting though, would that make the difference?

I doubt you would. Generally the kiddies with it are late tl develop on all aspects, such as speech, growth, walking etc. Then they eat a shittone around age 4-5. It generally gets diagnosed as the parents can tell there is something very, very wrong with their special snowflake
I'd say you'd have had binge eating disorder or something else mental, prader willis is a chromosomal (genetic) defect

It does after a while of dieting. Basically your body goes "oh shit nigger you're losing your valuable fat reserves!" and tries to save them.
Try doing a day or two where you eat at maintenance, see if you start losing again.

oh yeah no i was bulimic as fuck lol

and i'm short but not THAT short

>"Don't take the elevator"
>"Then how will I get to my floor?"
>"Eat raw veggies"