I'm 6' 200lbs, is there literally any reason not to do PSMF for a month...

I'm 6' 200lbs, is there literally any reason not to do PSMF for a month? I'm pretty fat and it seems to give great results

It's hard

Everything worth doing is hard

Should I do it or not





If you're hypoglycemic or you have a job or do something that requires a fuckton of physical or mental energy output.
Then you'll be fucked harder then a far too flexible blue haired dyke who wants to "experiment" in a black dudes apartment.

what is PSMF?

What is google?

Yes, metabolic adaptation, the faster you lose weight and the less breaks you take from a caloric deficit diet, the more your metabolism permanently slowns down. It doesn't adapt, it'll simply become more efficient and burn less calories while you'll be just as hungry (more desu because your body wants the weight back), making it so your TDEE lowers desproportionally to what it should to someone that is naturally at the weight you're trying to hit. Even if you were to get back to your original weight after a PSMF you'll still be burning less calories than you were before.

yes im sorry to interrupt the bustling and thriving fast paced discussion that was going on here, stupid beta cuck. kill yourself.

broscience : the post


It's basically a super crash diet that is built around minimizing all excess food energy to almost nothing and eating just enough protein to keep your body from eating your muscle.

You'll have to eat a multivitamin, a fish oil pill, drink extra water to help clear out the fat as well. Those are vital

If you start to feel faint or like blacking out then you have a deficiency in magnesium potassium and some electrolytes and might need to drink pedialyte or an electrolyte solution of some kind.

The diet is typically low fat low carb meats and as many low carb vegetables as you can eat.
No fruit, no nuts none of that.
Just the handful of vegetables and fatless meats that you can eat.

It's a bullet proof plan that will work 100% of the time no matter what.

Problem is that some people have health problems or live lives that make doing something that extreme impossible. In spit of how well it works.

Look up the rapid fatloss handbook. Lyle Mcdonald explains it better then I can. And go look on youtube and read his latest findings on fat loss.

Can you drink Gatorade lol the fuck pedialyte

Nice arguments want some actual facts?

"In one study published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, researchers assessed the effect of a six month period of calorie restriction on metabolic adaptation in very overweight individuals.

They divided subjects up into four different groups over a six month trial period. Group one followed a 25% calorie restricted diet, group two followed a 12.5% calorie restricted diet as well as a 12.5% increase in energy expenditure through exercise, group three followed a very low calorie diet of 890 calories per day until they experienced a 15% weight reduction, which was then followed by a weight maintenance diet phase, and the fourth group served as the control.

After the results of the study were assessed, it was demonstrated that the mean weight of the controls was reduced 1%, the mean weight of the calorie restriction group was reduced 10.4%, the weight of the calorie restriction plus exercise group was reduced 10%, and the very low calorie diet group showed a weight reduction of 13.9%.

It was also found that after adjustment for changes in body composition, the subjects' sedentary 24-hour energy expenditure was unchanged in the control group but decreased in the three other calorie restriction groups. The difference in energy expenditure strictly from metabolic adaptations worked out to be 6% more than expected based on loss of body mass as assessed by the researchers."



"In another study that was conducted by researchers out of Paris, France, six obese women were put on a very-low-calorie diet for a three week time period. Body composition was assessed at the very beginning, as well as after a three, five, and twenty-one day period.

The RMR, after being adjusted for lean body weight declined greater during the first week on the diet. The precise values of where the BMR was with regards to the original measurement were 94% after day three, 91% after day 5, and 82% after the full three week period was over.

For someone who has a normal maintenance intake of 1800 calories for example (body weight around 120 pounds), this would mean their new maintenance after being on a severely restricted diet, down by 18%, would now be 1476 calories per day.

Since most people are running a calorie deficit of around 500 calories below maintenance to actually lose body fat, after this adaptation has taken place you can clearly see how fast weight loss would slow.

It should be noted that the diet subjects received was incredibly low calorie and consisted of almost strictly protein (95.3% protein, 0.2% carbs, 4.4% fat). Most people will not use a diet to quite this extreme, so the slow-down may not be as significant but it will still be present."

>6 months!!!!

Dude psmf is usually done for 28 days at most.


"Researchers at the University of California looked at what the energy metabolism was after a two year period of restricted eating.

They had their test subjects live in a biosphere for the two year period where they consumed a largely vegetarian diet, consisting of 80% carbohydrates, 9% fat, and 11% total protein.

After the two year period was up, the subjects moved back into their normal environment where they began to consume their ad libitum diet once again.

After a six month period, the subjects showed weight levels back to what they were before they entered the biosphere and started the low calorie diet, but what's more important is that the 24 hour daily energy expenditure as well as spontaneous activity levels both remained lower in the test individuals.

Therefore, this study is suggesting that after a prolonged period on an energy-restricted diet coupled with a significant amount of time returning to normal eating once again, you may still see negative implications for weight maintenance and a normal calorie intake."

Deutsch, W.A. et al. (2006). Effect of 6-Month Calorie Restriction on Biomarkers of Longevity, Metabolic Adaptation, and Oxidative Stress in Overweight Individuals. The Journal of the American Medical Association. 295:1539-1548.

Apfelbaum, M. et al. (1991). Energy-metabolism adaptation in obese adults on a very-low-calorie diet. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol 53, 826-830.

Harper, I.T. et al. (2000). Energy metabolism after 2 years of energy restriction: the Biosphere 2 experiment. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol 72. No. 4, 946-953.

Barrows, K, & Snook, JT. (1987). Effect of a high-protein, very-low-calorie diet on resting metabolism, thyroid hormones, and energy expenditure of obese middle-aged women. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Vol 45, 391-398.

Hope OP is still around.

Please read 2/3.

Dude, just google it.
And no. Gatorade is fucking sugar water. Worse then sugar water.
You shouldn't need to drink that and it will fuck up your diet.

That's why I eat slightly above maintenance once a week during my psmf with alot of carbs.
Of course it slows your metabolism.
How can we work against that?
Send the signal to our body that there is no famine.