For the past hour I've been eating this 1200 calorie dinner to hit my bulking target for today

>For the past hour I've been eating this 1200 calorie dinner to hit my bulking target for today
>Every bite is a game of life or death as I'm about to puke any minute
>Still got half to go

Literally how can people be overweight? How does someone become addicted to food? Currently eating some rice with chicken and beans with some paprika. Earlier today I had a large burger with fries and for breakfast I ate 10 large eggs. I could've only eaten half of this and still not have been hungry.

You gotta drink some of your calories senpai. When bulking the only way I do it is with 900 calories of chocolate milk

I've used gainers in the past. Paired two scoops with half a litre of whole milk for 800 calories, but that gives me a lot of gas. I already eat 200g of oats with half a litre of milk for 1000 calories at least five times a week and I'm not sure my intestines can handle more dairy.

you dont need to eat big to build muscle its more about when you eat and what you eat that determines muscle growth

oh you

Literally kill yourself

This guy gets it.

That said it'll still probably feel like a lot. And if you're tall it'll actually be a lot.

How much are you trying to eat?

I don't even have breakfast most days, lunch like 1000-1200, dinner 800-1000, shake 600 and then snack in between to make up about 3000 a day.

TaeYeon a cute


80kgs @ 183cms.

Today is my day off but during work days I don't have time to eat maybe more than 600 calories at lunch and 500 calories for breakfast if I'm fast. I'll get home at about 4 in the afternoon and at that point still need to eat 2500 calories, which seems impossible most of the time unless i head to the burger joint and eat 4 bacon double cheeseburgers.

I should also note that I've done this for a few days straight and I ended up with diarrhea.

Smaller meals spread out. Just shoveling food in your face all at once is not the way your body absorbs nutrients. I get that work can be a bitch to work around, tho, especially if it's labor intensive. Try taking snacks and shit to chow on here and there if you can or bring a shake and just slam it at some point.

I take advice from a previous post on Veeky Forums

I imagine that the food is a filthy slut that loves to be eaten, strange I know, but it works for me.

If thats how youre feeling then youre eating too much and overestimating your bulk by a longshot.

Then why am I not gaining a single gram of bodyweight?

you realize gaining weight is actually very very slow right?

>Literally how can people be overweight?
literally no idea.

This is tangentially related: I fucking hate eating. If I could choose between never having to eat and never needing to sleep I'd go with the former. I view it as a chore and eat a meal only when I start feeling the physical effects of lack of nutrition. In college I would go through spells where I would only eat once every other day. Part of this was due to abuse of amphetamines, coffee, and cigarettes, but even nowadays I usually only do about one meal a day, sometimes two. (Which if I ate any more than that I'd probably develop a beer gut due to alcohol abuse).

Weird thing is that I'm not underweight.


But zero bodyweight increase in two months tells me I'm not eating enough,

shoo shoo scary skelly, i'm spooked!

seems strange

do you do a very physical job / spend a lot of energy in other ways?

I'm a nurse. Spend 8 hours on my feet.

Bike too and from work at 20 minutes each way.

And about 60-90 minutes of lifting three times a week.


If I ate like I wanted I would eat 9k+ calories a day



No u wouldnt.
Well only if you eat junk food on junk food. But that just makes you equally as pathetic as the skellington.

It takes all my willpower not to eat that much at every meal.

That's a burger and 1/3 of an order of fries at five guys. That's 1/2 of a chicken parm plate at a restaurant. That's a big farmer breakfast at a diner if you throw away the pancakes. I'd be full, but only just satisfied. Not stuffed. Not sick. Ready for the next meal in a few hours.

We all have different appetites. You were designed to pick and pluck and feel ill when food hits your tum tum. Born fatties like me were created with a lust for life's pleasure that comes right from the gut and knows no real bounds.

I wish we could switch. I could easily bulk for you and me without feeling sick.

You haven't seen me eat, kid.

I haven't even eaten simple sugars in months, I like real food.

Shoo shoo whale, back to the sea with you

Eating food becomes an addiction for many overweight people. It's like a drug, as many people feel good when they eat.

Jesus Christ, if you faggots actually knew how to cook good shit and didnt eat stuff besides super-filling shit all the time it would be effortless to put on a lb a week or 50-60lbs a year. All it takes is one shitty Mcdonalds cheeseburger over your tdee a day to do that.

Most people can eat two or three McDonalds double cheeseburgers in a sitting. You want to know how people get fat, it's easy. Meat, Pasta, Cheese. Those three things will destroy you. A plate of spaghetti with ground beef in the sauce will fill you up and easily clock in over 1500 calories, but you will be able to eat again soon after. Throw some parmesan on it and bam, half your days calories in a tupperware container. Add in a piece of garlic bread and you are golden and greasy.

If you are an Auschwitz who can't stomache anything then you need to switch to eating like a fatty with a protein craving. But that would be terrible for your health probably.

Most likely you just need to stretch your stomache if you want to keep eating healthy and still bulk.

Easy way for hungry skeletons to stretch stomachs?

Lots of snacking. Snack foods are loaded with sugar and fat.

consider drinking regular soda, but be warned that shit is a fat trap if you let it get away from you.

What is wrong with you

>pasta and meat sauce easily over 1500g

no fucking way. get it right. I eat that shit all the time for bulks, whole wheat pasta + lean meat.

even if you don't do lean meat, you'd have to be eating some like 60/40 meat to get those macros. an entire box of pasta is 1600 cal. at most you'd eat half a box at 800. the sauce isn't another 700.

people get fat because they arent eating real food. they only eat sugar and empty carb trash. try doing that it becomes very easy to get fat

>Most people can eat two or three McDonalds double cheeseburgers in a sitting

I know right?

That number is WAY too fuckin low.

Dude chuck 1/2-1lb of ground beef and a handfull of parmesan cheese onto and eat it with two pieces of garlic bread. You will be fucking amazed what it adds up to. Then again it is all about portions.

what your eating is not tasty... how fat people get fat is by eating tasty things all day.

I would have 800 calorie breakfast burritto with 160 cal OJ

250 chocolate chip cookie for snack

Lunch $5 big box from popeyes or kfc or taci bells. with is anywhere between 1300-1800 calories. possible more.

by this time i would feel kinda full.

wait nope time for dinner ate a lot today i should probably eat liight two super tacos please with chips and salsa... add a 20oz Dr. pepper.

Yep getting fat is easy.

Chug water, I would say milk or juice but those could make you sick a lot easier and cost more if you puke. Like a solid 20-40oz glass of water or more with no ice in it you will feel your stomach inflate. Maybe more maybe less depending on your body.

Maybe it is just a fat guy thing but when you are starving it is very easy to polish off a couple of those motherfuckers. Maybe you guys are thinking of double quarter pounders or something? Or you are just un-American. You can't be telling me that as a grown as man you can not finish 2-3 McDoubles and follow it up with a wave of shame and regret. Yeah you will be full, but you also just pounded down a solid 1200 calories, more if you got sugary drink. Hell just one Mcdouble, a small fry, and a medium soda is somewhere in the ballpark of 800 calories.

Lets be serious, most people with weight problems do NOT feel full after that much food, you are looking at more of a 1200-1300 calories meal for them. 2 double cheese burgers, large fry, and a large drink clocks in at 1600 calories. (McDouble is 390 each, large fry is 510, large coke is 310). That is not an uncommon order for a lot of people. Definately isn't healthy though