Meet a girl from Japan a few years back while studying in China on a scholarship

>meet a girl from Japan a few years back while studying in China on a scholarship
>we were polite to another, but not really anything there, mostly because we were in different classes
>go on a school trip together, hit it off, she clearly cares for me quite a bit
>one month afterwards it hits me like a bolt from the blue, I realize love her
>dating someone else at the time though, in a long term relationship, wanted to make sure the feeling wasn't just a whim as had happened to me in the past
>girl eventually gets a boyfriend
>over the next two years neither of us are single at the same time
>I dated a few other people, one of whom is perfect in looks, character etc. and I wish I felt for her like I do for the girl, I can't marry her though because the spark's not there
>I never dated Japanese girl before this because I was terrified of long distance relationships falling apart (all of her previous ones did)
>I talk all the time with girl
>she got a new boyfriend from Korea a few months ago
>guy proposed to her yesterday
>she said yes
>insides turned to lead
>blaming myself for not biting the bullet and just becoming a teacher or something in Japan instead of trying to get there on my own terms
>can't stop crying when I think about her
>don't want to die, but I just want everything to stop, I want to be so small I might as well not exist
>keep thinking how I fucked over my one chance to be happy in life

Haven't eaten all day, head's throbbing pretty hard. I don't know what to do, I feel completely lost. Before this every decision I made was a decision to try to eventually be with her, now it's like I'm a kite with the line cut loose. I am alone. I don't even know why I'm writing this here.

To make this fitness related, what's your max deadlift? I recently got 455lbs, form wasn't too good though. Few guys in my gym were mirin'.

;_; sorry op

oneitis is a real disease.

lmao wtf does this have to do with being fit brah
girls have nothing to do with being fit bro just keep fuckin lifting and it'll all turn out fine in the end

if you're not happy it's not the end

it's not your only chance to be happy my friend. there are so many girls out there that will also make you happy. I guarantee it.

Man you guys are seriously fucking annoying. Nigga you were able to study in CHINA bro, and date multiple people at the same time. There's no fucking way this shit is real man, someone that studies abroad in addition to dating consistently on a subterranean sprinters board? Get the fuck out of here. This is some Illuminati shit.

Go to gym and set new PRs on all your lifts

Convince her it's a bad idea to marry after only a couple months then continue sewing seeds of doubt.


why the fuck would you want to mix your genes with the endogamic cesspool that is Japanese people?

btw, seeing how fast the Japanese girl went for another guy, in Korea no less, she IS NOT wife material at all

sounds like the regular bourgeoise Japanese girl that likes to experiment a bit around the world and then gets bored with her empty life

>study abroad in Japan as a 21yo kv
>make a friend at school
>cute and wants to get into fitness with me
>she invites me to do a homestay at her parents house when she goes back to visit over the holiday
>meet her parents and they love me, make me promise to come back and visit them some day
>we come back and I teach her to deadlift
>she can do 3 reps at 95, so fucking cute
>she only wanted to speak to me in English, because she wants to practice more
>she wants to work for a travel agency
>When she messages me, it takes me a day to respond because I can't think of what to say
>I fell for her so hard so quickly I had a dream where she met my parents
>One day when she's drunk she blurts out that she wants to marry an American
>"Haha thanks y-you too"
>I start getting shredded from walking everywhere
>All of a sudden I realize I only have 2 weeks left until I need to go home.
>She made me a cute card with pictures of us together, with English and Japanese. She even made little speech bubbles where her parents made encouraging little quotes for me in total Engrish. I still keep it on my wall
>She got a haircut on my last day, it was so cute, but kind of mom-ish
>Telling me about how she's going to miss me and how much fun she had with me
>She starts speaking in Japanese because her eyes are starting to water up and she's just trying not to cry
>I just wrap my arms around her, and tell her I'll see her again
>I go back home a kissless virgin, but I felt so warm and cared for
>I cry when I think about how badly I want to hug her and tell her I want to see her. I met her a year ago today.

