When did start doing trapbar deadlifts instead of conventional?

When did start doing trapbar deadlifts instead of conventional?

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Only idiots do this shit

i didn't


>instead of conventional?

It's a good QUAD accessory, but that's its only real use.

Would only do it if I didn't feel like squats.
Which is never.

>yeah let's do the workout that's physically easier to do, that will get me stronger

Assuming you're not a DYEL beginner, I can wholeheartedly recommend trap bar deadlifts as a good accessory, it's like a leg press except not shit

Lol enjoy your herniated disc

GOAT lift. Not even an accessory unless you're a plg autismo.

Trap bar squat, trap bar rdl and band good mornings or pull throughs. Better workout no risking shoulders, knees or spine. Many world renowned trainers use trap bar for this very reason. Also improves grip strength way better than conventional double overhand deadlifts.

I honestly feel sorry for the non competitive lifters who fall for the beginner meme routines. You need little more than a trap bar, pull up bar, bands and dumbbells for a better and safer workout.


But wtf is a trapbar rdl? I just use a regular bar

how does it improve grip strength better than double overhand deadlifts? i can pull way more with a trap bar than i can straight bar deadlift with a double overhand grip

I do them more like this exrx.net/WeightExercises/Hamstrings/TBStrBackStrLegDeadlift.html

But knees slightly bent, maybe? I feel it in my hamstrings like a mofo

My forearms get torn up pulling trap bar so fast. My fingers give out before I can pull that much weight double overhand. But then I can pull more doublel overhand after training with trap bar. Maybe it's a YMMV thing but for me it's a huge difference.

Lower back isn't a limiting factor, so you can go heavier which obviously trains grip

>since I'm too retarded to lift properly, everyone is as dumb as I am
Enjoy being weak


I'm sure you got a great physique with your 3plate deadlift and knowledge of mark rippetoe videos

>tfw trap bar dips

yeah i guess it's ymmv

i use do farmer walks with the trap bar to work on grip strength, but never really felt deadlifting with it was that great for grip

*i do farmer walks

The trapbar just feels right

Fuck conventional, trapbar is so smooth in every aspect. I hated banging my shins

I think it's that the bar doesn't stay stable in your hands so your forearms are challenged to keep the bar aligned that is the reason for the grip strength improvements. Some don't like this unstable aspect but I fucking love it.

at least when you're not using high handles, that is..

I used to train at Defranco's (pic source) back when they were still located in New Jersey. The reason Joe and Mike occasionally programmed trap bar deads was to avoid hip stress for athletes that needed to stay optimally healthy for their sports. Defranco's was never a bodybuilder or powerlifter gym, it is and always was designed for high school/college/pro athletic performance (predominantly football). Trap bar deads were sometimes programmed for quad work with minimal hip stress (due to higher hip starting position) so that these guys wouldn't fatigue during more important biomechanical drills.

In fact, Joe hardly ever programs barbell lifts. The NFL and pre-combine guys definitely bench, and occasionally squat, but I don't think I ever saw anyone do fewer than 3 reps. Never once saw a barbell deadlift performed in that gym.

what sport did you go there for? did you get to work with defranco personally?

>Defranco's was never a bodybuilder or powerlifter gym, it is and always was designed for high school/college/pro athletic performance
This always seemed to me to be a far more sensible way to train for the general populace because it mimics closer to real life stress than these beginner routines that seem more like an entry into powerlifting. Life rarely has you lifting several hundred pound objects with concise form rather you tend to move around and lift stuff which is mechanically closer to football athletes and the like.

Why do football players still bench if they're so obsessed with joint health and functional movements? Bench pressing is quite possibly the least functional barbell exercise and is really ONLY purposeful for powerlifting.

They use it as an anterior deltoid builder then hit shoulders in other ways. Defranco has shoulder routines with no heavy overhead pressing. I'm not a fan of heavy benching either but for football players, a lot of the game is pushing players forward like a bench press.

Quads of truth.

For ego lifting, duh


who cares about some french fruitcake ego lifting 2325205379023570 lbs?

fuck hes even got it elevated with 45 bumpers lmao.


>everything but muh beginner routine knowledge is ego lifting
that's WORLD's strongest man btw

>They use it as an anterior deltoid builder
Lol wut
>a lot of the game is pushing players forward like a bench press.
Tbh they'd be getting more out of deads and squats for that, what kind of fucking moron tackles by locking his arms out
It really is that simple, isn't it.

Are you fucking retarded m8?
I wont even try to figure out the deadlifts helping for blocking bit

But bench press hits the front delt,the wider you go (and shitter you make it biomechnically) the less the pec is used

>But bench press hits the front delt,the wider you go (and shitter you make it biomechnically) the less the pec is used
That is literally almost the exact opposite of how it works.

And if they really did care about joint health, to the extent that they eliminate the deadlift, again there are so so many better shoulder exercises than the bench press.

Bench press hits the front delts pretty well. Look at Triple H's 3d delts. He built them using bench press and shoulder variations. No heavy OHP.

And you have no clue how football works if you think I'm referring to tackling

>stiff arm
>pushing a player out

Being able to straight up shove another player out of the way/over is huge in football. It also helps with tackling to a lesser degree.


he's also a powerlifter.

Never, the trap bar at my gym sucks and the texture bites into your hands really badly.