Do you keep your brain Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?

Do you keep your brain Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums?

What the hell? Did some hipster see the original and insert himself into it?

What is the original?

lol that numale pic ahahahahaha

Yes I'm writing a novel 2bfrank

>not optimising your nootropic stack
>brain can't directly stimulate hypertrophy by thought alone
>actually needing to lift in 2016

>mfw when I see that image depicting such a false dichotomy

Someone link the Jason Blaha shop of this image quick.



That's pretty stupid to think you are smart, because you are reading a lot of books.
You become smarter by reading books and applying knowledge in real world. Even if it's just woodworking.


Read a god damn book. Not a sports page, not a magazine, but a book nigga, a fucking book.

Veeky Forums it is

Just read. Tale 30 mins and read.

I read self help books on auccess building habits, I read sci-fi, books on meditation, and even the occassional Manga. Being well read and well spoken impresses the quality partners you all dream about, you know, the successful and conservative 8/10 who just wants a strong body man who she can hold a discussion about really anything with at a classy dinner and spend the rest of the night undressing you with her eyes before ultimately giving you snoo-snoo.

Just get her interest physically, then consume her mind with yours. She'll never leave.

i hate typing on this fuvking phone.

sorry for typos m80.

Lmao Jesus Christ

tfw both

mirin that stomach vacuum technique

Next time you are on your phone keep it short. 'Just read' would have done.

heh, nuthin personal


>go to local library
>brainlets and DYERs everywhere
>not knowing their Dewy Decimal macros
>putting books back on the shelf out of order instead of on the return cart
>reading sonnets in the poetry stack

Home library masterrace


>tfw you forget your last rep of math homework and you already lost your squat rack

Every day.

I think a pretty large part of Veeky Forums is guys who got to college and just started lifting, so yeah I'd guess most of them do work their brains

a lot of them seem to be engineers too. Don't know why that is, most of the kids in my engineering classes seemed to be pretty sociable well-off guys with game. I woulda thought all the 4channers would be in compsci

>Implying he is jacked

Just noticed the numale has Africa on his shirt.

Fucking cultural appropriation is what that is.