I'm up to 2x5 at 335, not sure what that would make my max. Just started a cut though, so hopefully I can keep it from falling too far

next time you have an experience like this, you will make a move.
if you see her again, make a move.
things will be okay brah

>mfw thinking about both you and her hurting

it's gonna work out for you i know it will
it has to

>tfw meet korean exchange student at uni
>start dating
>she goes back to korea
Been in a LTR for about 1 yr now. Feels okay. We still get to see each other a couple times a year. I was a kv before we met so I'm pretty attached to her.

My knees are fucked so I haven't been doing deadlifts in like a year.

thanks brehs.
I just can't stop thinking about how I did so much to make her think about me. I hit the gym hard and never skipped a day. I studied my Japanese textbook like a madman every fucking day so I could talk to her more. I cut down on the carbs so I could drop to a Japanese standard of a slim weight. It was like being driven by a motor. When I came back I felt motivated to take more classes and then when I realized I was back in the pit of learning a language without a real passion to apply it, or an avenue to use it every day, I was crushed.

But the JET applications come out in October, so I'm hoping I can get back out there.

You can either be a sad kunt or you can be a sick kunt.

Pretty much this.


You make me laugh op, marriage is meaningless.

What it is, is a paper certificate, it has no impact on someones relationship, and if it does it is only placebo because of the thought "omg we made it, we got more social norm points", literally nothing will change in the relationship except that now the social norm that is the "next step" of "normal" relationships has been fulfilled, getting married.

Stay rational op, it's the pesky emotions that fuck things up.

What you must know;

She has now become a source of emotional pain because you now know that she is getting married and that breaks the possibility of you two being together, a normal reaction is to distance oneself from the pain, but this mechanism is often overlooked. You see, if you distance yourself from her you may feel better, but distancing yourself from her will make her forget you, all that talking and getting along, the Spark will disappear thus ending that what you guys had, people divorce all the time op, i havn't lived long but i've seen allot of crazy unexpected breakups to know that marriage means fuck all. Marriage is made to be this heavenly thing, it is pushed in society as the normal thing to do.

-It will not improve how you get along.
-It will not make you happier (Just ask all married men about marriage, they will kek so hard it will materialise into kekium, a new element)

Allot of people's dreams or conceptions become shattered after a bit of time has passed being married because they thought it would change their lives for the better, but it doesn't change anything, girls care more about social image and tend to buy WAY more into the marriage meme.

Here is a rule which you can apply if you wish, all women after 2 years of marriage (when the dust has settled) are easy prey. Interpret "prey" as you wish.

op, it's not the end.

Step 1: Plant the seed of doubt, and water it, nurture it.

>inb4 blue pilled faggots cry

you know i never liked the statement
>to be happy in life
when it's referred to someone dating someone. like dude seriously? having someone in your life is supposed to make it a little better. not completely fix everything. dating someone is a very small portion of life. i've turned down people based on the simple idea that i want to have fun in life without having to worry about anyone or anything holding me down. ditch that ideology that having someone all of a sudden makes life happy. it doesn't, because at the end of the day you'll still be miserable but with someone there to make you a bit happier when you get depressed. when you rely on a woman to make you happy you've lost all hope and the only way to get it back is to take it back.
>god speed op cheer up buckaroo


We all understand marriage is a meme to some degree when we are single, yet why do so many still marry?

Love is an instinct in the way that is a bunch of chemical reactions which we cannot control, which renders us irrational at most times, ever heard of the word "whipped", or "Bro you are so whipped"?

Now there is nothing wrong with being in a relationship, they are great but what i'm saying is that marriage is a fucking meme.

This is going to take allot of effort if you want to win her over, but that's up to you to decide if she is really worth continuing the persuit.

There are so many women out there, just think of every women you have known that you knew allot about, i'm not talking about a few things, i mean women for example, which you have been in a relationship with.

There is an almost infinite amount of beautiful women in our world
There is an almost infinite amount of great personalities in our world

These facts are overshadowed by misconceptions in our world, villification of certain traits/groups of people, not understanding the human condition.

If you value her, for all the emotional stimulation, why can't any other women provide this?

Have you ever been in love?

>it's like I'm a kite with the line cut loose
such poetry

>the spark's not there
You're talking like a woman, lol. You sound so emotional I'm surprised any woman wanted you in the first place.

I'll be with you soon brah..

Plenty of times,

Why do you ask?

woman likes emotional if you are not a self conscious

isnt it obvious